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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Campaign Red Storm SF2 Europe Nato IV+ Pilot Lt Ted "Sniper" Hawke. Airfield Leipheim Sortie one... War has been on the cards for months from what the Intel guru's say. Me I ain't sure though I know this much flying a Hog over the pond is not a pleasant way to spend 14 hours or so... Been here 2 weeks getting to know the area and practising flying off the Autobahn's etc (hope it doesnt come to that as we already lost one jet to it hitting a bridge thankfully the driver got out okay). Anyway as the Intel guru's stated war arrived with a bang... 28th October it started out and man life got interesting just hope I survive. We got called at dawn to be on standby... We launched about 06:20 and headed out to provide Close Air Support... Its what the hog does and does well... Loadouts 4 A-10A's 6 Mavericks (2 with AGM 65D and 2 with AGM 65B) 2 Rocket pods 2 Winders Jamming pod Full gun Okay take off and form up was straight forward just like out of flight school apart from the extra weight of ordnance that is, we joined up and head to the target area at 300knots 5000ft in case of trouble we can head on down. We where directed to make a rear attack on a Russian Armoured Regiment which was attacking a very very thin line of our guys I think all they had was 6 tanks dug in and ground troops not a good place to be with a Russian Armoured group headed your way as we moved in a pair of Mig-21's bounced us looked like they where recon Mig's anyway I ordered the others to attack the ground units while I dueled with the Mig's and planted a Sidewinder into one of them the other though was bagged before I could line up the gun on him as my second winder had missed... That fun taken care off it was time to go to work and hit the tanks T-72's I was told well I noticed on my attack my wingmen getting shot at from 2 gun batteries so one Maverick silenced the Zoo and the rockets finished the M1939... My wingmen where doing a sterling job of dealing with the tanks and I waded in firing my 5 Mavericks for five and then setting to work with my gun which killed another 14... And you wonder on the nickname... My number 2 took a hit from an SA-3 but still made it home this hog is one tough mother... But wing 4 didn't make it we had him call SAM launch and that was it... Anyway after finishing off the ground units 3 and me joined up and went after 2 caught him up about 50 miles west and we then shepherded him home we all landed okay but looks like one jet is in for some serious work... Kills for me 21 Tanks 1 ZSU-23-4 1 M1939 and one Mig-21
  2. Okay my new Campaign is on... I am going to be driving the A-10 over Europe SF2 Nato Fighters IV+ to see how long I can survive... I was testing out the Tornado GR1B but I think after all the high speed flying I have been doing the A-10 is just the way to cool it down... will post more once I have more... And LT remmeber get what you can and go home as going for one more causes a minor problem like getting shot down...
  3. Holy #$&!

    Okay thats a great video... So where can I get it ?
  4. a question for the devs

    Well my desktop runs it fine though I have been doing some hard work on the laptop and it runs fine for a couple of hours at high temps so I can get a couple of flights in... But I have got myself an old PC with a 3.2ghz single core chip with 2 gigs of ram running on XP just need to get a Video Card for it and it should run OFF like a dream as it will be practically the only thing on there... Oh and it also has a great 24inch LCD screen to go with... Just checking out a video card and thats going to cost me around 50pounds for a half decent one... so for a grand outlay of 75euro's I get a dedicated OFF PC...
  5. Interesting I have seen a couple of videos but I have not seen much of the mod apart from that...
  6. Let L-410A

    Great work I remember stooging around in these on FS2004...
  7. a question for the devs

    No I fly back to England on the 3rd October and I get back to my rig... as I still haven't got it set up on my Laptop... I brought the discs with me but left the 2nd CFS3 Disc in my desktop PC... doh...
  8. a question for the devs

    I will arrange for a new dosage... once I get my dose of flying OFF again... 13 Days to go...
  9. a question for the devs

    Herr Olham keep taking your medication...
  10. Rafale knocked out from Indian MRCA contest

    Well if the Rafale is out I think the only jet left is the Eurofighter...
  11. Show off your Desktop!

    Yeah thats a messy desktop... best to stick all those Rar files into a Folder... Helps for when you Backup too... I get it at work my PC is slow thats because you have nearly a gigs worth of data on your desktop... sheesh some people...
  12. Microsoft Flight Sim Discussion

    Love flying a fast jet up there or should that be down there... normally its something like a Tomcat but occasionally I try out the Vulcan Bomber with one rule... No going over the top of the walls unless terrain forces you to do so...
  13. No I disagree and I am sure Fastcargo would as well as he got lit up by a low light laser a few weeks back while driving a jet about... The plane was landing at RAF Leuchars... doesn't matter that it was a lowlight laser it illuminated the cockpit not once but twice... What would have happened if the pilot had been distracted and made a mistake and crashed into a house or a school? In the UK there has been a huge increase in people lighting up Jets both military and commercial in either the landing or take off pattern. Even though its low power laser hitting the cockpit could be magnified by angles etc... blinding the pilot for a few seconds or making it difficult for him/her to see instruments etc... Jailing people for doing this is the right idea as its downright stupid as well as dangerous. If you where in a passenger seat of a jet landing would you be happy with some fool lighting it up with a low yield laser ??? for sure I wouldn't be...
  14. Wrench... you have lost your marbles...
  15. Okay as has been said there has been a case of new Malware coming out... Correction its old malware but with a shiny new box... it will crash your IE or Firefox or any other browser for that matter as its a nasty little piece of work... Until the lovely people at whichever virus checker etc you use catch up there's not a lot that can be done. Unless you want to unpick it yourself which is a nightmare to do... Lets put it this way at the company where I work the idea is to just format the HD and then re-install clean, which takes us about 6 hours. Problem is the malware downloads your lists from Outlook etc and forwards the emails on... We had 2 cases in my office and once we did the format re-install all was fine... Sorry to be the bearer of bad news...
  16. Show off your Desktop!

    Well here's my latest updated desktop for my Laptop makes me smile... This is the original post I found whilst looking for Aviation Pictures... looks right to me a a bit banged up... just need to set it as the desktop and all is happy...
  17. Re installing

    Here you go :- http://www.microsoft.com/games/combatfs3/downloads.aspx#update3.1 Just click and select CFS Update 3.1 2 more weeks and I get back in the skies for 2 weeks and then more time away
  18. The RN is to get its teeth pulled

    To be honest I am surprised BAe didn't think of it... They then get to build the boats and get work building the Eurofighter for the boats...
  19. Damn right he should be jailed... I don't care what he says shining a laser at a plane is dangerous no matter where you are trying to hit... should have been locked up for longer... as 4 months will most likely be around 4 weeks.
  20. Happy Birthday Brain32

    Happy Birthday...
  21. Well Done Prince William

    oh boy here goes another round of TV Drama... just let the guy do his job... remember that on the Seaking rescue birds there are 3 other people...
  22. NASA's UFO footage

    Mork calling Orson come in Orson... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdz4dCMGbbw Seriously folks who would want to fly a gazillion miles to this backwater of the galaxy just to have fun... There is a very good probability of life out there but is it any more evolved than we are ? As to UFO's I ahve seen some stuff in my life that defies explantion but isn't that all part of the mytery of life ?
  23. NVIDIA Graphic Card disabled - error Code 43

    As to the drives getting damaged back at the yard here's some advice Advice 1 copy the Hard Drive... Advice 2 Copy the Hard Drive Advice 3 See advice 1 and 2... You never know what they are going to try they may well strip the drive and reinstall to make sure its not a software issue... even though this is 100% a Hardware fail...
  24. OT Aimed at the Brits

    Thats classic against the good old Daily Mail...
  25. X3 TC... Great Mod...

    Okay I have reloaded my X3 TC onto a laptop and while I was looking around and I cam across this website http://www.xforum.chaos.net.nz/ I have been playing this mod now for a week and it is damn good... It has new spaceships and new mission sets along with new music backgrounds etc... The ships are mixes between Star Wars... Battlestar Galactica... Firefly... Babylon 5 etc and then there are a whole bunch of others... and to get them you have to do missons for a new Space dock... A vote out of 10 on this one because I am starting brand new again is around 8.5 which for a mod I have been playing for a week means that score is bound to go up again...

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