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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Well the entry to the diary this morning simply said "Bugger" Escort duty for a bunch of F-4's. 4 Tornado's Armed with 4 Skyflash and 4 Sidewinders Full gun Drop tanks. Picked up Dodge flight shortly after takeoff and proceeded merrily on the way to target with Flt LT Tony "Getsome" Reid in the back whistling as per usual. Be okay if he could hold a tune but he holds a tune about as well as a screeching cat after someone's trod on its tail. Anyway at least I know when life is going to get interesting he shuts up... After a boring flight to the F-4's playground we where advised that a pair of 23's where coming to have a play and they where right damn closure of nearly 1400knots punched of the tanks and popped a Skyflash off when whistling gerty in the back advised me we had lock. Missile went stupid halfway out serves me right for firing at 20miles fired another at 5 miles and was rewarded with a bright explosion in the mist. My wingman nailed the other with a winder. Anyway Tactical advised us a pair of Mig-21's where coming up to play and we hurtled off after those but a pair of F-15's stole our thunder. So we went back to watch the Phantom's dropping bombs when holy hell broke loose the Reds had put in a pair of SA-10's Pucker factor went through the roof as these guys didn't muck about they splashed the 2 F-4G's providing cover I picked out one of the sites and dropped in low and picked out the Radar and strafed the living hell out of it no more Radar for that site as I was coming off what looked like an SA-9 was lining me up and I was inperfect position to splash that one as well. All I could do under the circumstances but it did allow our charges to escape after rearranging the brickwork they where commisioned to deal with. Tac then advised that another pair of Mig-21's where headed our way so off I went and dealt with those guys as I was turning for home a zip gun nailed me... Powered the engines right down and coasted back to good guy land helped that I was supersonic at the time damn these Tornado's are fast low down... had to pop the hood and get out as we came over the lines as we had practically lost all control... Hit the ground and rolled into a rock dislocating my shoulder and bruising my ribs... We where both picked up rather rapidly by a Lynx which was scouting nearby and off to hospital we went. The boss lady is happy that we survived. Should be back flying soon as the shoulder isnt too bad...
  2. Tomcat

    Patience is a virtue that too many dont know... so patience young one and wonderful things will happen...
  3. Upload Quota Reached..

    I see things have taken a turn for the worst the moderators have stumbled into Monty Python mode... And with the Shrubbery do you require a white picket fence...???
  4. Top 5 aircraft for next OFF installment

    DH-4 Snipe Gotha (Just to see how interesting it would be to shoot one down...) and a couple of Seaplanes 1 each of course... But hey I am still learning to fly my little Sopwith 1/2 Strutter so what do I know What no Partridge in a Pear Tree... oh hang on thats Christmas...
  5. That Su-25 in NF4+ is very flyable in SF2... been having a hoot of a time with it... all bombs and rockets...
  6. help settle a squabble

    I quite a few RADAR's currently in use still use Magnetrons...
  7. Jetting Through the Grand Canyon

    Why the music couldn't they have left the sound of the JET ??? Otherwise great footage
  8. A400M Finally...

    Bring back the Lightning and TSR-2... oh the Labour government scrapped the TSR2... and the Lightning survived by the skin of its teeth... I think the comment was it was too advanced in development to scrap it... Going back to the A400M yes its too Big for Tac Air and and too small for Strat Lift which is why I stated we ditch it in favour of C-17's and C-130's as our wonderful leaders have left us with no Aerospace at all sorry that was Labour again... Scrap the TSR2 for F-111 when that proved too costly we had to struggle on with Canberra's hmm make a good replacement for Tornado's better ranged etc oops better shut up otherwise the Government might scrap me instead...
  9. ATI or Nvidea

    I have the 4870 and I run on level 4 and my OFF looks wonderful...
  10. Swordfish

    Pretty stringbag... Just flown it for a quick spin round the block as you do and damn impressed does not say enough... Will have to put some more time in on it as I said only flew it for 15 minutes but a mighty good airplane....
  11. And my usual way to deal with their numbers involves a sidewinder...
  12. OFF screenshots

    Ouch so nice by eye's nearly bled...
  13. Possible repost

    For Lunch today I had :- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cj7bPQXEUfo&feature=related WW1 dogfighting... Knowing you guys you have seen them before...
  14. Fart to the Beat

    You sure it wasnt the drinks that where causing the issue??? What with the Newci Brown up there!!!
  15. help settle a squabble

    Valve electronics was all they had back in the 40's when they put airborne radars into Nightfighters... Also all the early radios etc would have also been valve types Transisters didn't really come into it until around the late 60's and early 70's... Tried the link but it didn't work... Hope it helps
  16. Pilot Officer Mark "Pirate" Graham is now Flying Officer Mark "Pirate" Graham... 4 Tornado's Skyflash and Winders with Tanks Full gun Well it was another early start for us... but I was only pencilled in for one sortie... CAP over a Red airbase. Take off was a bit bleary eyed not enough coffee in the system though my nav Flt LT Tony "Getsome" Reid was happy and was whistling some damn stupid tune. Anyway after gear up we headed East to prepare for the cap plan was for one pair high one pair low... Well that was the plan and as we all know no plan survives first contact with the enemy for us it began as we entered Red Airspace when an SA-10 and an 11 decided on popping a few missiles our way not fun at all dragged the flight low and we survived will have to tell Intel about that area. 50 miles later we had just started capping over the correct Airfield when a swarm of Mig-21's & 23's came storming in we broke and dealt with the jets as they came thankfully a bunch of Germans turned up in their F-4's as it was looking like a 4 vs 20+. I popped the first Skyflash off and nailed a Mig-21 at 3 miles followed by a winder kill on his wingman whilst this was going on Wing 3 & 4 where knocking a bunch of Mig-23's about quite successfully. Then it all went quiet far too quiet for my liking when up popped a flight of 4 Su-27's now life got interesting popped a Skyflash off at the same time as the 27 I was targetting fired a Radar Alamo at me screamed down to the deck and dodged the missile mine had gone stupid in the meantime. Turned back in and at 4 miles popped a sidewinder into him my first Flanker kill my second wasn't so easy this one didn't want to die and we ended up dogfighting like hell so close I could have thrown my boots at him... eventually got him out in front and he flew level long enough for a burst from the 27mm mauser took his wing clean off. The other 2 I don't know what happened to them as they where no longer around. Then the airfield we where capping launched a flight of Mig-21's up to us with which we despatched a lot easier I nailed 3 of them with a mixture of sidewinders & skyflash. To say the sweat was dripping of me was an understatement at this point we formed up and headed home. This is when we found out that my number 2 was missing not sure what hit him but we recieved a report that he took an Alamo in the shorts... For my flying skills in nabbing 7 red jets and 2 of those Flankers the boss lady decided on a field promotion... to Flying Officer... And then I spent the rest of the day talking to Intel about those flaming Flankers...
  17. OFF or RoF? Help the n00b!

    As per Olham and Widowmaker I also dont have ROF and have only owned OFF for about 4 months and its both immersive in a the way you battle for your pilot and the attention to detail is second to none. Okay so the only hassle is CFS3 but once I had them both it was straightforward to run just read the manual and then followed the instructions and it works beautifully... The time and effort gone into making the sim shows as well and as Widow states the rewards are worth it... Also the forums here are fantastic and amusing...
  18. Retreating

    I admit I dont run away I go home to get a bigger gun... Seriously though discretion is the better part of valour I have lost quite enough pilots trying to defeat the odds... Even when flying a plane far superior to the many opponents that are arrayed against me...
  19. strutter bombing practice

    Nothing wrong with a bit of low flying... very brisk in an early wake up call sort of way...
  20. No problems looks like you caught us on a good day and we are playing nice...
  21. Athmospheric Albatros Diorama

    Poor Olham would have to clean the rounds as well never know the belts might get all tangled in the mess... Thats if some enterprising person hasn't aquired the rounds for his own personal fireworks show... But on a Serious note it does look pretty... well for a German plane...
  22. A400M Finally...

    As far as the RAF is concerned and this IMHO we should ditch the A-400M and buy more C-17's and C-130J's eases costs the Aircraft are proven and there is a cadre of people who look after them now.. So now we throw in a halfway house plane which can do half the job of the C-17 and none of the job of the C-130J (ie short field rough landings I know they say it can do short field dirt strips but would you want one flying around that close to the frontline ???) The A-400M is a disaster over budget and too expensive hell the price they will be asking of it next is near enough the same as buying a C-17 or 3 C-130J's...
  23. Standard Mk 8* Series bombs... For AMI Luftwaffe and Marineflieger. The RAF used there own bombs but could carry Mk 8* Series bombs...
  24. Its a Mirage the ultimate in new optical illusions
  25. I use an ATI card and I am running everything on 4 and it runs wonderful... saying that I have always used ATI cards... after problems back in the late 90's with NVidia Cards and Intel chips... (I blew 2 cards and 3 233mhz processors). Moved to AMD and ATI never had any problems...

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