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Everything posted by daddyairplanes

  1. because... the important things are simple. the simple things are always hard. (rules 32 and 33)
  2. and so that man was the first on his block to have it! not knockin the MirageIII, but this time of year i like my red white and blue in a different flavor..... however, anyone have a F-4J with a B nose grafted on?
  3. F-4D_78 LORAN

    Version V2.1


    This is a modification of the original F-4D LORAN by mppd and brought to Gen2 standard by Wrench. I merely added the parts that made it a LORAN bird to the stock F-4D_78 and added four skins and three units from my skin/decal pack. As with most of my main install this mod deals with the post Vietnam era to the end of the Cold War. After involvement in Southeast Asia wound down in 1973 the ARN-92 LORAN Phantoms were sent to 3 units for the precision strike role. These were: 23d TFS 52d TFW Spangdahlem AB West Germany 457th TFS AFRES Carswell AFB TX 704th TFS AFRES Bergstrom AFB TX This mod highlights these units in all tactical paint schemes used by the F-4. Thank you for downloading this mod, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Daddyairplanes 4 Jul 2011
  4. to paraphrase Furry Ambler, lordy oh dear he's got his fangs out.....
  5. in single mission mode it has to do with the decallevel in the skins decal ini. it needs to have 0,1,2 levels in the ini to show in the loadout screen as available without any gray out. as to its effect in the campaign i cannot say. and as TK said in the TW forums on this issue, if you have a VF111 skin(skin not decal) then you shouldnt be able to choose VF84 because Jolly Rogers wouldnt be flying a Sundowners marked aircraft!
  6. Got a question

    if your talkin campaign. if single mission you could always be lazy and use the mission editor!
  7. Happy Birhday Slartibartfast

    fjords?!? after that bike rides he's gonna be lookin for some Fords!
  8. Got a question

    there is a 2x and 3x LAU-3 rockets in Gunnys weapons pack. there is also a Twin Matra155 launcher out there (dont remember if its in gunnys pack or not) if you wish to do your own i would suggest using these to figure out how it is done. as to maps, not my cup of tea you may want to ask Stary or Wrench. and if your trying to add carrier stations it is very easy to do..... so long as you have SF2V with the carriers in it. have that and all others will also being merged.
  9. i am shooting you an invite to a pm. you may find it very helpful
  10. Airshow pics A-4 Blue A. & A-6E

    the Scooter might be a civilian Warbird, there are actually a few out there tho mostly TA-4Js. the Intruder tho...... maybe Grummans makin a comeback?
  11. oh i think the air force will keep them now for a long while , for the same reason they will keep the BUFFs and Eagles and other "legacy" airframes. They are PAID for already!!
  12. Happy Birhday Slartibartfast

    happy birthday man!
  13. when its greyed out does it still list the aircraft,squadron and texture in the loadout? just greyed out so it cannot be changed?
  14. what is your install? example mine is SF2Vietnam/Europe/Isreal/ExpansionPacks1 and 2 merged. depending on what the base aircraft those are and what series you have depends on if they show. nother example, any mods based off of the stock F-4D_78 wont work in a SF2Vietnam only instal because it does not have the needed lod and other files for it to show in game. i do not know what the base aircraft is for those two planes (i personally dont get too many modern what if aircraft) but if it is from a series you don't have installed then it will not show. one other thing to check is that the cockpit ini is being called out right. in the game no cockpit available means no plane to select!
  15. Battle Creek Air Show 2011

    one thing i miss about Pope AIR FORCE BASE! now its Pope Field plus they really haven't had an airshow since the Hogs left a few years ago.
  16. "found this in pappy's old unit book. said it was up playin with AWACS durin' somethin called REFORGER back in th' 80's..." nother one from some place called gielkirchen
  17. no room in the Viper for that! it would have carried a modified GAU-8 in a gunpod and was to take over for the A-10. but after the 1st Gulf War the A-10s future was secure for abit. and F -16s were handling CAS and strike just as well as an A-16 would have. same logic as why the Navy designated it the F/A-18, originally it was to be two planes one fighter and on attack.
  18. ooooh A-16. yaa got the GAU-5 gunpod to go with it? btw use the black lowviz insignia with the Euro1, tho it it had gone operational it prob would have had the same paintjob as a regular F-16. the same way the Hogs went grey in the 90's.
  19. um then try the whole mod instead now that its available http://combatace.com/files/file/12064-post-vietnam-usaf-f-4-phantom-ini-skins-and-decal-mod/
  20. Mk-83

    try opening the BMP file fr the skin with a photoshop program. if you dont have a dedicated program open it with Windows Paint. rotate it 180 degrees and save. then see if that works for you.
  21. Lost the will to fly/play

    curious suhsjake where do you go for AT? i went to Bliss in may. that was an... interesting experience however it did get me back in the game. finished a project with Phantoms that had been in the works since 09. whodathunkit.. i did the decals for reserve units from Texas while training in TX!
  22. i'll admit it, damn near pissed myself one time round midnight on Graf, had just passed that sign when MLRS rockets go off right in front of us. mind you i'm in a 5 ton with NODs on and got blinded then blinded again when i snapped the things off! nother time OPFOR Huey simulates Hind attack, and i swear i could see the pilots patch! Tornado's and F model Phantoms were a pretty regular sight too tho i never saw them that low myself.
  23. ahh but in reference to my earlier post Mr Spinners..... what brand sponsors them? sadly with our congresses refusal to export Raptors AND the commander in chiefs insistence that 187 is perfectly enough AND the fact that lees means they cost more.... that might not be what if in 10 years time.
  24. well sheesh and i was kidding about broken glass. if its request hour then with Stary's new tileset we need "convoys" of neutral Mercedes and BMWs, maybe an opel or two as well. to tool along the roads ya know. and some "caution low flying aircraft signs for near Graf and Hohenfels!

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