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Everything posted by daddyairplanes

  1. you didn't see? the was a pony included in Exp2. but like all else there were some bugs....... [
  2. New Years Festivities?

    we're all passing some bug back and frth here.not much goin on in the DA household tonite
  3. finally! was expecting Dave to get it but think he was too busy looking at Playboy bunnies
  4. loser do their best. winners go home and #$%@ the prom queen! (who can tell me what movie thats from?) and another sharp Sierra Phantom
  5. what is the projected range on that monster? one would think its definately a point interceptor but how far out would that point be? also for all who have been decrying the series of late, where else can you take obscure aircraft concepts from the past and put them in the air to see what they would be like? huh? huh? thats right kids. (just waiting for the bugs to work out of the patch:grin: )
  6. the category is USAF wings for $200 these tactical fighter wings are in the 400's, one is assigned to USAFE
  7. i had that magazine tho i don't remember where its gone to. after the U-2 became operational they were given to Taiwan where a couple were shot down. i believe one out of 6 was lost to an accident, and all were given false serial nums while in USAFE at least one of which i recall being a ser. num for an F-89C! can give more info this weekend after the move, when i can dig out my century series book and get mor details. the mod looks sharp as always though:good:
  8. you know another question to ask here is which theater will this be for? Exp1 was for isreal with extras for the rest, Exp2 was for Europe again with extras for the rest. will this one be for europe again or for Vietnam or Dihmar?
  9. So How'd It Go?

    lotta the stomach bug roundthe world. spent halfa christmas in ER with my wife, now i have it today. ugh
  10. lets keep exploring the earlier years of the cold war. F-84G!
  11. Birthdays

    happy birthday guys:drinks:
  12. Wish List 1-2-3

    only when it's Marines flying Harriers into Kandahar AF!
  13. hey Spinners, whats up with the site at whatifmodelling? i like to go there on some of your screenies to get some background story but now i cant get in w/o signing in and it wont let me register to be able to sign in and what is the background on a Lightning with Genies? although two inaccurate missles evidently make a boom:rofl:
  14. Super F-14 Tomcat Image

    reminds me of the girl on Mars from Total Recall. interesting yet so wrong
  15. also there isnt a stock helo sound. look for the sound file in the helo you downloaded or hit up the download section to get the sound
  16. sorry i meant the F-100 the Bug is pretty cool too tho
  17. winchester my butt! you can still drop the tanks on their heads in mambi pambi land:rofl: sweet Hun tho, what unit is that skin?
  18. this is a great idea and despite the language barrier great resources. earlier orbats from end of WW2 to Berlin Crisis 61 could be more difficult to find tho but worth it with what TK has put out as well as mods.
  19. Santa Hotline Confusion

    dunno where but i heard that one too, think that became the origin of the Santa Tracker ok just wiki'd it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NORAD_Tracks_Santa
  20. hell with these issues goin on with exp2, the Tomcat should just be the Tom, Iceland, and a campaign. as for the patch, honey do list always posts in the middle of a mission so not missing wingmen landing right now my props have been an on off proposition, not completely busted not an early Lightning or Alpha model Hun fan, soooo........me's wait on patch D heres to the next round of complaints, in two weeks:grin:
  21. would you guys reccomend gettin this upgrade or waiting for Dec2010-D?
  22. what is SF2Sqmd? or is that classified?
  23. oops!

    looks like the rotorwash broke off some limbs, wonder why they had folks in the flight path of the insertion though.

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