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Everything posted by daddyairplanes

  1. dumb question here....

    read only box was not checked but while in properties looked at security settings and adjusted them so the user had full control. it was set for read and execute only. thanks for pointing me in right direction!
  2. This. Is. Gold! "always believe in your so-oul"

    one time in iraq, we had mortars comin in around midnite. we all shuffled in bunkers when one guy walks in butt naked. evidently a dud round landed in the shower stall next to him and he didn't wait around to see what happened next!
  3. not too fictional actually. 4 TFW was co-based at Ramstien AB during late 70's thru mid 80's and deployed there a few times in concert with REFORGER exercises. Never picked the tasking back up after they transitioned to Mud Hens due to the course of history after that. Still woulda been interesting too see ARN-101 Rhinos in action.
  4. first wave of ODS B-52G's launched outta barksdale many hours before first shots fired launched ALCMs into iraqi targets from just outside the border then later in campaign when IADS was shut down served as bomb truck destroying Republican gaurd units
  5. this sounds like a great idea especially for those of us with younger kids that want to fly the game but can't quite handle mig's and AAA while figuring out which way is up. any chance of maybe makin a whole campaign? details in readme for demil' ing a fresh install and addin the civilian birds?
  6. thanks for the advice i guess it doesn't get simpler than that huh
  7. well here an issue for any one that wants to help. I've got my main install of WOE with NF1 and 2 and the oct08 patch and bunyaps weapons pack. big prob is that i'm tryin to do 2nd install but keep losing wep's after putting in weapons pack. adding to my probs is that im deployed and my avail internet goes at 7 kbs on a good day. i have copies of nf1.exe, nf2, oct 08 patch, bunyaps weapon pack, the 20-11-07 weapon pack as well as a few planes i was able to pick up before i left home. i will have to get nf3 on thumbdrive from the wife back home but i did a reinstall a month and a half ago using all the files i have. cant figure out what i did to have weps before. hopin there is interim solution involving ini. files or order of loading. second smaller issue is on install that works i have no weps for my F-104. doesnt drive me too crazy as i prefer two J79's to one but i've been curious bout it. finally i've had WOE for bout two years but have only discovered the add ons in the last 4 months so please break down any assistance into kindergarten terms. appreciate any help you guys can give me
  8. the F-14 was originally designed to carry Sparrows recessed inbetween the engines. during flight testing a test round was fired off and pitched up and into the Tomcat. pilot had to eject and a/c was lost. not combat but another case of getting shot down by your own rounds

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