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Everything posted by daddyairplanes

  1. more things seen while spot checking and the hex value of silver is C0C0C0. now you know.
  2. damn i forgot he added those in. if you haven't, get rid of the Starlifter, they retired in 05-06 time frame. saw some of hte last ones flying in Balad when i was there in 05, they were doin medevac to Landstuhl. tankers are on my to do list for the spring, and i will knock out a couple skins for Darius (1 E model and 1R model). its not too hard and by that point they were the overall gray skins so just gotta do number, badges and tails for common to the Middle East birds. airliners.net should have a bunch of shots from Manas i think
  3. Pfunk, most of the names on the above list have signed off on an agreement (Wrench help me cant even think of what its called) basically saying your free to use it so long as you give them credit and honored to see the radar birds on the list, esp with Joint STARS just hitting the ramp. you may also want to consider the C-17 and C-5A/B, they have markings up to around 2010 time frame, and C-17 has every user, not just USAF. Also, have more work going on tankers before the summer gets here (knock on wood). post 95 wasnt planned, but get me a short list of units and i could knock out a few tails for a campaign skin. no real use in game of course, but something else to escort/defend/see on the ramps. let me know if you have any skin/tga requests. small ones (one skin for one plane) i can usually get to semi quickly. bigger ones maybe abit longer if able (whole new plane needing coverage over the whole service life)
  4. excuse the ignorant question, but you couldnt just rotate teh pilot 180 degrees in the data ini?
  5. Nations problem

    could you show a screenshot? (prt sc button, then paste into and save in MS Paint after closing hte game) at this moment, you're telling the mechanic theres a problem with your car, and it makes a noise. need some more info there boss game version, big mods added (like Nato Fighters or ODS), windows version (some folks have problems with win10 it seems)
  6. already done my friend. the fact that so many of my mods of the last couple of years were fixing individual planes with an ODS theme was the inspiration for this
  7. damn. thought Centurion-1 was working on one, but he's long off the radar
  8. doin my research, and i thought we had an RF-5E. I'm I missing something or is it out on somebodies HD?
  9. first bit of research, as ot what was there, what is in mod currently and what needs fixed or added. posted publicly for those that want to see whats going on and maybe join in. pinkish bars are not available, yellow is DAT (so considered not available), green go and red no. ships list out tomorrow, then vehicles and sams next week. Menvra, in the unit columns each one has its location listed as best as i could find. except for BUFFs, need abit more time to get bases down for the provisional wings. will attempt to do similar for ships, esp the carriers and amphibs viper63, if ya catch this looking to use your upgrades for several aircraft skins (tho i will be using my own Hercs!) ODS Aircraft.xlsx
  10. Nations problem

    little more information needed, like what plane, terrain, version of the game might be in the decal ini tho, without all the rest of the info check the decal ini of hte skin/aircraft in question and make an entry that states decal level 0, so theres a nation option [Decal001] MeshName=fuselage_P DecalLevel=0 <--------------------------------- THIS IS WHAT NEEDS CHANGED, IF ITS THE PROBLEM DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=Insignia Position=-1.203,-0.124 Rotation=0.0 Scale=0.85 DecalMaxLOD=3
  11. As a contractor in country, we better hear from ya from time to time (i used to go to the contractor camps to mooch wifi that was faster than wired net at the morale spots), though i wouldnt expect alot of new mods. but in the meantime, keep ya head swiveling til you figure out whats normal and whats not, enjoy the interesting moments and remind yourself at teh bad moments its only a year. keep safe
  12. anything of mine you want to use go for it. let me know if you need an Iran Air tga for the Airbus, should be easy to knock out and throw together a European airliner skin for Iran if you want civvies in the area
  13. the F-4N skinpack has a folder with 100-124 and 200-224 modex shadowed and slanted. available in black over white, white over black and black over yellow. nothing in the 300 realm (it was for Phantom squadrons in the 70s) but its a start on your search lemme know if your interested will send ya just that folder
  14. this as to stop

    free speech means that the government will not impede your right to speak your mind what ever it may be. You could say the most reprehensible things and will not go to jail for it (so long as it does not cause actually harm such as yelling fire in a movie theatre, or state you will kill someone). that said, free speech is also free for those that can afford it. the ones who own the presses (or in the case of youtube sites) can control what goes gets said in their forums. what was true locally in the age of newspaper and nationally in hte age of TV is now true globally in the internet age. sucks, but thats life. when enough people get mad enough about it, they will go to another method of viewing videos, youtube will lose dollars and etiher change or wither away.
  15. the list would be expansive... if you went all out on the BUFF force for example, you'd have flights out of Barksdale, Wurtsmith, RAF Fairford, Moron AB, and Diego Garcia just off the top of my head. quite a few birds flew out of Turkey as well, including the few F-4Es that made the party
  16. long and short, first check that the images are in the right folder. if they are, then use paint and save as something different than what it is (if jpeg, save as a bmp file, or vice versa). iirc, the none of hte Tomcats available (here or stock) use dds skins, sooooo leave that alone for now. same as what Heck said, but in an instruction format. hope that helps
  17. nice esp with the buddy pods. did you do a new skin for it? looks different than the CC-150 i remember mandatory yet similarly themed screenie
  18. this skin is pretty clean (panel lines and one solid color), if you bump the contrast to make the panel lines darker, then erase every thing else but the panels lines should work for you. not as pretty as a template or custom panel lines, but doesnt take as lone (esp as it doesnt appear you'd have to eliminate windows or unit markings from the bmp) looking nice btw
  19. E-2C Skins

    i call it the ini dance, once you have the initial template and the initial placement the rest falls into line. get getting things dialled in.........
  20. as says, instructions in the readme's. it's really not to hard to use. i think hardest things to learn were to hold the alt button when rotating a model, the feature above (select a node then right click), and selecting the object ini rahter than the lod. it will show in the lod usually but theres less quirks if you pick the item ini. otherwise the lod viewer is pretty easy and the best damn tool released. you dont even have to fire up the game constantly to check progress!
  21. are you using the lod viewer? i dont just mean you have it, rather use it to see where different parts are and on what texture it helps alot in getting things placed. the rest is some creative visualization and liberal use of layers in image editor of your choice of course if you knew about it already and its still being difficult disregard the above
  22. E-2C Skins

    support squadrons, esp those with larger than fighter airframes, tend to be smaller. the line units have just the 4, while the RAG has more for training crews
  23. i asked myself today where exactly the market for retro airliner paint jobs is ah screw it

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