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About shotdown

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    Gonduin (Spain)
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    Music, Sports, Video games, Reading novels and military stuff, Kits


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  1. Spain approves Eurofighter buy, upgrades

    I think they are still doing it. I've read some really ludicrous ideas (like buying 25 F-35 for the Navy and 25 for the Air Force), but knowing the neverending budget problems for spanish armed forces, I guess whatever choice will be far from ideal.
  2. F-15QA Qatar Advanced Ababil Fighter Jet

    I never understood why it took almost 40 years for the outer underwing pylons to be used in the F-15.
  3. Does the USAF have a waiting list?

    They've probably thought about that already and decided it would be bad for business. I mean, just imagine european countries get bored of that game and decide to buy gas somewhere else.
  4. As I see it, this kind ob bombload wolud require to have bases in the chinese coast to make possible fliying to Japan with a minimal amount of fuel.
  5. Dunkirk

    Actually, I think the fake WWII ships were more obvious than the buchon (reminded me of Pearl Harbor). that aside, I enjoyed the movie.
  6. Going Rogue

    I liked the movie. And, of course, it kicks once more the corpse of the already veeeery dead expanded universe. Only thing I really disliked is "someone" (you'll see who when you see the movie) is just too tall compared to his older (non GCI) self.
  7. How high can a P-51 Mustang go?

    I think P-47 Thunderbolt could fly at 13000 m (roughly 43000 ft)
  8. Flight Sims, Circa 1990

    So , anyone else played F/A-18 Korea? It was quite fun for me, and the instructions book alone was worth the money you paid for that game.
  9. Going Rogue

    George Lucas had already decided to ignore not only the EU, but the old movies too, so no big deal.
  10. Debt of Honor by Tom Clancy

    Jack Ryan's universe lacks a coherent timeline, so don't bother with trying to guess when this or that happenned. ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Spolier alert.!!!!!!!!!! "Patriot games" begins with Ryan saving the prince and princess of Wales (Charles and Diana, although their names were never mentioned in the book) and their newly born first son, and ends with Jack Jr being born the following year. This means the book had to start in 1982 and end in 1983. But, Ryan's next adventure (Red rabbit, his first mission with CIA) ends with Alí Agca's attack against Pope John Paul II, somethins that actualli happenned in 1981. "The summ of all fears" ends between the end of Dessert Storm and the fall of the USSR, that means 1991. At the end of the book Jack Ryan leaves the CIA. "Debt of honor" happens 3-3,5 years later, so it should be in mid-late 1994, but the story ends 11 months before next presidential ellection, according to president Durling (so this should happen at least in late 1995, early 1996). Ryan then becomes president and stays in office for 5 years, so Rainbow six ends 1 month or so before he leaves the White House (Sidney olimpic games) ¿can "The bear and the dragon" take place in such sort time span? I seriously doubt it (I guess Tom Clancy decided to retroactively keep Jack away from a second period to save him from being in office in September 11th 2001). Also, Ryan becomes president 10 years after the terrorist attack he suffered in "Patriot games", according to some politician. Even if it means "roughly 10 years" (most likely 12 years), Jack jr. would be 12 when Jack Sr. becomes president, 17 when he leaves, and 19-20 when Jack Sr. decides to run for the ellection again. Yet, in the book where this happens, Jack Jr. is actually 23. I guess that's what happens when you set the events of your books in a near future. Things sometimes change in a very unexpected way and the world where those events were supposed to happen no longer exists by the time they should happen. Of course, if you forget the timeline they are great books.
  11. Prepare for the battle of Hoth !

    Why sequel? Just put this graphics in the original games. The story was good enough for me, at least.
  12. The audacity

    With a central island, I gess it should be an Essex class, or perhaps an Iwo Jima or Tarawa class Amphibious assault ship.
  13. Upgraded Arrow CF-105

    EF2000 is not a large fighter. Its size/weight is similar to that of the F-16/F-35/Rafale.
  14. Sworn in

    Good luck man!

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