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Everything posted by daddyairplanes

  1. tried out Stary's new GermanyCE tonight.. and even got a pleasant suprise when two Fishbeds popped up in front of me. look at the Sparrows fired vs Migs downed!
  2. i'm good with the skins. have the blank tail template for sundowners hi-rez set and workin on a decal package much like my Phantom package. hey what can i say, Wrench must've slipped subliminal messages that i will use decals1 cant wait to see the skins though, will add some flavor to my Viper mix til i get my project further along...
  3. ok so twofer should have waited til tommorow but my CRS won't let me wait that long. 1 are there any other skins for the E-3A? in particular looking for a run of the mill NATO skin. 2 can lights be made small and square? like the landing lights on the nose of shortnosed Phantoms? there is a landing light set in Gen one that does work save a lil positional adjusting(know how to do that) but it is big compared to the door and round. any help as always is appriciated.
  4. ok so i need to make em small, and pop two on either side of the center line. and tweak and startup and curse the misplacement. rinse wash repeat! as to the Sentry i know its generally found in NF series, who does it belong to? a NATO-OTAN skin shouldn't be to hard i think. Luxembourg serials....hmmmmm
  5. has anyone really played around with this before? would be good esp for SF2V as the Phantom could be found carrying some really off the wall loads. did a bit of playin here main problem is that the AAMs wont show in loadout screen when its all broken up. they are there cause the loadout ini but no option to add remove or change. i am personally a fan of the easy way of learning tho not above much trail and error to figure stuff out. tia sample of what im talkin about
  6. honestly when he trusts us again. i wouldnt hold my breathe
  7. ObjectCAT2 has the aircraft LODs in it and TK has locked it away from us. i guess someones been a s**thead with them and so he had to lock them up but no you wont get access to #2.
  8. scratch what i previously wrote
  9. oh well. this would've been more for vietnam era flying anyhow well i tend to fly F-4s in the 70's and 80's. they tended towards more symetrical loads then as it also put less drag and strain on the old girl. but would've been nice....
  10. dunno why you start on water, all i had to do to mine was make an ArkRoyal.ini, oddly it didnt have one when i originally d/l'd it but after that fix all my RN takes off from it now.
  11. at Stary (and maybe Dave too) the version of the Viper Stary showed the Textures for is http://combatace.com/files/file/11764-f-16a-block-10-usaf-nato/ decent for the Hill AFB based F-16s but the tail numbers for the Nato birds come out with IDFAF tail nums. for the A models i like the stock with Sundowners skins and some ini tweaking to make it a Falcon instead of a Netz. course with the DLC store up i have asked TK again for a F-16A Falcon, full range of NATO nations of course!
  12. as to ship availablity the MOD has plenty of equipment that has recently become surplus sorry couldn't help myself. http://combatace.com/files/file/1365-hms-ark-royal/ its not Gen2 ready but it takes minimal effort to convert.
  13. either of you two ever find it amusing that the high practicioners of Naval ACM are Army and Air Force?
  14. why you guys gotta pick on VicRomano? seriously tho great video timebandit
  15. OT My Living Will

  16. ok guys make sure that this line in the dat.ini [WeaponData001] TypeName=AGM-65G2 FullName=AGM-65G2 Maverick ModelName=AGM65G--------------------------------------------this one Mass=301.500000 Diameter=0.304800 Length=2.490000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.120000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.222000 AttachmentType=USAF SpecificStationCode= NationName=USAF matches the LOD filename that is in the missiles folder(in this example AGM65G.lod). had the same prob with this particular maverick, it happens across many in gunnys pack but i guess many folks know how to fix and hadn't mentioned it. hope that helps you. and remember they have to match exactly or you'll have stealth missiles!
  17. well i tried changing the grouping for the AAMs but keeping them together and lost the ability to control them in the load out screen. then tried leaving the AAM groupings the same as stock but making inner and outer left wing staions later groupings. lost control on them (tho would have been interesting to see just one wink tank loaded w/o anything on the other side)
  18. overall i think it jacks stuff the least of the last several patches, at least for those with many mods in their folders! as i was pointing out in the may patch thread it adds a lot of new units, particularly french dutch and german. upto 369 in the squadronlist now. and 292-301 or 2 are VF's that flew Tomcats. even VX-4 and 5 in there!
  19. playin around with weps loadouts felt the need to give the Reservists in Texas a few more options dontcha know!
  20. Final of MMRCA

    Eurofighter. while not as proven in the strike role as Rafale the IAF does have a workng relationship with BAE (British partner in Eurofighter) and much tradition in its ties to the RAF. Also unit costs on Eurofighter will probably be cited as lower due to the greater number of them built as opposed to Rafale's lower turnout(French AF and Aeronavale only i believe) as well as spares availability and support. on the only thing not going for it i think is that the Indians will want license to build and i'm not sure all Eurofighter partners will agree while Dassault wants a sale so bad they prob will agree. but it will likely be another success story for the Typhoon.
  21. um guys 1 the may patch came in two flavors EXP2 and SF2(no EXP). second one of the features that came in it was that you dont have to install in any particular order. i caught that one quick as (hangs head in shame) i am merged everything EXCEPT original SF2. i hope to get the fight between Dihmar and Paran around my bday this year but until then...EricJ as far as i understand the situation you just need at least may patch to get the DLC store in game tho i dont understand why it wouldnt let you get it at the site(all in game does is turn off the game and go to the site) also may patch is archived to old files at TW site already so June may be all encompassing. just some morning observations now back to my coffee.....
  22. i take my clues from The Warbirds (well i do like Phantoms) when they are doing a TOT exercise against a Rapier battery. while everyone else is high and slow Locke and his wing man split the TOT (+/- 5 sec) 300ft AGL and 600kts. results were one possible hit and one def. miss. that and migs don't seem to like to play under 500 ft. just gotta lug enough gas (yes sir yes sir three bags full) to get there and back.
  23. Holy Crap # 3 for the week.....

    http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20110624/pl_afp/usmilitaryweaponsaviation;_ylt=AupCPhgm9Bgi2luduz5WV1FH2ocA;_ylu=X3oDMTNldTNuamc1BGFzc2V0A2FmcC8yMDExMDYyNC91c21pbGl0YXJ5d2VhcG9uc2F2aWF0aW9uBGNjb2RlA2dtcGFsbHBvb2wEY3BvcwM3BHBvcwM3BHNlYwN5bl90b3Bfc3RvcmllcwRzbGsDdXNncm91bmRzZmxl been going since may, can see why they might want this to stay quiet though.
  24. also TK changed it up so that it doesn't matter what order you install in now.

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