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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. OT...I'm back

    Sometimes leaving it as built does make your life so much easier... must admit I don't go in for overclocking generally only done it a few times to see what the differences would be. Most of the time my modifications are software based or changing out the Video card or Ram... Best advice I was given was buy the best motherboard you can because if there is a bottleneck its going to be there on a cheap motherboard.
  2. Well I have returned to the fray once more... (My Laptop runs OFF wonderfully in some ways better than my old desktop did ) anyway I digress... I am flying in a Bomber Jasta down near the Swiss border... I have only one question, so far, will someone for the love of mike tell me how to land the Roland CII !!! So far takeoffs are a breeze wind up the engine slowly to about 90% and a bit of rudder and airborne we are... Landing engine back to 0% settle gently like in the strutter and oh the left wing digs in every time... so far out of 10 landings 8 have ended in me pranging the kite... the other 2 times I still wrecked the left wing... Its always the left wing without fail... even on a perfect 3 pointer. I do have wind switched on but I orbit the field and figure out what way the wind is running and normally land into the wind perfectly. Apart from that not a lot I can think of... I have not installed HiTR yet, I am awaiting my new Xmas Present my new desktop PC. A quad cored AMD Phenom II Black 3.2ghz, all I can afford at present due to moving. I was hoping my PC from the UK would make it but turns out there is a crack in the motherboard Thankfully everything else is fine especially the video card...
  3. Back in the Campaigns...

    Thanks for the advice... but I need the crosswinds its fun even though life gets interesting... normally with draggers I have no problem in FSX or FS2004 or other crates in OFF but the Walfisch just gives me problems on the landing...
  4. OT - FaceTrackNoIR

    now this is interesting... might have to give it a whirl when I get some free time...
  5. Back in the Campaigns...

    It's okay it helps as at the present I am attempting to learn Deutsch Austrian Style along with the food the schanpps the wine... the ladies...
  6. Back in the Campaigns...

    Well Track IR I have not yet got round too... and I apologise but the squadron I am with feel like a hunting squadron... Rolands that carry no bombs and go out chasing Crumpet fighters... that to me is hunting especially in the Walfisch...
  7. Back in the Campaigns...

    Many thanks... I will give this a try as to press I have been attempting 3 pointers. As to Paul Blum I have been reading it whilst I have been away from the front. Still feels strange flying a German machine especially when the RFC guys across the lines are making my life interesting... and as to the FFA I think I am in the same one as your Paul Blum flying in 1916... The one great thing about the Walfisch is it does like its speed good for running away when trying to take on the Bebe's...
  8. audio magic

    all I can say is... Does it go to 11 ??? Seriously though I have maxed mine out a time or 2 and it is great fun especially in the Soccer World Cup with people screaming because someone has fallen over or something daft. It's great in Winter when I can't fix motorcycle engines without the exhaust system...
  9. B-26K

    Is it just me or does everyone get the Mighty Mouse cartoon theme tune go through their head when they view this ???
  10. Movies... and OFF

    Okay quick question is there a way I can switch the Movies off in OFF... I seem to remember something but the gray matter and too much alcohol last night seem to be having a stutter... OFF works fine when in QC but when I go to do a campaign the movies freeze and then crash out. Also the Movies don't show either I think this may be because I don't have whichever player installed and I cannot remember them... Can someone help thanks in advance... PS I scanned through the KB but didn't seem to get anywhere so apologies if its already there... Okay ignore the above its me being Stupid... I forgot there was a switch campaign Movies off in the Workshop doh... See children too much alcohol the night before leaves you with a malfunctioning brain...
  11. HMS Astute or Not so Very...

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-11605365 Ooops a bit of bad driving... The government slashing the military the next day someone parks the latest Attack Sub on a Rock... Hmmm coincidence ???
  12. Happy Birthday Daddyairplanes

    Happy Birthday...
  13. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/africaandindianocean/democraticrepublicofcongo/8078612/Aircraft-crashes-after-crocodile-on-board-escapes-and-sparks-panic.html
  14. THE f***?

    I think that this one comes under... Your last best move ever... because if you screw it up your dead... Move!!! Everyone should have a last best move just in case...
  15. OT..To keep you amused

    Nice and easy... now where's my P4 ????
  16. Phase 4 Screenshot comments

    I have to admit I have had another good look today using one of the ahem Special PC's we have in the office... its okay no-one saw me so its safe... only problem was I had to go to the basement to bring my Jaw back up from the 8th Floor and the lift had stopped working. Damn they are impressive screenies especially seeing what the base is I am totally amazed at what some people can do with 10 year old software... now if anyone wants me I am going to lie down in a darkened room to recover now where's my brandy... To all who are working on this my thanks for showing us what is next... now can I pre-order it??? Please pretty please with Strawberries and Cherries...
  17. Oooops

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-11591213 Did he loan them to Monica for safe keeping ??? http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5ime63UPZ2ph-QXAXRXWJdWlHwB7A?docId=CNG.55c503ebe84a0eea27eb368cc04917d2.201 This link is for those who cannot view the BBC...
  18. Aaaaahhhh the old Multi Kill with one bomb Tactic... Are we sure Dave's not Scottish well part anyway being rather thrifty with the weapons... And the Yak-38 I perfered it in the Blue...
  19. OT...I'm back

    Hey me I used to ride motorcycles and was a qualified Sniper... 10 out of 10 out to 800metres everytime!!! Must be the Motorbikes... and the falling off!!!
  20. OT...I'm back

    Herr Olham I have so much fun flying OFF that sometimes I do collide with the Crumpet in my poor Ennie... and I must have been through 6 pilots this week already... I always try to get in as close as possible. I think the difference is that in the Strutter the gun is on the Centreline where as the gun on the Ennie is offset to the right... but as you say I will get there. Just Practice Practice Practice.
  21. OT...I'm back

    Welcome back old chap... must admit after 5 months off with a new joystick and I still can't hit the side of a barn at 2 paces with a shotgun... Last night flew a test flight and managed with the entire belt from a spandau to only lightly smoke a BE2C... and there where times I was so close I could have hit him with the kitchen sink... if I had thrown it at him...
  22. Happy Birthday Ironroad

    Happy Birthday
  23. Where's Samuel L Jackson when you need him ?

    Well I checked twice myself and yes its real...
  24. Dogfight: F-16 block 50\52 vs F-15C

    To the F-16 question... The Israeli Air Force prefer the early A model they have as a dogfighter and the late models to bomb trucks... They do seem to have the best experience with them I think as a fighter... Also a question like this is not a good one as the pilots of all the jets will fight to their jets best abilities A Flanker will stand off and wear you down and will only close in if required same with the eagle why use a heater when you can kill at 40nm with an Amraam ? As to the Block 50/52 your going to fire your Amraams first. No sense in causing problems for yourself... Thats how the Tornado F-3's worked over F-16's hit them with Skyflash from BVR that way no tangling with a jet more agile than you...
  25. Aerosoft nimmt Jet Thunder unter seine Fittiche!

    Outstandingly wonderful... :clapping:

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