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Posts posted by daddyairplanes

  1. attention to details

    first, this is the SF1 forum. you might see better results in the SF2 forums

    second, you may want to share your system specs. for all we know from your question, you might be running SF2 on your iPhone. in which case would be an achievement but probably laggy.

    when asking a question like this, computer type, processor, and graphics card info really help us diagnose the issue. also which graphics settings you have on in game

  2. 2 hours ago, OlWilly said:

    TW extractor should not be even touched when Mue's one exist


    personal preferences

    brand name Adobe Photoshop is  better than GIMP in most categories other than cost

    but since i used GIMP consistently over the years when i couldnt afford the Adobe CC subscription (or to get a copy of the old CS packs), i do tend to prefer using GIMP for most work (esp tga work). 

    if youre familiar with the TW extractor, then its perfectly usable, although i believe no longer available on TW site

    if just getting started  then one may want to use Mue's extractor instead. but those of use that have been doing it a decade+ will use what we're comfortable with

  3. 15 minutes ago, Mr_Tayto said:

    Yeah I'm a bit scared of that (and getting them all in the right place). I can just about manage mod installation!

    the big first question is : do you have the TW cat extractor?

    if yes,  then its a matter of playing with it. you wont remember which file is in which folder. but you can browse each folder and you'll start to get a feel for whats in each. the first one is generic game object inis, second one off limits (the actual lod models) and from there its typically grouped by decals, aircraft and ground models, going down the line of sf2, vietnam, europe, israel, north atlantic and DLC (if you have any)

    it seems daunting at first. play with it, practice, screw up, learn from screw up and practice some more. eventually you'll start having the game dialled in the way you want rather than adjusting to the game

    • Like 1

  4. as noted, i have wraparound taken care of, esp since there doesnt appear to be any 17th TRS in wraparound


    ignore the towelbar, forgot to remove it in lodviewer and its not present on the RF-4C_75, just the _LORAN. although they did have at least one (69-0350)

    its a good start, although most recce units appeared to have 23 birds per. will take a look at the airdoc book on USAFE Phantoms after i wrap up Alabama RFs. last read through i was a little more focused on after 1983....

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