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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Here in Austria last year they reported 28ton's of unexploded ammunition from WW2 alone makes you wonder how much else is out there...
  2. Red Arrow Rookies

    I must admit WM I do agree... They may not be as loud as the Russian Knights Blue Angels etc... but they are certainly the most impressive...
  3. OT -- 1913 Harley Davidson

    My last bike I rebuilt out of a set of Boxes was a 1991 Kawasaki ZZR600 minus bellypan... took me 6 months and was ready for a trip back in 2009 to Italy unfortunately on the way home a French Camp Site gate did in for her... My plan was for the winter to complete her with a full respray etc add hard luggage racks and do a complete Engine rebuild but it never came to pass... So here she is at the Top of the Großglockner in Austria... It was September and there was snow everywhere. Possibly the best 3 week holiday I have ever had... Not worried about the number plate showing as she has been crushed and destroyed by the French Types...
  4. OT -- 1913 Harley Davidson

    Must admit the old bikes I worked on where more 1950's onward and fortunately I haven't had to deal with a Harley Tractor... nowadays I sit back and admire a good looking bike be it an MV Agusta MV4 or a Vincent Black Shadow... just keep me away from Harleys as I like to reduce them for parts... One from the past and one from the present god knows where it will be in the future...
  5. Buccaneer

    aaarrgggghhhh Dave Lad... pass me the Rum...
  6. Defrag before flying

    I always follow the plan if you don't learn something new every day I have done something wrong...
  7. Happy Birthday Spectre_USA

    Happy Birthday
  8. SF2 a time machine?

    I remember this on a Commodore C64... and my favourite area was North Cape and Central Europe because it was great and you where up against it all the time...
  9. Another Format :(

    Must admit Lou I also use the CoffeeCalculator for Mornings and nights but the afternoon I have a wonderful switcher that changes to Teatimer with a side addon of Crumpetstogo and for Sundays its a CreamJamSconefixer. Well being English I am allowed these sorts of things... On a More Serious Note I have to do another Format this weekend thats the 4th one in four weeks just to get marvellous OFF running... Damn you Microswipe...
  10. OT -- 1913 Harley Davidson

    I have worked on some old bikes before and have come to the conclusion after lots of skinned shins and bruised knees that an Electric start helps everytime...
  11. OFF's Haunting theme

    Me I want to be buried in my Biker gear with the a rotary Engine at my feet but hey as to the music well... I have a whole list I would like played just got to work out which one I want but I know this much I want people laughing when I go...
  12. Buccaneer

    And there's me searching for the search function...
  13. Fly by

    Great movie to watch... oh the sound of a rotary in the morning...
  14. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/01/13/usaf_scramjet_revived/
  15. OFF's Haunting theme

    Dambusters need I say anymore... But you are right the music can make or break a game imho...
  16. The confession of a troubled mind

    Alcohol does that to us I have had a few close calls with it to the point I barely drink nowadays, but as Nightshift stated it takes courage to first of all admit it and then more courage to start talking about it. For you the journey to recovery has started its continuing the way you have started by talking about it even if its on a forum. The hardest loss is losing your own sense of worth for this I understand. May your courage carry you to a successful outcome. And in dealing with this for yourself it is one step at a time. My best advice is simple write to yourself and keep writing, write down all the bad things as well as the good but keep at it for it may help or it may not. Good luck with this and whichever way you want to go just figure it out in your own time. May you be successful in this. As the guys above have said Proud to know you even though I don't know you in person.
  17. Must admit I have not tried for a week but me and old Win 7 (64) are having a serious falling out. Still having issues getting OFF to run. Another format and reinstall at the weekend me thinks.
  18. More Cuts for the US Military...

  19. Another Question.

    Oh they do do this... Only way to beat them is to get in quick...
  20. Can you upload OFF onto Steam?

    The moree we invest in Technology the further we go back... Whatever next the paddle wheel ??? Is this the Steam you are looking for ????
  21. Invisible tanks could be on battlefield within five years

    The tank version of the hidden sniper... If they can disguise the dust trail and flash when the weapons firing then its damn near perfect...
  22. Canberra= Fairey Battle

    I think for the Canberra it was designed to go in at high level at near as not full throttle. Unfortunately the SF series doesnt allow it to be used correctly as it was found like the Vulcan to be almost as manouverable as a fighter at 40000ft+ embarrassed a lot of Hunter pilots Javelin and Lightning fighters up there. Problem is they just fly straight and level and thats it nothing more. I did have a modded campaign on my old PC so that I could fly a campaign as a Canberra though I usually flew alone I normally went up past to 40000ft and if I picked up a fighter I would generally out-manouver him until he ran out of fuel and went home as the Canberra has buckets and buckets of fuel and the fighter would generally burn his fuel just getting up to me. Dealing with Mr SAM was a different proposition I lost a few to SAM's as no ECM or countermeasures onboard I was tempted to mod it to include Chaff at least. If flown correctly it can survive but SF cannot fly it correctly IMHO.
  23. TacPack for FSX

    I will think about it when or if it happens... Though from that preview video it doesn't look too bad... But and here's the big one will it work correctly ?
  24. President Barack Obama is visiting a Glasgow hospital. He enters a ward full of patients with no obvious sign of injury or illness, He greets one and the patient replies: Fair fa your honest sonsie face, Great chieftain o the puddin race, Aboon them a ye take yer place, Painch, tripe or thairm, As langs my airm. Obama is confused, so he just grins and moves on to the next patient. The next patient responds: Some hae meat an canna eat, And some wad eat that want it, But we hae meat an we can eat, So let the Lord be thankit. Even more confused, and his grin now rictus-like, the President moves onto the next patient, who immediately begins to chant: Wee sleekit, cowerin, timorous beasty, O the panic in thy breasty, Thou needna start awa sae hastie, Wi bickering brattle Now seriously troubled, Obama turns to the accompanying doctor and asks, "Is this a psychiatric ward?" "No Mr President" replies the doctor, "this is the serious Burns unit." Oldie but still funny...
  25. If any one has Falcon 4.0 allied force

    You might need to run in Admin mode or in XP Mode... as sometimes Win7 causes this issue.

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