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About howling1

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  1. That's correct. Phamtuan did the skin. I just uploaded it for him...
  2. J-10A

    Usually, when the plane doesn't appear, it means the that the aircraft folder name & the aircraft config.ini names don't match. They have to match exactly...
  3. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...sst&id=1498 File Name: Superfortress Pack v1.5 File Submitter: howling1 File Submitted: 31 Jul 2005 File Updated: 7 Feb 2008 File Category: Allied Bombers File Version: v1.5 Website: No Information Superfortress Pack v1.5 ========================================================================================= INSTALLATION : 1. Drop the folders called "B-29B" and "Washington B.1"into your "Aircraft" directory. ( Strike Fighters/ Objects/Aircraft or Wings Over Vietnam/Objects/Aircraft ) 2. Open the "Add To Sounds" folder and drop the two .wav files into your Sounds Folder. 3. You should have the most current weapons pack installed, as well as the latest patch. ( Strike Fighters SP3.1 standard, or WOV Patch 2 standard ) ======================================================================================== NOTES: A. MontyCZ's original release of the B-29 was as an AI Only aircraft. There are reasons for this in that SFP1 currently doesn't support heavy bombers targeting systems. However, sim pilots ( being what they are ) will want to take these birds for a spin. To this end, the config.ini has been modified to use an A-4B cockpit, so these birds are flyable. The data.inis have been modified so that the Copilot is not visible ( preventing the disconcerting image of the copilot hanging out in space while you're flying ). B. There are a number of minor errors: the Washington B.1's upper forward turret should have 4 .50s visible instead of two barrels visible on the model. The extras guns are there in the data.ini. The tail gun position on the B-29B should have the 20mm barrel showing ( it's in the data.ini ). You have the extra guns, they just don't show. ======================================================================================== ISSUES: 1. Monty's original release was AI only. I have adjusted the planes so that the A-4B cockpit can be used. Currently, there is both a B-29 cockpit & a working bombsight mod in the works. Until such time as they are released, consider the A-4B pit as a placeholder. You will need to enable the copilot to be seen in the data.inis when you upgrade to a new cockpit. 2. On some terrains, the friendly airfields will not be long enough in order for the B-29s to take off. I have changed the minimum base size from LARGE to MEDIUM in order for the B-29s to be compatable with more terrains. This can be adjusted in the data.ini by changing this line : MinBaseSize=MEDIUM You can change the base size by replacing MEDIUM with either LARGE, or SMALL. ======================================================================================= CREDITS : 1. Many Thanks to MontyCZ for kindly allowing me to release these mods of his B-29. 2. Hangarscreens by "The Wrench". 3. PropLoop4 is based on Pinch's PropLoop3, with the speed slowed & reversed to provide a "deeper" engine .wav. Enjoy! Bob "Howling1" Hauser Click here to download this file
  4. File Name: AMX Nations Upgrade Kit File Submitter: howling1 File Submitted: 29 Jun 2005 File Updated: 10 Sep 2007 File Category: Light Attack and Trainers NOTE: This is an Upgrade Kit For Rafael's AMX v2.0 That Converts The AMX To Both Italian & Brazilian Versions. ============== AMX Nations Kit v2.1 -------------------- Installation : 1. Download Rafael, C-5, & USAFMTL's AMX v2.0 from http://www.avsim.com/ & install per the v2.0 readme. 2. Make a copy of the aircraft folder, then make sure one copy is named AMX, and one copy is named AMX-1. 3. Open the AMX folder included in the AMX nations kit & place those files in your AMX folder. 4. Open the AMX-1 folder included in the AMX nations kit & place these files in your AMX-1 folder. Allow the nations kit cockpit folder to overwrite the cockpit folder in your AMX-1 folder. 5. You should have SFP1 patch SP3.1, or WOV Patch 2 installed. You should also have the latest weapons pack installed. If not, the weaponsdata.ini entry for the Brazilian MAA-1 Piranha missile will need to be added using the weapons editor : [WeaponDataxxx] TypeName=MAA-1 FullName=MAA-1 Piranha ModelName=AIM9JNP Mass=80.000000 Diameter=0.150000 Length=2.750000 AttachmentType=NATO,ITALY,BRAZIL NationName=BRAZIL StartYear=2002 EndYear=0 Availability=3 BaseQuantity=24 Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=2005 ExportAvailability=3 WeaponDataType=1 RailLaunched=TRUE RocketPod=FALSE Retarded=FALSE Streamlined=TRUE FinStabilized=TRUE SpinStabilized=TRUE HasGrowl=TRUE EffectClassName=SmallMissileEffects ReleaseDelay=0.000000 WarheadType=0 Explosives=12.000000 FusingDistance=1.000000 ClusterBomblets=0 ClusterDispersion=0.000000 GuidanceType=10 Accuracy=90.000000 MaxTurnRate=29.000000 MaxLaunchG=9.000000 LockonChance=85.000000 LaunchReliability=90.000000 ArmingTime=0.500000 SeekerFOV=2.500000 SeekerGimbleLimit=40.000000 SeekerTrackRate=30.000000 SeekerRange=10000.000000 MinLaunchRange=300.000000 MaxLaunchRange=10000.000000 Duration=47.000000 CounterCountermeasure=85.000000 NoiseRejection=85.000000 CapabilityFlags=0x000004c0 BoosterStart=0.000000 BoosterDuration=2.200000 BoosterAccel=29.500000 BoosterEffectName=SmokelessMissileEffect BoosterSoundName=Missile BoosterNodeName= BoosterPosition=0.000000,-1.530000,0.000000 SustainerDuration=0.000000 SustainerAccel=0.000000 SustainerEffectName= SustainerSoundName= SustainerPosition=0.000000,-1.530000,0.000000 InFlightEffectName=MissileInFlightEffect InFlightSoundName= ReleaseAnimationID=-1 6. Should your version of the weapons pack not include it, data for the AMX droptanks : [WeaponData0xx] TypeName=AMX_EFT_580lts FullName=AMX Drop Tank ModelName=AMX_EFT_580lts Mass=200.000000 Diameter=0.760000 Length=4.720000 AttachmentType= NationName= StartYear=0 EndYear=0 Availability=0 BaseQuantity=0 Exported=FALSE ExportStartYear=0 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=5 MaxFuelAmount=500.000000 Asymmetrical=FALSE ===================== Notes : 1. Rafael's excellent AMX was released prior to the advent of both the weapons pack project, and Thirdwire's release of patch SP3.1 & WOV Patch 2. This kit updates the AMX to both the Italian AMX AMI version and the Brazilian version by EMBRAER. As such, both versions now have the appropriate cannon armament, as well as radar, RWR, and ECM capabilities. 2. Italian AMX AMIs were used primarily as light ground attack craft with limited air intercept functions. As such their primary heatseeking missile is the AIM-9L. They replaced both G-91 and F-104 aircraft in Italian service. 3. The AMX-1 EMBRAERs in Brazilian service generally carried Hydra rockets, and the AIM-9P series of IRMs. Beginning in 2002, the AIM-9Ps were replaced with the indiginous Orbita MAA-1 Piranha missiles. The EMBRAER built AMX-1s also carry the more capable Scipio SCP-01 radar to aid in air intercepts. 4. Please note that the config.inis for both versions of the AMX include data for all currently availible AMX skins, both Italian and Brazilian. These skins are availible for download at both AVSIM and the MarcFighters section at CombatAce. SKIN LINKS : AVSIM : http://www.avsim.com/ MarcFighters : http://www.combatace.com/component/option,...pper/Itemid,94/ -------------------- CREDITS : AMX Version 2.0 Base Model By Rafael Rodrigues 3dMax Tweaks by Swede Data updates by USAFMTL and Column 5 v2.1 Avionics, ECM, cannon upgrade, & MAA-1 - howling1 Enjoy! Click here to download this file
  5. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=1400 File Name: Chengdu F-7A Export v1.95File Submitter: howling1 File Submitted: 25 Jun 2005 File Updated: 6 Dec 2006 File Category: Mig-21 Chengdu F-7A Export v1.95 ======================================= A. Installation Instructions: NOTE: You need to have the most current Weapons Pack ( W/Updates ) installed. SFP1 should be patched to SP3.1 standard. WOV should have Patch 2 installed. 1. Unzip & extract into your Strike Fighters or Wings Over Vietnam "Objects/Aircraft" directory. 2. Open the "Add To Sounds" folder and drop the .wav files into your SFP1 or WOV Sounds folder. --------------------------------------- B. F-7A ( F-7 II ) History : This is a mod of Gramps F-7M Airguard/Skybolt into the less sophisticated F-7A Export version. *This* is the fighter that comes to mind with Western Defence Analysts when you mention Chinese Fighter. Basically a stripped down version of the MiG-21F. These were the first F-7s offered for sale by China and lack features that China's own line J-7 IIs carried. Primarily sold to African nations & Albania, these initial offerings could carry either Soviet IRMs or the early Chinese copies. Principle users included Albania, Tanzania, Iraq ( wired for Matra R-550s ), and possibly the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards. Simplistic, even by African standards, this "no frills" fighter is what you want if you're more interested in having a status symbol supersonic air force. ---------------------------------------- C. Changes In v1.95 1. Cockpit changed to A-4B for WOV compatability. 2. RWR added. ( Fubar's MiG RWR Sounds included ) 3. Radar corrected, based on more accurate data. 4. MiG Fishbed C engine .wav now included. 5. Canopy decals by WhiteKnight included. 6. This mod includes the stock Soviet Silver skin modified to use the Soviet Killing Markings Decal Mod for all stock SFP1 MiGs availible at Lee Sullivan's SFP1 site ( http://home.att.net/~r.lee.sullivan/blackhawk-island.html ). Many thanks to Lee for his permission to use this Mod. ---------------------------------------- Credits : 1. Hangarscreen, & F-7 concept by Gramps. 2. MiG RWR sounds by Fubar512. 3. MiG Kill Markings Mod by Lee Sullivan. 4. Geg Gunsight by Geg Etendard. 5. Blessings on WhiteKnight for coming up with Canopy Decals to "Plate Over" the glass area behind the pilot's seat in the F-7s. Again special thanks to Richard "Gramps" Kaminski from whom's F-7M Airguard/Skybolt that this mod is based. Bob *howling1* Hauser Click here to download this file
  6. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=1387 File Name: PAF F-7MP AirboltFile Submitter: howling1 File Submitted: 19 Jun 2005 File Updated: 6 Dec 2006 File Category: Mig-21 ====================== PAF F-7MP Airbolt v1.9 ====================== A. Installation : 1. Drop the 'F-7MP Airbolt' folder into your Strike Fighters/Objects/Aircraft, or your Wings Over Vietnam/Objects/Aircraft folder. 2. Open the 'Add To Sounds' folder and copy the four .wav files to either your Strike Fighters/Sounds, or your Wings Over Vietnam/Sounds folder. 3. Your copy of Strike Fighters should be patched to SP3.1 standard. Your copy of Wings Over Vietnam should be patched to Patch 2 standard. 4. You should also have the latest Weapons Pack ( w/Updates ) installed. Weapons Packs are availible at http://www.combatace.com/ B. Notes : 1. The Pakistanis began upgrading their F-7P fighters to the F-7MP standard in 1996. It was felt that the Type 226 Sky Ranger radar/ECCM used by the F-7P was inadaquate given the increasing sophistication of the Indian Air Force in the 1990s. Principle upgrades were the ability to carry four IRMs and the re- placing of the Sky Ranger with the Italian Grifo-7 multi-mode radar. ECM was also improved, at the very least to J-7D standards. Other parts of the upgrade includes GPS, which are not currently modelled in SFP1/wov. The F-7MP itself is now slowing being replaced by the F-7PG ( based on the far deadlier J-7G "Flanker Slayer" of the PLAAF ). C. Issues : 1. The F-7MP uses the stock SFP1/WOV MiG-21F model. As such, the canopy has not been animated as the MiG canopy hinges forward while the Chengdu canopy slides to the rear. The MiG-21F model also has only two wing pylons while the F-7MP has four. The outer wing ordinance stations are adjusted to ride snug to the wing underside for this reason. F-7MPs also have the BAE (GEC/Marconi Type 926 HUDWAC), no F-7 cockpit currently exists in game, so a stock A-4F pit is used. 2. You will notice that the fins of any IRM selected on the outer pylons will extend above the wing top. This was done so that other ordinance ( Bombs, Rocket Pods, Fuel Tanks, etc... ) did not appear to be "floating" below the wing when viewed using F6. Hopefully this will be corrected in the future, either by a dedicated set of outer wing pylons modded specifically for this purpose or by a whole new model. D. Credits : 1. All glory goes to Gramps for first modding the MiG-21F into it's Chinese cousins. Gramps has graciously allowed me to carry the ball forward. The Hangarscreen is by Gramps. As is the PAF 2nd Sqdn Grey Camo skin. 2. Ghostrider883, geg etendard, and madcaddie for Research into the Warbirds of the Sub-Continant. 3. Fubar512 for his excellent MiG RWR sounds and his revised MiG FMs. 4. "Geg Gunsight" by geg etendard. 5. Any mistakes are solely mine. Enjoy! Bob 'howling1' Hauser Click here to download this file
  7. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=1386 File Name: PAF F-7P v1.9File Submitter: howling1 File Submitted: 18 Jun 2005 File Updated: 6 Dec 2006 File Category: Mig-21 ====================== PAF F-7P Skybolt v1.9 ====================== A. Installation : 1. Drop the 'F-7P Skybolt' folder into your Strike Fighters/Objects/Aircraft, or your Wings Over Vietnam/Objects/Aircraft folder. 2. Open the 'Add To Sounds' folder and copy the four .wav files to either your Strike Fighters/Sounds, or your Wings Over Vietnam/Sounds folder. 3. Your copy of Strike Fighters should be patched to SP3.1 standard. Your copy of Wings Over Vietnam should be patched to Patch 2 standard. 4. You should also have the latest Weapons Pack ( w/Updates ) installed. Weapons Packs are availible at http://www.combatace.com/ B. Notes : 1. The Pakistanis purchased the Chengdu F-7M beginning in 1988 in order to replace their aging F-86F-35 & F-6 fighters. Designated F-7P in PAF service, this fighter is capable of carrying two PL-5, AIM-9P, AIM-9L, or Matra R-552 Magic II IRM missiles. It uses a modified version of the BAE Type 226 Sky Ranger Radar and a limited Sky Ranger ECCM suite ( Flares & a noise jammer ). Pakistani F-7Ps also have Martin-Baker ejection seats, and Western radio equipment. This fighter has a limited ground attack capability. PAF practice is to assign junior pilots to F-7P units while reserving the Mirage & F-16 units for their more experienced & promising pilots. PAF F-7Ps are currently being upgraded to F-7MP standard to extend their useful service life. C. Issues : 1. The F-7P uses the stock SFP1/WOV MiG-21F model. As such, the canopy has not been animated as the MiG canopy hinges forward while the Chendu canopy slides to the rear. The MiG-21F model also has only two wing pylons while the F-7P has four. The outer wing ordinance stations are adjusted to ride snug to the wing underside for this reason. F-7Ps also have the BAE (GEC/Marconi Type 926 HUDWAC), no F-7 cockpit currently exists, so a stock A-4 pit is used. The Type 226 Sky Ranger data is fed into the HUDWAC. The avionics.ini is set up for normal HUD settings in game to enable you to see the Lock-On diamond. There is no search function on the Sky Ranger radar, it's ranging only. D. Credits : 1. All glory goes to Gramps for first modding the MiG-21F into it's Chinese cousin. Gramps has graciously allowed me to carry the ball forward. The Hangarscreen is by Gramps. As is the decal.ini. 2. Ghostrider883, geg etendard, and madcaddie for Research into the Warbirds of the Sub-Continant. 3. Fubar512 for his excellent MiG RWR sounds and his revised MiG FMs. 4. Any mistakes are solely mine. Enjoy! Bob 'howling1' Hauser *** Note to Manetsim : JPEG included *** Click here to download this file
  8. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=1354 File Name: IAF Type 96B PackFile Submitter: howling1 File Submitted: 12 Jun 2005 File Updated: 6 Dec 2006 File Category: Mig-21 Type 96B v1.9 Readme ======================= A. Installation : 1. Drop the Type 96B folder into your Strike Fighters/Objects/Aircraft, or your Wings Over Vietnam/Objects/Aircraft folder. 2. Open the "Add To Sounds Folder" and drop the four .wav files into either your Strki Fighters/Sounds, or your Wings Over Vietnam/Sounds folder. 3. Your copy of Strike Fighters should be patched to SP3.1 standard. You copy of Wings Over Vietnam should be patched to Patch 2 stand. You should also have the latest version of the Weapons Pack ( availible at http:// www.combatace.com/ ) installed as well. 4. Note that the Type 96B was the designation of MiG-21MFs delivered from the Soviet Union. Indian production at HAL, was of the Type 96 ( MiG-21M ) with a slightly less capable engine. If you wish a Type 96, simply copy your Type 96B folder, rename the copy Type 96, and add the Type 96 config.ini, Type 96 data.ini, & 101 Sqdn skin included with this download. B. Notes : 1. This version of the Type 96B now includes Mago & Badger's excellent MiG-21MF cockpit & radar display. FM & sounds have been "Fubar-ized". Two separate skins ( one for Type 96, & one for Type 96B included. 2 MiG-21MF (Type-96B) No.7 Sqdn "Battle Axes" skin by Ghostrider883. 3. MiG-21M (Type-96) No. 101 Sqdn "Falcons" skin by Ghostrider883. C. Credits : 1. Research & Skins by Ghostrider883. 2. IAF Hangarscreen & Canopy Fix by "The Wrench". 3. FM & MiG RWR Sounds by Fubar512 4. Fishbed L.wav & any mistakes by howling1. Enjoy! *** Note To Manetsim of Check-Six: Screenies for both Type 96 & Type 96B Included *** Click here to download this file
  9. File Name: IAF Type S-22 Fitter-A v1.5 File Submitter: howling1 File Submitted: 9 Jun 2005 File Updated: 9 Sep 2007 File Category: Soviet Aircraft and Variants ========================================================= Indian Air Force Type S-22 ( SU-7BMK ) Fitter-A -------------------------------------------------------- ADDITIONS To v1.5 : 1. Added Fubar's MiGRWR sounds. 2. Added Sukhoi engine .wav file. 3. Added countermeasures. Installation: 1. Drop the folder called "Type S-22"into either your Strike Fighters/Objects/Aircraft, or your Wings Over Vietnam/Objects/Aircraft folder. 2. Open the "Add To Sounds folder" and drop the .wav files there into either your Strike Fighters/Sounds or your Wings Over Vietnam/Sounds folder. 3.. You should have the following already installed : A. SFP1 patched to SP3.1 standard. b. WOV patched to Patch 2 standard. c. The most current SFP1 Weapons Pack ( Available from : http://www.max-gs.com/adave/weaponsdev/ ) NOTE: If you have not already done so, you should have the following website bookmarked. It will make your Strike Fighters Experience much more rewarding : http://ca.geocities.com/saganuay820/ -------------------------------------------------------- A. This model represents the Sukhoi SU-7BMK Fitter-A, known locally as the Type S-22, in service with the Indian Air Force from 1968 until replaced the the Type 95 ( MiG-21bis Fishbed-L ) in 1986. The Type S-22s fought in the 1971 Indo-Pakistani War. B. The SU-7 series were equipped with the Kvant SRD-5 "High Fix" Ranging Radar and the Serina 3 Radar Warning Reciever. We owe The Wrench special thanks for coming up with a satisfactory work around for getting the RWR to work without displaying a radar screen. Those who've DL'ed the NKAF SU-7BMK may wish to copy the SU-7_AVIONICS.ini included here for that plane as well. C. 101 Sqdn skin by Ghostrider883. 222 Sqdn skin by Marcelo, Sqdn insig & numbers decals by Ghostrider883. 32 Sqdn skin by Marcelo, Sqdn number decals by Ghostrider883. D. 32 Sqdn produced one of the more memorable Fitter skins with it's Shark Mouth skin.Sqdn now uses Type 95 MiGs. 101 Sqdn ( Motto: Search And Destroy ) is in the skin it used during the 1971 War as a Photo/Recon Unit. Sqdn now uses Type 95. 222 Sqdn ( Motto: Destroyer Of Evil ) also fought in the 1971 War & now uses the MiG-27ML "Bahadur". Note : the only Sqdn Insignia we could find for this Sqdn was a Unit Insignia showing a MiG-27. This is the crest used on the skin. ------------------------------------------------------- Special Thanks Goes To : 1. Armourdave for permission to use his SU-17 cockpit. 2. The Wrench for his Fitter Hangarscreen, Open Canopy Mod, and Serina-3 RWR solution. 3. Ghostrider883 for decal technical assistance, and Indian Air Force background information. 4. Eagle114th for SU-7 Fitter-A technical information. 5. Marcelo Da Silva, of MarcFighters for his IAF camo skins. 6. Fubar512 for his MiGRWR sounds. 7. The MiG Works Team at SimHQ for guidance, expertise, inspiration, and support : geg etendard, Gramps, Madcaddie, Ghostrider883, Tomcat74, Grach, Pasko, and C-5 Thank you wonderful guys, one and all !!! Enjoy! Bob *howling1* Hauser ========================================================= Click here to download this file
  10. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=1337 File Name: PAF F-86F-35-NA Beta v0.6File Submitter: howling1 File Submitted: 8 Jun 2005 File Updated: 6 Aug 2006 File Category: F-86 PAF F-86F-35-NA Readme v0.5 =========================== A. installation ; 1. Simply drop the "PAF F-86F35" into either your Strike Fighters or your Wings Over Vietnam Objects/Aircraft folder. 2. You should already be patched to SFP1 SP3.1, or WOV Patch 2 standard. 3. You should also have the latest Weapons Pack installed ( availible at http://www.combatace.com/ ). B. Notes : 1. The PAF F-86F-35s were surplus USAF fighters designed to employ the Mk.12A Nuclear bomb using the LABS method. When the F-35s were sold to both Pakistan & Portugal, the LABS timers were removed. PAF F-86F-35s however retained the sight ( similar to the also LABS equipped A-4s ). Indeed PAF Sabre pilots refered to the gunsights as "A-4 sights". 2. While the F-86F-35 was able to carry 8 HVAR underwing rockets in US service, the PAF apparently pre- fered to use rocket pods instead. Later PAF Canadair Sabre 6s also carried rocket pods in lieu of HVARs. C. Credits : 1. Hangarscreen by "The Wrench". 2. Paki Skin by USAFMTL ( Note this was the first ever Pakistan skin for Strike Fighters ). Originally done for the F-86F-40. 3. M.M. Alam skin by Ajunaidr. M.M. Alam was the ranking Pakistani Ace of the 1965 Indo-Pak War. 4. PAF 17 Sqdn skin by Ghostrider883, based on a drawing by Bill Gunston. Note that 17 Sqdn operated both F-86F-35 and the Canadair Sabre 6 during their "Sabre Years". 5. And most importantly, special thanks to the mighty "Zur" for allowing me to tinker with his F-86F model. As usual, these guys did all the hard work, any mistakes are mine. Enjoy! Bob "howling1" Hauser ***Note To Manetsim Of Check-Six : Screenshot JPEG included *** Click here to download this file
  11. File Name: IAF Rakshak Flogger-B File Submitter: howling1 File Submitted: 7 Jun 2005 File Updated: 9 Sep 2007 File Category: Soviet Aircraft and Variants ===============/ Indian Air Force "Rakshak" ( MiG-23MF mod. ) Flogger-B v1.0 Readme /======================== A. installation : 1. Place the Rakshak folder in your Strike Fighters/Objects/Aircraft, or your Wings Over Vietnam/Objects/Aircraft folder. 2. Place the four .wav files inside the "Add To Sounds Folder" in your Strike Fighters/Sounds, or your Wings Over Vietnam/Sounds folder. 3. Your copy of Strike Fighters should be pached to SP3.1 standard. Your Wings Over Vietnam should be patched to Patch 2 standard. 4. You should have the most current version of the Weapons Pack installed. ( Weapons Packs availible at http://www.combatace.com/ B. Notes: 1. The Rakshak is intended for Indo-Pakistan Campaigns & Missions. The Rakshak is the MiG-23MF built under licence in India by HAL. Unlike Soviet/WP -23MFs the Rakshak recieved minor improvements to include the ability to carry up to eight HAL AA-8 Aphid missiles. While we have photos of static display Rakshaks with these AA-8s installed. The normal warload for the Rakshak thoughout most of it's career appears to have been both SAHM & IRM versions of the HAL AA-7, & the loadout.ini reflects this. The data.ini also gives you the option to carry a full 8x HAL AA-8s as well. 2. Rakshaks entered serviced with the Indian Air Force in 1982. They served in general service until 2003 before being withdrawn & replaced by both MiG-29s & Su-30s. How- ever, limited numbers of the Rakshak remain in service with the TACDE Training Command Of the Indian Air Force. C. Dredits : 1. Special thanks to Ghostrider883 for research help & skins for both versions of the Rakshak. 2. Thanks to the Wrench for his excellent Hangarscreens. 3. Thanks to Fubar512 for his MiGEngine & Soviet RWR sounds mod. 4. Thanks to Rafael, Column5 & the original Team Flogger for allowing to mod the Rakshak in the first place. 5. And special thanks to Bpao for graciously allowing me to use his revision of Rafael's original Flogger Model. These guys did all the hard work & deserve the Lion's Share of the Credit. Original version readmes included so everybody gets the proper credit that they deserve... Enjoy! Bob "howling1" Hauser *** Note to Manetsim of Check-Six : JPEG included *** Click here to download this file
  12. File Name: Iraqi F-7B v1.8 File Submitter: howling1 File Submitted: 24 May 2005 File Updated: 6 Dec 2006 File Category: Mig-21 This is the Chengdu F-7B in Iraqi Service, updated to v1.8 for compatabily with the recently released Iran-Iraq Campaign. As such, it has been updated with an A-4B cockpit ( for WOV compatability ), and RWR ( to use Fubar's MiGRWR sounds, Fishbed C engine .wav file, and the French Matra IRMs used by the Iraqis. Enjoy! Click here to download this file
  13. File Name: Soviet Sounds File Submitter: howling1 File Submitted: 23 May 2005 File Category: SF Sound Mods Soviet Sounds Readme ================================ 1. this is a bunch of .wav engine files that I had laying around. I tried to match these as closely as possible to the film clip sounds from Soviet fighters on some old Wings episodes I had on VHS. The sounds may not be exact, but they are reasonably close. 2. Try these .wavs for : Fishbed-C = J-7 series, Type 74, Type 76, Type 77, MiG-19, F-6 Fishbed-L = For the advanced MiG-21MF & above, Chinese J-7 III 9 J-7C/D ) Flogger = Flogger Family Frogfoot = Su-15s & Su-25 ( When it's released ) Bear = For Pasko's Tu-95 Sukhoi = Su-7, Su-9, Su-11, Su-17 Beagle = IL-28, H-5 series, MiG-15, MiG-15bis, MiG-17 Family Foxbat = MiG-25 Family Fulcrum = MiG-29 Family Badger = Tu-16s, H-6, Tu-22s 3. TO INSTALL : simply drop the .wav file into your Strike Fighters or WOV Sounds folder, Then in the aircraft data.ini, scroll down to the [sound] section and change to the .wav that you want to use. Expample is for a MiG-15UTI [sound] EngineSoundName=JetEngine < < < CHANGE THIS TO : Beagle AfterburnerSoundName=JetBurner DamagedEngineSound= FlapsSoundName=Flaps AirbrakesSoundName=Airbrakes GearsSound=Gear 4. Hopefully, these will add more spice to your SFP1/WOV experience until such time as a more accurate set of Soviet Sounds is released. Enjoy! ================================== Click here to download this file
  14. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=1283 File Name: Israeli F-4E ECM Equipped v2.0File Submitter: howling1 File Submitted: 23 May 2005 File Updated: 6 Dec 2006 File Category: F-4 F-4E IDF v2.0 Readme ====================== 1. This mods the stock F-4E to the Israeli version used in Yom Kippur War period. 2. NationName is changed to Israel. 3. Chaff/Flares/Jammer added. Note that F-4Es delivered to Israel before the Yom Kippur War did not have countermeasures installed. During the War, replacement F-4Es from US stocks came with their ECM equipment. Some IDF Phantoms were also up- graded during the conflict. 4. Two skins are included, one for US replacements ( which had hasty Star-Of-Davids painted over the US Camo ). This base USAF camo skin is the stock SFP1 skin. The second skin is the Kurnas skin by Jennifer. This skin was one of the first ever done for SFP1 and was only availible at the now defunct Skunkworks site. Jennifer has since moved on, but this skin of hers is included as a tribute to her early contributions to the SFP1 Community, which will not be forgotten. 5. Canopy fix & Hangarscreen by "The Wrench". 6. Thanks to research data graciously provided by MoonJumper, Python issue fixed. 7. AIM-9Didf, Israeli TER, QRC-160-8 ECM Pod, and Loadout.ini by MoonJumper : Add to WEAPONDATA.ini, number in sequence, then save using the SP3 Weapons Editor. [WeaponData***] TypeName=AIM-9Didf FullName=AIM-9D Sidewinder IDF ModelName=aim-9d Mass=88.500000 Diameter=0.127000 Length=2.830000 AttachmentType=ISRAEL NationName=ISRAEL StartYear=1969 EndYear=1976 Availability=2 BaseQuantity=4 Exported=FALSE ExportStartYear=0 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=1 RailLaunched=TRUE RocketPod=FALSE Retarded=FALSE Streamlined=TRUE FinStabilized=TRUE SpinStabilized=FALSE HasGrowl=TRUE EffectClassName=SmallMissileEffects ReleaseDelay=0.000000 WarheadType=0 Explosives=10.200000 FusingDistance=1.000000 ClusterBomblets=0 ClusterDispersion=0.000000 GuidanceType=10 Accuracy=75.000000 MaxTurnRate=24.000000 MaxLaunchG=2.500000 LockonChance=70.000000 LaunchReliability=80.000000 ArmingTime=0.500000 SeekerFOV=2.500000 SeekerGimbleLimit=40.000000 SeekerTrackRate=12.000000 SeekerRange=18000.000000 MinLaunchRange=0.000000 MaxLaunchRange=18000.000000 Duration=60.000000 CounterCountermeasure=20.000000 NoiseRejection=20.000000 CapabilityFlags=0x00000200 BoosterStart=0.000000 BoosterDuration=2.200000 BoosterAccel=24.000000 BoosterEffectName=MissileFireEffect BoosterSoundName=Missile BoosterNodeName= BoosterPosition=0.000000,-1.456000,0.000000 SustainerDuration=0.000000 SustainerAccel=0.000000 SustainerEffectName= SustainerSoundName= SustainerPosition=0.000000,-1.456000,0.000000 InFlightEffectName=MissileInFlightEffect InFlightSoundName= ReleaseAnimationID=-1 [WeaponData***] TypeName=QRC-160-8 FullName=QRC-160-8 ECM Pod ModelName=QRC-160-1 Mass=120.720001 Diameter=0.580000 Length=2.960000 AttachmentType=USAF,ISRAEL NationName=USAF StartYear=1970 EndYear=1975 Availability=2 BaseQuantity=4 Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=1972 ExportAvailability=1 WeaponDataType=4 JammerType=0 JammerStrength=45.000000 [WeaponData***] TypeName=TERidf FullName=Triple Ejector Rack 2BR ModelName=ter Mass=43.090000 Diameter=0.230000 Length=1.980000 AttachmentType=ISRAEL NationName=ISRAEL StartYear=1969 EndYear=1974 Availability=3 BaseQuantity=2 Exported=FALSE ExportStartYear=0 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=6 WeaponsRackType=TWIN_BOMB NumWeapons=2 LoadLimit=500.000000 LengthLimit=3.200000 Attachment01Position=-0.180000,0.000000,-0.020000 Attachment01Angle=0.000000,0.000000,2578.310078 Attachment02Position=0.000000,0.000000,-0.250000 Attachment02Angle=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 ===================== ISSUES: 1. If you add Sundowner's Israeli Phantom skin pack, the Israeli camo 370gal droptanks will be selectable in the dropdown menu. They will not be the default tanks though. ===================== Enjoy! Click here to download this file

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