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Everything posted by daddyairplanes

  1. Shooting at Ft Hood Texas

    latest i heard is that he was a shrink at Walter Reed last 6 years. pcs'd to Hood and was about to deploy. was a muslim and disagreed with the wars over here. buncha folks upset over here know lotta folks outta Hood round here.
  2. In hospital at the mo

    get well bud and take it easy. hope to hear good news from ya soon
  3. Shooting at Ft Hood Texas

    those little s***s need to be bumped to the front of the line of death row at leavenworth. its 0300 here i checked the news after finishing laundry before i went to bed. i'm up the rest of the night now and in the morning when the rest of us wake up to this everyone will have the same thought i already had- could this happen at Bragg(or whatever home station the joes here are from) and could the f******s get my family. it's bad enough we're losing folks here without havin to worry bout back home my prayers to the families and wounded at Hood
  4. i'v gone through the downloads section over the last 6 months and am wondering is there.. 1 a P-47D? ive seen a skin for it but not the actual aircraft 2 B-45 tornado? 3 Soviet ships other than the 2 carriers? 4 UH-60, AH-1 vietnam era snakes, or AH64? also does anyone have info on what the soviet air force was flying in the soviet occupation zone of germany along about the time of the berlin airlift? i appreciate any input you all have on this.
  5. i am wondering about the skins released with some of the new birds like the F-15C/D. i notice that a seperate skin is released for every squadron it seems. i am working on a project to have a folder with tga's to draw from like the main stock game but that can be used for SEA wraparound Phantoms and Euro 1 Phantoms as well. it works great once i get placement of the next pieces worked out but i was wondering why most of the guys doing this for years dont do it that way? is it because its time comsuming(thankfully i have nothin but time right now) or does it affect something in the game to do it this way? so far i imported the Euro 1 skin from Gen one over to all the pertinent Phantoms made a decal folder with all the stock tga's turned black(its labeled F-4Black) and edited the decal ini for each skin to simply read from that folder. viola! pick ya squadron and fly. i also changed a few tga to reflect the proper squadrons (SJ for 4TFW example) and added non functional slimers. its workin great in my low end set up but ive been working on it for bout a month now.
  6. cool thank you once again
  7. ok cool. i'm not looking for super accuracy but would like some options that arent there in stock. i also figured you guys put the tailcodes on the skins cause it might be faster. my way is proving to be a long process! one other question along this line... with working on phantoms there is alot out there already im mainly packaging it differently so it runs more like stock game. i hope to release this come feb when i get home and have a few people to ask permission of for things like the slimers. would i need to ask tk permission since the Euro 1 skin is from WOE? im also using that as a base to create a SEA Wraparound. i think i remember reading not to mess with the lod's from the game and everything else was kosher. want to make sure tho.
  8. thanks Shoalin. i think i tried that one befor but several months ago. got a lil better handle on how to make things work better now so i;ll give that Jug another spin. i had totally forgetten bout that pack. i appreciate it!
  9. sheesh people even if its only released in on gen or the other i'm pretty sure there is a couple of threads in the SF2 knowledge base on converting one way or the other. i know i've seen them there. i'm straight gen 2 now and have the converting older to newer saved as a favorite site!
  10. aaargh! well i suppose i'll see what i can do with whats available i've tried getting accepted to that site no dice. but thanks for the info
  11. due to most serices around the world not wanting females in combat women have traditionally served in an GCI/ air controller role. also studies by our air force stated that men notice a female voice quicker than a male one(just ask any deployed soldier!) of course this also lead to the automated warnings in later fighters being called bitchin betty. personally i would only want the callsign changed as red crown if i recall right was a navy radar ship off vietnam. i would think the call sign would be diff in europe, ODS and the many other situations you can find ya self in in the Thirdwire world.
  12. The Gourmet Thread

    heres one i did up on Halloween for my units cookout Grilled Chicken Parmesan Afghani 50 chicken breasts( i am an army cook and deal in bulk) Sauce 2 liters water salt to taste tomato paste approx. 3 lbs (10 of those little cans you get at the store or half of one of the large cans you get at a discount warehouse) 1/2 lb of brown sugar 48 oz V-8 vegetable juice 1/3 cup red pepper 1/3 cup garlic 3/4 basil 2 tomatoes diced bring your liquids to a boil then add your seasonings and diced tomato. finally add the tomato paste to thicken it up. set aside for when the chicken is grilled Grill your chicken until done. plain no seasoning. as each batch is finished (internal temp of 180 degrees F) add your sauce liberally over each piece of chicken. then add shredded cheese(i used white cheddar but thats all i had available) over the whole pan cover and serve within 30 mins. it may sound wierd and i used the ingredients i had available. however i have people shaking my hand on tuesday(halloween was sat) telling me how much they enjoyed it and for once on one of my cookouts the chicken ran out first not the steak! so i think i did something good there. saw this thread again while lookin thru the forums and figured i'd share. if your looking for smaller amounts i apologize but you may hafta do a little math first hopefully someone can try this for a family get together or such.
  13. Terrians Questions

    thanks for the responses guys. i guess i could do different installs for the different terrians and eras im working with like an attempt at a WOE 1948 with the B-29 and F-80s. as for the SoCal thanks for the tip Baltika. I downloaded SoCal specifically cause my wife is from San Diego and want to see if she pays attn when i blast outta Miramar in a Phantom or Tomcat(prob not). and Silverbolt as for the wingmen been there done that with the screaming. I guess i get to see Darwin in action thanks again for the responses guys. now i just gotta figure out how to redo Europe WW2 so its set in the late 40's early 50's and im fighting russians not nazis
  14. it could be something to do with being across the atlantic. i have screwy download situations and times all the time and i'm deployed to afghanistan. as for the speed dunno what to tell you im always runnin 12-15 kb every download. the moderators aare the ones whom you need to talk to the most here.
  15. it depends on what game your using. in snowynorway terrian the snowynorway.ini looks like this[Terrain] TerrainFullName=SnowyNorway DataFile=SnowyNorway_data.INI TargetFile=SnowyNorway_targets.INI TargetTypeFile=SnowyNorway_types.INI MovementFile=SnowyNorway_movement.INI NationsFile=SnowyNorway_nations.INI BriefingText=SnowyNorway_briefing.INI DogfightFile=SnowyNorway_dogfight.INI DogfightOnly=FALSE //EnvironmentFile=SnowyNorway_ENVIRONMENTSYSTEM.INI //CatFile=..\Desert\Desert.cat<========comment(//)the version your not using CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat ========= uncomment the version your using //CatFile=..\VietnamSEA\VietnamSEA.cat wrench says again cause he just jelped me with this. if your using SF2 series look for a post by me on how to populate the airfield with aircraft as well. there is a lot of info to be gained scouring the knowledge bases and forums.
  16. "You're not cool!" blog

    one its bout like the guys that talks to soldiers comin home from a deployment how he served only to find out he did 3 weeks of basic and got booted out. two i second muesli's motion phantom phables in the next FC blog please!
  17. im interested in the game specific mod issue myself. i wont be getting SF2I until i get home in jan or feb and honestly have no plans to get SF2 or V. i know blasphemy but im more into the war that coulda been in western europe. however im already seeing aircraft specifically for SF2I and wonder if they would work in SF2E. if i understand right the mods for earlier releases will work but what about later releases?
  18. are you looking in the main directory or in the saved games folder?the one in users/(username)/savedgames/thirdwire/SF2I ? 2nd Gen saves different than 1st Gen if the saved folder aint there should be able to make one. also check the options.ini see that mods are enabled. just thought of that. hope it helps.
  19. that's us

    don't do it GI! i seen that case and its a trick! it's non-alcoholic NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO......................
  20. not a prob. but Pave Tack!?!?!?!?!?! what are ya flying? pave tack was only flown on F-4s as an external pod and F-111s mounted in the bomb bay. it is big enough most phantom crews referred to it as pave drag. i would stick to the pave spike which was small enough to be mounted in the sparrow bay of a phantom with an adapter.
  21. check the data.ini of the aircraft and the pave spike pod its self. if the aircraft was not cleared for designating pods or pave spike was not cleared for export in the campaign year then it will not show. once those are set straight then adjust the aircrafts loadout.ini and it will show in your loadout screen.
  22. is pave spike available for the aircraft? first you may want to check the data.ini for the aircraft and the availble years for pave spike and export of pave spike in its data ini. historically i dont think we released it for export until 1990 and am pretty sure we didnt sell any to the canadians. however check those two items first and if they are availble add to the loadout.ini for the aircraft. that will make it availble to the squadron(they wouldnt stock anything they couldnt use)
  23. @the folks talkin torrent: if your a cheap a$$(like me) participate more often your status will move up and you can d/l more @ all with low end systems: putting settings on low for everything related to the ground will have single missions running almost as smooth as normal. for some reason campaigns are a crapshoot some have decent framerate others OMFG! (talkin 1.9 and 12!) tried it with takin the terrian folder straight out. it didnt crash Dave but it was neglible results and germany is ssoooooooooo purty in the fall other than that it kicks a$$ guys. @dave and fubar512: the F-15C FM aint that unrealistic. got bounced on take off in 2009 by Su35s from 15 miles out. 3 times tryin the mission and i could only avoid the first 11 missle trails coming in the 12th within 30 seconds always seemed to get me. of course that was SF2E not my dedicated Nato Fighters install at the community: 6.95 a month huh? when i get back and can stop my wife from SPENDING gotta drop a couple of months down there. least i can do given how ya'll tolerate me heh heh heh and finally to all: have a great rest of ya day its b-day night here im going to the dutch mwr gettin near drunk on near heineken
  24. it's 235 in the am here. 4 test flights looks great so far. @ Dave left the medium and high detail folders out of the terrian mods folder. played with settings some. 2 flights at 3 and 15frames one with all settings low at the highest ive ever seen 25 and 60. with everything but object and ground object set to low last flight bout normal. and was that a Frogfoot I saw in the list of single planes? well for 40 min of checking that it works it looks damn good. cant wait til im off duty tommorw and kick off a few campaigns. an excellent birthday present thanks to all that made this happen.
  25. what controls the tailcodes used by the squadrons? would i be correct in assuming that the squadron number xxx in the squadron list.ini matches up with the corresponding (aircraft)_SqTailL(or R) xxx in the decals folder? i have been working on using stock tga.s and bmps from WOE to make some of the historical schemes for Phantoms in SF2E. i'm using gimp to change up the color and in the case of Seymour Johnson based birds the letters of the stock tga and then saving them in a folder with the decal ini looking for F-4D_75/Euro1/D/F4_SqTailL instead of the stock tailL. that way all codes are in one folder instead of many skins for the same scheme. it got me to wondering how the tgas are assigned in stock tho. appreciate any input on this guys. btw i know the tanks are wrong on the vietnam wraparound it was late when i took the screenshot and i hadnt put the proper painted tanks in the folder yet

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