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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Thats called being Stupid Brave but Stupid... might be a good idea to go find something your own size to annoy like a Mig-17... but I suppose we have all been in that situation at one time or another... but brave try...
  2. BE2c question

    Must admit I have just started a new campaign with the Sopwith Strutter B1 (No rear gunner) so thats going to be fun since I am so used to flying with a rear gunner... I have done a couple of test flights in the BE2 and its a good training airplane I think...
  3. It's in the B-1B Redux... in SF2 Downloads...
  4. Historical accuracy of the OFF terrain

    Comment to all new people... do not annoy UncleAl as he has a razor sharp tongue that is titanium coated... but his words of wisdon are truly that words of wisdom... He's like the old pilot in the corner of the bar that no-one dare approach but when he's had a drink he is willing to partake of his wisdom freely, provided you don't annoy him... but he's a big softy at heart and we all know it... to UncleAl thank you for your words of wisdom and your time in creating your sticky's etc...
  5. Okay you need to download everything for ODS first and make sure your WOE is patched to 2008... then unpack and install as easy as that... The files where fine when I downloaded them last month. As to what to expect in it... USAF F-15 to A-10's and anything in the middle USN Tomcats Hornets Intruders Corsair II's Marines Harriers Hornets Intruders RAF Tornado's F-3 and GR1 Jaguars Italian Air Force Tornado's and RF-104G's and a few more I cannot remember. Even though I have SF2 I still love it for the toughness of it... it is also an extemely well thought out and made Mod. It is possibly the only flight sim mod for Desert Storm well until the next one With regard to the comments about no text speak etc it is very valid as some of the people here are old timers... me for instance I have been Flight simming since about 1985ish... and even though I have a mobile a Blackberry and work in IT I still do not understand text speak etc and I would assume that a lot of others don't.
  6. Started Playing Old Sims

    And I will third that comment Widowmaker old chap... though I have been trying out some of the other additions to CFS3 lately... and the MTO ETO et al are all pretty darned good...
  7. And old Rickitycrate there will be no crying into your cake and ice cream... makes the other chaps nervous...
  8. Consider buying OFF

    I have said it before and will happily say it again every forum should have an UncleAl... at least then you know when you are being truly stupid... And you chaps with the Casablanca thing going on... Of all the Simulations in all the world we fly this one...
  9. New FM mod is in the works

    Outstanding work your doing Herr Prop-Wasche...
  10. Realistic Survival Settings

    Also don't forget Uncleal to put pencils in your ears and your underwear on your head...
  11. Ideas For A New WWI Aviation Trivia Contest

    I am like that old chap Widowmaker lack of knowledge first class idea old man... I will admit I spent yesterday trying to think of ideas but this mad thing called work kept getting in the way totally uncalled for if you ask me... Anyway I have no ideas my knowledge of WW1 is a bit vague in places I know more of the ground war than the air war...
  12. Just get HiR!

    Welcome to the Ring old Chap...
  13. What the...CAPTURED?!?

    On the regards of Coffee I am under orders from the office and my boss in Amsterdam to drink coffee... none of this seeing what happens when I dont drink it... And who am I to agrue with 140 people in my office... it would be damn un-English of me...
  14. Widowmaker old chap I am sure you have had one near miss too many... and thats just in the bar... why would we ever think that you where mad as the old hatter ??? and we know that you have been waiting patiently...
  15. I run on hard settings... but I like a challenge and I love every minute of it... just need a TrackIR setup to make the most of it...
  16. old games

    Possibly by using the Old Dosbox freeware but not too sure on that as I have not tried it myself...
  17. Cars 2 coming in 2011

    Still need to get round to watching Cars 1 as whenever I set to watch it people decide its a good time to disturb me... And FC your right some of the Pixar stuff is fantastic though in the Cinema its great that they do a little short movie as well which is just as well crafted and harks back to when they used to show a cartoon or short movie back in the 70's... And yes I am a child at heart as it allows me to find wonder still in everyday things...
  18. What the...CAPTURED?!?

    Raf_Lou that quote is priceless... and made me laugh this morning... Still not managed this feat yet but knowing me it will be done at some point...
  19. Up To The Challenge?

    Rules are in the First post... but come on in no rules on what you fly provided its a campaign... main rule is follow the first rules in the above link and then remember to post... But the number one rule is to have fun and share the experiences... I must admit I am just getting back into it with an Operation Desert Storm after a month or so away I will be putting posts in again shortly...
  20. Consider buying OFF

    Greetings Elephant, Welcome to the madness that is OFF (in a great way)... I fly only offline in OFF and have been flying for a year and its an amazing flight sim very immersive and the support provided here is fantastic... Hope your OFF lands soon and that you enjoy your brief moments in the sky... Oh and as your the new guy I will settle for an Irish Coffee... Also as to the campaign in OFF welcome to the War in High Def where you get to participate the only thing missing is the smell of the castor oil and the smell of cordite...
  21. Poised for 'the Scourge'

    Must admit I dived straight into DiD but thats how I have been flying since I started flying combat sims in 1985. Normally all Sims I have flown I have not had too many problems with but this one is outstanding in that it makes me work for my kills, and I don't have to work on how to die... the AI is quite capable at doing that one for me... Also if you have a problem the wonderful guys and girls here do a sterling job of helping you out... Also it helps with the immersion into the game as to baby steps sorry I don't know how to help with training wheels... as I approached OFF with the same mentality as they did in WW1 about 10 flights in QC in Freeflight and then off I went to the Front... and to be honest I am amazed everytime I fly no matter what the outcome. One thing I enjoy is the Paul Baum saga helps to see it from the other side so to speak and no matter for who you fly it makes it worthwhile to fly knowing if you have problems or something the wonderful people here will read it and offer you advice or if it is you providing the advice its readily read. My Thanks to the OBD guys for creating this wonderful wonderful time consuming Flight Sim... To all the rest of you Olham Widowmaker Raf_Louvert etc etc etc I could type all day and not be done my thanks to you all... May the skies be blue around you and may you fight with dignity in these virtual skies that we all inhabit
  22. Why did you think I downloaded it came back empty with no Warsaw Pact left... possibly some of Nato Damaged... 24 SRAM's make a mighty mess...
  23. air show china 2010

    Nice images from the China air show... nice to see something Eastern for a change...
  24. First of all many thanks to those Skinners involved and who are willing to put together the time to do this... I raise my Hat to you fine chaps and mines the next round at the bar...

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