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Everything posted by daddyairplanes

  1. Happy Birthday Amokflo!

    happy birthday!
  2. F-4 Rivet Haste

    actually i believe that Rivet Haste was a program to rewire F-4Ds in vietnam from the AIM-4 to the AIM-9 after Falcons proved unreliable again. if your flying SF2 series any F-4D flown after 1968 shiykd be kosher for Rivet Haste. 67-68 might wanna laod Falcons if you want to be historically accurate
  3. Jesus hit by a car

    hmmmm need him to come raise my lesabre from the dead........................................
  4. Hard as Nails recruits

    i watched this in a mcdonalds while drinking coffee. i then proceeded to laugh so hard i spilled coffee all over myself. since i cannot sue mcdonalds anymore(damn warning labels) i am afraid i will have to sue UK Widowmaker. j/k so stupid its funny UK
  5. recce Phantoms carried ecm on underwing points due to not having missle bays. to my knowledge the inner wing stations could carry ecm though they didnt often do so. also if a jammer was carried under wing as opposed to in sparrow bays only only one was carried though you would hafta edit the data ini to allow asymetrical loadouts. it shouldnt be hard, you just hafta edit the numbers and groups. or you could delete ECM from one side or the other and it would show in the loadout as one loaded
  6. Happy Birthday Column5 and Crab_02

    happy bday guys
  7. as a child of the 80's (red dawn, top gun, superpower summits etc) i go with SF2E. there is so much possiblities from berlin airlift gone hot to the gaurds firing when the wall came down. Thunderbolts to Hogs all in one game!
  8. Why I Love Texas

    my wife asked why he was jogging with a gun. cause its texas he's allowed to
  9. Bacon.....

    c'mon nobody's goin for a chicago dog in here? 3 with a side of cheese fries and a dr pepper. (hmmm wonder why im have trouble with weight standards since repdeploying )
  10. http://forum.combatace.com/forum/246-strike-fighters-2-knowledge-base/ this should help you with all you need to know starting off in Gen 2
  11. Vista Ultimate Problems

    i don't have vista ultimate but on my vista machine i go in the control panel programs block. there is a link for using programs for older versions of windows. i go thru the steps to install and it takes about 10-20 mins to realize the disc is there. after that its straight forward like loading on XP. but i have home premium on a compaq laptop. so not garunteeing those results for you.
  12. P-40 Go Boom

    could i get the link to the thread on exploding DAT aircraft. had to pull my Gazelles out as they liked to do loops at 3 ft AGL. hope it might be useful
  13. So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

    this seems abit abrupt. where are you going to, if you dont mind me asking?
  14. Navy Jet Down

    http://www.navy.mil/search/display.asp?story_id=21965 the fourth sailor has been listed as killed. RIP
  15. teaser

    more piston v jet two seperate occasions us navy A-1s shot down Mig 17s. guess there is something that can turn inside a Fresco!
  16. Achmed the dead terrorist

    it will only offend those who suffer premature detonation
  17. No kill like a..... missile kill

    read this thread after a lil fun last night. tho not a2a, SRAMs are also great for SEAD!
  18. Ok Boys, It's Huntin' Season.......

    good. tho i wouldn't have announced it until the predator had him in the crosshairs
  19. Wikileak Apache video

    hmmm if they demonstrate hostile intent(say carrying what looks like weapons around US forces) then i'm pretty sure we dont have to wait for them to fire first to engage. that wait to be fired upon crap only applies in top gun. as for the journalists...... why are they crying when a vbied or mortar takes out some press? i recall hearing more about how heroic daniel pearl was after he was beheaded than how evil the douches that cut his head off were. thank you media
  20. Another fallen... in Afghanistan...

    we americans lose more there but the brits are losing more per the amount over there. rest in peace mate.
  21. noticed this little quirk in the B-47 from column 5's site. stays the same wherever you move external view. also have this now with my Block 52 Viper that i converted over in afghanistan. current game is patched to Dec on my laptop and Feb on desktop but no diff in results. whats up here?
  22. B-47E

    well damn. not so worried about the B-47. is anyone working on the Block 50/52 Vipers for Gen 2? the leaks in that one are on the pivot points for the stabs and are only visible because of the dark paint. i can live with that for now but im afraid the Stratojet will hafta go

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