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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. An image worth a thousand words

    To the brave and fallen also to the brave and still with us. To all men and women in the Armed forces fighting the evil that is terrorism no matter where it is or how it is fought... Please remember that these men and women put their lives on the line, and sometimes give them, everyday in places that you may have never heard off... They are doing this so that you may live a full life and enjoy the pleasures of freedom. May their dreams and hopes never be forgotten no matter how long the time or how far the distance... These are the true hero's
  2. Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday...
  3. Der Ostwind

    I will admit I am not quite a Newbie... but I had never seen that before and found it very good...
  4. Internet Troll given prison sentence

    One thing that annoys me these days is the amount of time it is due to Aspergers or some other problem... seems to me as though they trot that line out when they get to the court... as it fecks it all up for those who really do suffer from any type of Mental illness... I know I am diagnosed with one fully documented etc. but I don't decide on defacing someones website or anything even when I am having a really bad episode. Fecking stupid idiots and because he has trotted out that he is ill he will get special treatment in prison as if thats not bad enough... my 2 pence worth...
  5. I would love to do so but for the next couple of weeks RL has got in the way slightly... as it has been since about July with work etc... If you need a tester after the start of October let me know...
  6. Bad enough to be making a sequel...

    Comment WTF!!!
  7. HOLY Brimstone! Must See!

    Tell you this much you don't want to be driving a tank or pretty much anything within around a 20KM area from the launch of one of these... and the mod2 has a laser seeker just in case...
  8. There is a book by General Sir John Hackett Called World War 3 which goes into some detail about the Swede's getting involved in WW3 where they scramble JA-37's to intercept Mig-25's and get ambushed and then retaliate attacking a Russian Air Convoy trying to take Bodo... Good reading if you can locate the book... been out of print for a quite a few years... but I like the idea of all of them the 63 campaign looks the more interesting though as it has a bit more variety and I like the idea of the 1986 one as well as it has some of my favourite airplanes in it...
  9. HOLY Brimstone! Must See!

    It seems to have a serious problem... it doesnt like anything on the Ground!!! also 12 per Tornado or the same on a Eurofighter
  10. Just picked this up from the Vulcan to the Skies guys... Today is the 51st anniversary of operation Skyshield I, in which seven of eight participating Vulcan B.2 bombers (like XH558) successfully penetrated US airs defences during a joint exercise, made their way to their targets and returned unscathed. A tremendous achievement for the Vulcan crews who’s tactics were masterful, and for the engineers who’s aircraft and electronic countermeasures proved to be the world’s finest. Years later, the Americans were still denying it. The above is what was written I did not write it... http://www.sonicbomb.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=121&mode&order=0&thold=0 I read it then checked the website and found it fascinating...
  11. 51 years ago today... Operation Skyshield 1

    Also Victor Belenko made it to Japan without them knowing until he parked his Mig-25 on the Runway... Also for those who own the Book Phoenix Squadron there is a part in there where they cut the US ADIZ near florida and where not intercepted even though they advertised they where coming through... on the way back though they where visited by a pair of F-102's...
  12. My Personal 9/11 Connection

    Very moving... thanks for sharing As to me I was asleep as I was working nights, I wasn't after that one as my ex-boss called me to put me on notice (I had been out of the military for 18 months but was on reserve) and my brother followed by a bunch of people I knew in the military...
  13. Last time I flew online was with an A-4 and damn was that fun...
  14. Thats what I did with the last NVidia card I bought... damn thing was useless... seriously I reinstalled my old card and took it back to the shop and bought a new ATI Card which worked perfectly... As they say Horses for Courses on what you prefer
  15. The OFF Poetry Corner

    Outstanding work there Wayfarer... yours or otherwise ?
  16. Can't play the game!

    No problems happy to help...
  17. Trenches vs Air.

    Sargent Major... I like your thinking there Widowmaker... though I think you would have to change your nickname slightly... To be honest I would be one of the Crazies as I would love to fly up there in one of those Crates as someone stated... As I did once rebuild a 20 year old motorcycle and within 3 weeks of finishing it I took it to Italy without a worry or a care... it got me there and if it wasn't for the French campsite which killed her she would have got me home happily and would still be running now...
  18. Read it as its in a book I found called Combat full of shorts... as to Guns only its the best way and only way to get a kill hmmm me thinks me and Fraps will have to go for a test drive... the winders are there to spice it up and in case there are more than one...
  19. Invisibility suit?

    This is a fake... Saying that my old Ghillie suit was fun as it allowed me to get close enough for my work provided I used it correctly and observed the area and modified it to accept the surroundings... Remember though that any invisibility suit which is made is going to be flawed one way or another and the biggest one is going to be heat from the powerpack for one and then the other battery life, both of which are going to be a drain on the trooper carrying them as at present they have to carry enough batteries to keep a kid happy at Christmas... torch gps radio camera thermal sight batteries etc... All done a Good Ghillie suit with a thermal shield built in and an operator who knows what he is doing and you can sit and watch someone or something for days or weeks (provided you have enough food etc)...
  20. If you have the old OFP around

    Interesting as I have OPF kicking around...
  21. Now this could get interesting going to have to reinstall with the Sept Patch... Been fooling around with scooters lately taking on those bigger faster and more trouble... A-4 vs Su-27 or Mig-29 anyone ??? Once I have more time I will be posting some up... As I want to DACT with the A-4G and K that have been released as well as the the Mirage IIIZ against the Mig-23...
  22. Can't play the game!

    Tell me about it as I will be doing a full reinstall when I get back home... As to what to do go to the managers workshop and there are 2 buttons marked CFS Reset and OFF reset or similar press the CFS Reset one first they are on the right hand side towards the middle of the screen... WARNING you may loose your pilots...
  23. Can't play the game!

    I have had that one a couple of times... always after not flying for awhile. Stary is correct and this should fix it if not its a full uninstall and reinstall well thats what worked for me anyway have to uninstall CFS3 just to be safe as well...
  24. And here's me last weekend just downloaded the Aug 11 Patch to reinstall the entire shooting match...
  25. Happy Birthday wpnssgt

    Happy Birthday

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