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Everything posted by daddyairplanes

  1. Original WOE on Vista

    i appreciate it. i have my install patched Oct08 and have copy of patch on thumbdrive.
  2. i do remember reading somewhere that Saab designed th fuel gauge to display in percentages not lbs like most fighters. trying to make the math of how much do i have left easier. as for the AB question.... sporty and gets great MPG?
  3. The Hurt Locker

    is it out on real dvd yet? still will buy haji disc at the next bazaar but they tend to be better quality when the movie is already on dvd than in the theatres still. something about that bobbing camcorder....
  4. Original WOE on Vista

    ok then. on my old desktop (xp) it always required the disk to run the program. when i got a laptop for the deployment and it had vista no disc needed after it was installed. then back and forth with the NF installs. guess we'll find out what works on their systems and hope for the best(3 other players in the room none needing the disk to run.) i appreiciate your advice.
  5. Original WOE on Vista

    it does. i dont have an issue with it running on my laptop. i was wondering if the running w/o disk was a fluke to my system or if it should work that way on any vista machine.
  6. If you are in a Foreing country....

    we have a new safety poster here saying not to go jogging on the runway finishes with don't become a hood ornament for a C-5 in my experience the safety folks don't have to imagine these problems they post about things that have happened....
  7. Army Strong!

    btw ericj are you still in afghan? i see the ft hood but some of your comments thru the last few weeks had me confused
  8. Beer thread!

    quit drinking(in Germany of all places!) 10 years ago. long family history behind it. however i do miss having a liter of Maiselweiss at the volksfest on base every year. still have the steins from each one. not a bad souvenier for 8 mark deposit.
  9. Army Strong!

    ah knew they were WA NG but not the brigade or the Cali part. we tend to get lotta guard pass through bragg and bein your friendly nieghborhood cook i see and talk to alot of them.
  10. seeing as the need is for air defense for CONUS you wouldn't even need a full up block 60. deliver it stock any how to keep lead in time down(same as how the Phantom kept its hook and folding wings throughout all blocks keep production rolling w/o interuption)but for that particular mission the only parts of the package you would keep is the conformal tanks and the aesa radar. even paint them in aggressor marking for a secondary tasking.
  11. damn. and they just finished turning the last of the airworthy F-4E's into QF-4's.
  12. Army Strong!

    "Our Army,I am sad to say, is nothing of what it was just 10 or 12 years ago. " brother ain't that the truth. i've been seeing stuff this deployment that boggles my freakin mind. the day after we hit green ramp i see doc to start my med board proceedings. day after reintegration i start acap. only thing keeping me in past 28 oct 10 is if doc wants to cut on my back. there are still some good joes out there. but theres gotten to be to much tolerance for the bad ones.
  13. affordable block 60? we talkin F-16ADF 2.0?
  14. Army Strong!

    and sorry if i seem a..h...ish about it but as a Non Commissioned Officer United States Army i've been irritated about this since seeing the picture. either the guy needs more self control in KBR's dfacs or if he was like that when he reported his chain of command shouldn't have deployed his butt. one look at the pic and you can tell that ain't muscle.
  15. Army Strong!

    on the IRR bit i had a soldier in iraq who was an IRR callup. he was a cook. most of the IRR sent overseas doesn't seem so much about military specialty as putting bodies into slots(or this guys case two) i have also met plenty of soldiers at bragg particularly doctors who were called up to replace someone active duty who had deployed. back to my original statement i've been active duty for 13 years now. i remember people getting put out during the clinton years for failing to lose 10 pounds and not missing tape by 1-2%. or failing 2 pt tests in a row. then along came two wars and the army needed manpower. entry requirements got lowered and you have all the time in the world to lose weight if you fail to meet the standard. fail a pt test and you'll keep getting a diagnostic every week until you pass. it's starting to get fixed now that the army is surpassing its recruiting goals again but it will take a while to fix.
  16. unless ODS is coming to an SF2 download section near you soon i vote for standoff capability agm-142 pls
  17. also with that book(modders hint hint) is a pics section with the migs in american/soviet markings.
  18. another good book on the topic is Red Eagles about the 4477 TES.(damn i wish i was home!) covers the Air Forces indoctrination program throught the late 70s and 80s using the -17, -21, and -23. generally as i recall they told pilots read into the program to get the -17 above 450kts and manuever against it and with the -23 to get into a turning fight but don't try to outrun it. it could pull away from even the F-15 but was more dog than dogfighter and all the american pilots hated it. even said putting the -23 in squadron service was best favor russia did for the american fighter pilot. but below 450kts above 20000 ft the -17 was the best thing since wonder bread.
  19. you're right. type conversion should be super easy. i mean if randy quaid and bill pullman can fly em....
  20. as the article said there is a precedent in doing that(F-4, A-7, joint use of EA-6B). however logistically it would be smarter to buy more F-16's. if congress drops the money for new build Vipers then i'm quite sure LM will build more Vipers. hell they're marketing a version of the block 60 to india right now. so why not? the ANG could have the most advanced F-16s and this time for defending AMERICAN airspace.
  21. Army Strong!

    yeah well with two wars going on recruiting standards have gone down. evidence is in the fact they have a size of combat shirt that fits the guy. also looking at the patch i am pretty sure he's guard. many that i have personally met had attitude of "i'm a civilian in a uniform." not all but many of them.
  22. Carrier Life

    tours in iraq and afghanistan and my wife was talking about moving to arizona when i get out next year. as this is a family site i'll leave my reply to the imagination. so yea i also see the logic in the cruise bit there.
  23. not sure bout it plus i have SF2E not V they seem to have some differneces from what i read in posts. will look into it tomorrow thouhg.
  24. if you look at the last 4 lines it discusses upgrading. didn't know you could do that though. pretty sweet
  25. Server down on tuesday?

    well i was originally mad at the internet company here. given the quality of service(it ain't time warner cable) i think i'll stay mad at them. appreciate the explaination

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