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Everything posted by ivanbasic

  1. Version Version 1.0


    This is my version of an Su-30 fighter aircraft. I tuned it up. The handling is better like everything else included Engine power and aircraft weight and much much more. I hope you are going to enjoy it as much as I do. I also make it have skins like Su-35BM but ehm where is the fun :) I was really lazy to make original skins so I added those. *Special Thanks goes to Jahm the creator of this aircraft and X RAY for awesome skinz* ---- Instalation instructions ---- 1. Su-30MK2 goes to Aircraft folder 2. Effects to Effects 3. Sounds to Sounds 4. Enjoy!
  2. Cheers everyone! Recently I have been working on a model of the Airbus's A330-200. The model is basically done in 3ds max. Therefore I have a few questions to ask this lovely community. Is there anyone who would like to participate in the project of making this bird happen in a way of making animations in 3ds max as I don't understand program that much yet? (I am a rookie) Then after all is done, is there anyone who would make skins for it? And finally is there anyone who would convert it to SF1 games? I will post few pictures on how the model looks, and I would like you guys to consider all of this. Thanks in advance! Best regards. Pavle.
  3. IL-76 Candid

    Greetings authors of this marvel! I have a question concerning this bird. Is there a way of converting it to work in SF1, and how? Thanks in advance, best regards!
  4. B-1B Lancer for WOE

    Hello the folks! Thank you very much for liking this bird! It has been a while since the last time I was here... I had some things going on in my life and had to focus on my carrier... Enough of this, now I am back and probably will continue doing what I do pretty darn good I think! Mod WoE!!! If you have any questions please ask them at CombatAce mail and I will try to answer you in the shortest possible time. Cheers!
  5. B-1B Lancer for WOE

    Version version 1.1


    Hello everyone! Here is an updated version of the Rockwell's B1-B Lancer as demanded. I want to make you who download this bird enjoy it as much as I do or even more if this is your favourite aircraft! B-1B Lancer for Wings Over Europe (Only tested there, I have no idea if it's gonna work elsewhere) I am not an author of this masterpiece. I just tried and succeeded in converting it to SF1/WOE and made it playable, not AI anymore. Very special thanks goes to Dels and the Bone Team! Without them, some (including myself) would only see this Lady on Google images. Also big thanks to the unknown author for making cockpit, and the guy who uploaded it, alvatototal! I am really sorry if I forgot to put other names to the list... So, few words about the aircraft. I have tested it as mention before in WOE only (patch October 2008). Tried it out in Normal flight mode, as I found it the best, so I have no clue and I am lazy to check out how it performs on Hard flight mode. New things: There is a RADAR added to it! Looks a little bit primitive tho, but it works, and if it's stupid and it works, it's not stupid! :D The engine power is buffed slightly, and oh boy, the maneuverability! At least it's good for my taste... Also added some magic of mine ;) I wonder if you could tell from the new screenshot I put but if you can't... Check out the afterburners :) Installation instructions: 1. put B-1B folder into your "Aircraft" folder 2. put content from the "Sounds" folder to your "Sounds" folder 3. put content from the "Effects" folder into your "Effects" folder 4. ENJOY!!! Any questions, suggestions? FEEL FREE TO COMPLY! Either to my email address (pajincewoe@gmail.com) or message at combatace site. Best regards, Pavle
  6. Version Version 1.0


    Finally! A finished version of an SKM version of Su-27. Looking awesome. Still needs a little more details but who cares, you wouldn't notice them and neither will I. xD Special thanks to MarcFighters and the whole team who participated in making this bird! Cheers P.S. Lazy to change screenshots... Sorry about that but it is different aircraft totally.
  7. Version Version 1.0


    Thanks to Brain32 I made this aircraft flyable in SF1/WoE! Cheers Brain32 Very good and maneuverable bird with a lot of things to worry about for the enemies ^.^ Tip: be careful with all that fire power this baby can carry, it can deal a lethal damage to the ones in front... Have fun guys! Best regards, Pavle
  8. File Name: B-1B Lancer for WOE File Submitter: ivanbasic File Submitted: 30 January 2016 File Category: Multi Engined Aircraft Hello everyone! Here is an updated version of the Rockwell's B1-B Lancer as demanded. I want to make you who download this bird enjoy it as much as I do or even more if this is your favourite aircraft! B-1B Lancer for Wings Over Europe (Only tested there, I have no idea if it's gonna work elsewhere) I am not an author of this masterpiece. I just tried and succeeded in converting it to SF1/WOE and made it playable, not AI anymore. Very special thanks goes to Dels and the Bone Team! Without them, some (including myself) would only see this Lady on Google images. Also big thanks to the unknown author for making cockpit, and the guy who uploaded it, alvatototal! I am really sorry if I forgot to put other names to the list... So, few words about the aircraft. I have tested it as mention before in WOE only (patch October 2008). Tried it out in Normal flight mode, as I found it the best, so I have no clue and I am lazy to check out how it performs on Hard flight mode. New things: There is a RADAR added to it! Looks a little bit primitive tho, but it works, and if it's stupid and it works, it's not stupid! :D The engine power is buffed slightly, and oh boy, the maneuverability! At least it's good for my taste... Also added some magic of mine ;) I wonder if you could tell from the new screenshot I put but if you can't... Check out the afterburners :) Installation instructions: 1. put B-1B folder into your "Aircraft" folder 2. put content from the "Sounds" folder to your "Sounds" folder 3. put content from the "Effects" folder into your "Effects" folder 4. ENJOY!!! Any questions, suggestions? FEEL FREE TO COMPLY! Either to my email address (pajincewoe@gmail.com) or message at combatace site. Best regards, Pavle Click here to download this file
  9. B-1B Lancer for WOE

    Hey, thanks for the heads up! Glad you like it. I will try to add the radar and as soon as I do, it will be updated.
  10. Cockpit B-1

    This is very cool... One question tho. Where could I find the plane itself?
  11. MIG-29 OVT Fulcrum

    Amazingly done job there mate! I am overexited to see this machine thundering!
  12. Version Version 1.1


    Hello volks! THIS IS NOT MY MODEL, but I menaged to find it and I forgot which site was that... Not A-Team Skunkworks... The one on that site doesn't work for me. I don't know who made this model but I owe him/her BIG thanks! Cheers! Big thanks to yet another unfamiliar person to me for making the pilot I used and added here! And last but not the least big big thank you goes to Bongodriver whose cockpit I used! I haven't tried this game anywhere else besides Wings Over Europe with October 2008 Patch! After spending hours trying to figure out how some stuff work, I decided to update this little marvel! So... what are the new stuff or let's say updated ones? 1: Massive improvement on the skin itself! Took me forever to do it the way it mostly resembles to the real plane. 2: Further adjustments of maneuverability. 3: Added some of the effects which it didn't have before. e.g. Fuselage Vortex Emitter 4: Fixed LOADOUT.ini file 5: Check out those afterburners! ;) 6: It has it's own pilot now, not the default pilot anymore. Installation instructions: 1: put content from the "Aircraft" folder to Your "Aircraft" folder 2: put content from the "Sounds" folder to Your "Sounds" folder 3: put content from the "Effects" folder into Your "Effects" folder 4: ENJOY PLAYING THIS BABY AS MUCH AS I DO! I think that is it for now. I am not sure if I've forgotten something to mention. If you have any questions or suggestions, I would LOVE to hear them! Best regards, Pavle!
  13. It's in Strike Fighters Project 1 in Modern Soviet Aircraft... Download whole package and just use Data from it and maybe effects cause it really looks cool :) But make sure you have a backup of your original Data cause I can't tell if the new one is going to handle well...
  14. Hey sorry I failed to read the first time. I thought you wanted to decide about which game you want to play -.- Well try downloading my aircraft... Not mine but ehm I made it awesome. I think you will have one hell of a good maneuverable fighter without getting stalled often. Or stalled at all. I haven't played SF2 and I am not sure how it will show there but I think it's gonna be cool.
  15. If you are playing Wings Over Europe I can help you. If you do install October Patch and set flight model to the Medium + download mine Su-27SKM and rip out the wings of a butterflies ;)
  16. Su-27SKM Flanker for SF1/WoE

    Constructive critics welcomed... Would really like to see them a lot so I could improve myself in the future.

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