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Everything posted by daddyairplanes

  1. (with the morning coffee shooting out the nose..) shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my wifes from San Diego:rofl: also just reminded me of the tv show Jericho, where the Republic of Texas Vipers shoots down Cheyennes Eagles at the end of the series. like that would be a big suprise!
  2. this is off of my personal Euro 1 skin for later model F-4Es. all markings on it are decals i just spent many hours loading a position in the decal.ini then loading up the game to look then going back and adjusting. if it is an existing skin/aircraft then you can base off of the original skin and tweak it to what you need. and i agree whith Wrench on the question limit. too many dumb ones and you might make me look smart:lol: one more shot for the road
  3. lol some of of in the States think the same about the South. Given i'm originally from Chicago i would agree though i have always manged to get stationed in the south of somewhere.
  4. or one could just get NF4+ for Zippers, Vipers and many different marks of Phantoms!
  5. Navy QF-4 question

    as to the what became of them those that weren't expended as FSATs (full scale airborne targets) were retired for a second time to the boneyard at Davis Monathan in Arizona. but most were shot down over the pacific esp. the QF-4B/N models.
  6. Navy QF-4 question

    they used them both as full scale target drones and to test new ordinance and equipment. a QF-4S even tested a russian anti-radiation missle while they were still active. more details to follow.
  7. first i wish to state i am not a modder! however looking at how the Gen 2 aircraft work and thinking on ini edits what if you were to make a tank(the reel pod actually on the pylon) set it to release upon firing out to say 900 ft then ini edit the target itself to be very armoredso its not instantly destroyed? or somehow have the target be a red aircraft flying in formation with the tow aircraft? just some thoughts one the matter.
  8. Two New Flight Simmers entered the world!

    congrats man!
  9. Why did you Yanks keep him away from me?

    remember an interview where his parents told him not to use foul language yet to look upto soldiers, police and firefighters. "and how do most of them talk?"
  10. SAAB Unveils Thai Air Defence Solutions

    just a thought Gripen would make a helluva bird for 1990+ merc campaigns
  11. SF2 On Strike

    i wish we had one of those bombs!
  12. Downloading

    In regards to his connection it also may have to do with his geographic location. when i was in afghanistan i was fortunate enough to have internet. however a 3 MB download would take 35 minutes let alone if there was a interuption. it was just the nature of the beast there.
  13. germany flat my BUTT! try drivin a 5 ton thru Bayern (Bavaria) at night and keep lookin down the other side of the guard rail at the forest way below. i have many memories of Germany and the Autobahn. flat is not one of them.
  14. Chilean Miners

    first lets hope the rescuers dont screw the pooch and cave in their shelter while trying to rescue them
  15. Veltros WIPS

    agreed about the sunderland. would be useful for a Berlin Airlift mod along with a C-54:good:
  16. the problem with the online world is it's harder to find these A.H.'s and meet them out back their work or home with a tire iron like they deserve .................not that i'd do such a thing:smile:
  17. the weapons editor isnt really necessary anymore with the new layout though it can be convient for some. For western weps i do a lot of research and data_ini editing. i don't quite have the patience to go through the warsaw pact weapons yet. im running a vietnam based install a europe based one a 1950s based one and gonna set up a 1990s based one. all merged of course:grin:
  18. Britain's most disgusting woman

    you guys got a lotta young punks disrespecting your memorials over there. thank God no one has thought to piss on the Wall in DC or anything to the Marine memorial. our courts probably wouldn't even let the case get to a court room.
  19. explosion effects for a toilet? ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
  20. you know in the story about that in the Korean War they strapped the kitchen sink to a 500 lb bomb then dropped it over North korea. that said you must release as weapon with the Spads!
  21. How did you do that? magic. (couldn't resist:lol: )
  22. cute. Red Bull may sponsor an A model Eagle in a few years time and get it on the warbird market.
  23. as for the better avionics many companies round the world do avionics upgrades on the MiG-21. for your what if here why not have Isreali Aircraft Industries upgrade with a western radar of your choice and make the avionics NATO compatable? its your world just dont do nothing crazy like putting AESA in there:grin:
  24. Almost done..

    well after a grand total of almost 10 years (97-99, 02-10) i am finally done working at Smoke Bomb Hill DFAC on Ft Bragg. i pick up my clearing papers this week and wrap up 14 years in the US Army with 2 months of terminal leave starting next month. Would like to go the last 6 years but 3 bulging discs in my back kinda disagree with that aim. Its kinda interesting closing such a long chapter in your life.
  25. Almost done..

    lookin at gettin in with one the the contractors and run a shift or DFAC in the desert for one year. might as well get a piece of that before Iraq closes or Congress shuts down OEF. For the month of September though gonna unpack the new house while my wifes at work (hah hows that for role reversal) and see about doing some catering on the side when sittin at home gets on my nerves. probably about two weeks after my terminal leave starts:grin:

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