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Posts posted by daddyairplanes

  1. what radars do you find picks up stealth fairly well?

    part of the specs on the Top Aces Vipers is an "unspecified AESA radar" that picks up the 35s and even 22s better than the legacy mechanical radars. recent interview with a Raptor driver even credited a sortie against a Top Ace Viper as "the most challenging and fun hour of his life", so they must be doing something right.

    im not trying to re invent any wheels, but since these Vipers have a primary mission as aggressors for the current USAF, including its 5th gen assests, i figure i might as well tweek the radar to be better able to fit the bill

    what jet in game do you feel has the best performance against stealthy platforms?

    NOTE: TIA for any responses, but i will be hyper busy tommorow so might not get back to this until later evening my time. Thank you all again

  2. 3 hours ago, swambast said:

    Totally agree with that.  For fairly simple items, I would suggest learning Blender or 3ds Max so you can make them yourself, just like some of us had to take that journey (yes, I'm talking about myself and still constantly learning from those more proficient).  

    overall i am a fan of that theory, but as EricJ said some get quite overwhelmed by the interfaces of blender, or cannot find max 2009. this is for those folks who cannot tqake that step for whatever reason, but can work an image editor or an ini like noones business.

    i'll also point out tho, the post you quoted was response to  a joke between ravenclaw and myself (even if made publicly)

    • Like 1

  3. 11 hours ago, ravenclaw_007 said:

    its always good to have a closer look at the pictures

    yeah i finally caught that in my own pic after your pm :drinks: 


    thank you all for the input so far on these specific item. but please keep in mind, i was trying to start a thread for anyone's simple model needs. i'm hoping all the input on this doesnt discourage anyone else from making a request of their own

  4. 12 hours ago, simonmiller416 said:

    Not a volunteer (maybe), but does it have approximate size or proportion? Comparing it with photos is one way, but there may be some errors

    i'm afraid not

    best i could do is to point out it looks the same as the ALE boxes on late F-4Es, and in fact may be pulled from Israeli Phantoms after they retired. but on the Israeli side, they do tend to keep secrets well.

    again as for Top Aces, they appear to be leaving em empty.

  5. To explain: this is not for full aircraft, ships, or ground objects. this is for fairly simple items to be added as fake pilot items, or possibly as weapons if not complex. real world pics are required of what you are wanting

    I will kick off with a request for a chaff flare box on the F-16As


    it appears not to be in use by the new owners, but probably cheaper/easier to leave them in place


    • Like 3

  6. my two cents,  dont use AI

    i dont know how it is with audio files at this time. but pure AI images (type in a description and an algorithym produces an image) are currently kinda junky. between the weird FB images posted for likes to a proliferation of images ran through a filter to "clean up the image" which results in something that looks like a water color of the original at best.

    but the more that it is improved, the more likely that companies will go to it for producing artwork.

    if theres one thing that should not be lost to automation, its human creativity.

    time is always a factor in everything, esp. modding. but we have a global community here at CA. lets use any of our non English speaking partners who have the time and are willing to do so make up speech packs.

    besides, that way we'd also get teh benefit of their local accent on the pack instead of a computer generated speech. it might not sound too different to us native English speakers, but would be very noticable to the Arabic, Spanish, Chinese or whatever other language speakers you are looking for.

    • Like 4

  7. 1 hour ago, simonmiller416 said:

     so I usually split the mods into several copies and copy several games (similar to creating multiple campaign packs lol)

    welcome to the wonderful world of multiple (often themed) installs.... :biggrin:

    1 hour ago, simonmiller416 said:

    to avoid the "black skin" problem...

    thats interesting. i rarely get that and if i do, its generally a format error (the model really wants bmp or dds not jpeg) or more often naming (ie F-4B_5 in a F-4J folder). i dont recall hearing about it as a regular error


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