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Everything posted by daddyairplanes

  1. Invisible Mavericks

    thank you jomni for the advice. there was no mention of the LODs in most of the 65xx,ini.s so i made them using info from the knowledge base as my template. viola! mavericks aren't invisible anymore. thank to everyone who typed in on this and helped me out. now i can go back to muddling through learning decals.(yes i know that in the KB too, i'm a slow learner i'm afraid when it comes to computer issues.)
  2. Invisible Mavericks

    ok update while i'm on lunch break. loaded EricJ's files(thank you very much kind sir) flew on F-4E ARN and on A-10A the A-10 in year 2001 F-4 in last year avail 91. no 65D2 available in loadout of F-4 65D and 65G invisible. everything else works just no visible missle. on the A-10 65D thru 65H are available in loadout. only D2 and H showup. will reinstall F-16C (remove it temp. as i figure out what i'm soing with decals) tonight to see how things show up on that bird but expect same results as A-10. thank you for the help you guys have been giving so far.
  3. Invisible Mavericks

    i downloaded KillerBee's weapons pack for SF2. thought it was plug and play and didn't need work with the editor. also have bitmaps for all mavericks in question but i don't know if there should be something in ini.s pointing towards them. if there is i'm not seeing it.
  4. Reason for screen name....

    mine is what my youngest daughters screamed everytime she saw one of the C-130's or -17s flying overhead from Pope AFB. of course she much more advanced now and says hello and goodbye to every he'copper flying over Bragg!
  5. F-15E down

    http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090720/ap_on_.../as_afghanistan now another one. crew made it out ok though. strange the inside airfield part. i didn't hear it. would think i would have.
  6. anyone working on the F-16C blk 52? if not i'd like to give it try for my first mod. that said might take me a bit as i learn what i'm doing.
  7. Hitler Parody: Over Flanders Fields

    as to hitler represnting germans... he was actually austrian, just like bruno! as to assassinating hitler it would have gone longer if they had not done something about himmler. i believe churchill himself said that hitler could sometimes be of grat assistance to the allied cause with his quirky moods and behaviour. however many alternate histories i've read over the years where rommel or canaris take over have the germans sueing for peace with the western allies giving up all lands taken in 1939-1940 and turning their full attention to the russian whom the german military percieve as the real threat. in most of those histories after a few months an exhausted GB takes the deal. so does the USA so we could turn our attention to Japan who actually attacked us. interesting lines of thought.
  8. came into this one a bit lat but some comments on the above block 60 was the final block for the F-4 althogh the last signifigant modifacation that made it into production line was Block 48 which saw the leading edge slats and longer gun barrel housing installed. ARN-101 and F-4Gs were modified at Ogden ALC in Utah F-15Cs have gotten many upgrades over the years to make them more capable including helmet mounted sights and AESA radar. i believe there is some talk about doing software upgrades to allow them an air to ground role even but not for sure on that as for the block 60 vipers, they were sold to the UAE and are actually some what more capable than Block 52's with overwing conformal tanks AESA and i think they built Sniper XR capable from the get go rather than retrofit like USAF fleet. however i dont think the USAF was too worried as by the time they reached IOC with them we had at least a squadron of Raptors ready to go. just a few thoughts while i broke off for chow.
  9. got the burners and sounds to work(i was an idiot and had those folders in my objects folder) but still no decals. pulled the contents out like some downloads but still no luck. my F-4's , Voodoos and F-105F/G are working just fine. Maybe the Vaarks have been sanitized for a raid on Libya?
  10. I've got a seperate question: why doesn't the engine sounds or after burner work in my F-111 pack? i put the files into their corresponding place and i have the aircraft and weps but no burner sounds or decals for that matter.
  11. just downloaded SF2E last night. went to d/l TMF's F-4G for series 2 and the files show in the folders but not in the game. how am i messing up a plug and play install?
  12. another dumb question

    ok did some more tooling around and added gunny's weps pack. somehow gave me the clue to what i needed to do though still not 100% sure what i did. thanks for the help.
  13. Trouble With Takeoff...

    brief your pilots that there will be no drinking 12 hrs before missions
  14. another dumb question

    ok set it up as shown in knowledge base even d/l 2 other jets to see if was issue with F-4G. still no dice here. have all mod files in name\Strike Fighters2\ThirdWire\ Sounds( or effects or objects\aircraft etc.) was just getting to be able to work around in WOE's files w/o messing stuff up and now gotta figure things out again.
  15. there was actually a historical case for the Six going to Vietnam. the CO of ADC wanted to contribute more to the war effort and initiated studies to prep the F-106 for an escort role up north. this included the modified bubble canopy, a2a refueling capability and 20mm cannon added under Project Six Shooter and the T.O 1-1-4 scheme that never was used. however the Sixes deployed to Korea instead due to the pueblo siezure and stayed over a year in S. korea. got a interesting pic in a book of a 106 with 12 mk 82s loaded but was done for photo op not for real.
  16. Are you a skeptic, what do you believe in?

    looks to me like the guy is reaching for the X-31 Space Modulator. so he can blow up the Earth you know
  17. Joystick. In a game that is a flight simulation why would you use a keyboard? Unless youre flyin an Airbus
  18. F-35 too loud

    i'd vote for IL-76's being noisiest esp. on landing. things louder than the local vipers, mirages, and occasional C-5.
  19. check out Spirit in the Skies put out by World Air Power Journal in 99 and reprinted with updates around 03 or 04. line drwings and description are back in the variants section. take my 99 copy with me on every deployment.
  20. McAir called it the F-4J(FV)S or F-4M(FV)S depending on target customer USN or RN. Was drawn up when the Navy realized F-111B was a waste and tried to capitalize on something like 60% commonality with existing Phantoms. Also planned Spey powered version for the Brits all this along about 1967. never got beyond the drawing board though. oh and btw i might happen to be a Phanatic
  21. Bunyap's Weps Pack

    in my experience with bunyap's and NF1 and 2 most planes worked great and a lot of variety of ordinance. but i had a couple of planes, esp the F-104G that would show up empty at loadout time. nothing zero. I' ve moved on to TMF's latest pack and it works great even if not as much variety. Still every plane has what she needs to get the job done. though i do miss the nukes.
  22. Worst Modeling Experience

    was in iraq in 05 having just finished a 1/72 revell F-15A about 1977 vintage. used hasegawa weps some other spares to update it, trial and error to get air supioerity blue (to far to walk to nearest hobby store) and with a little creative cutting and reattaching had it at moment of touch down on runway speed brake out and all. so i take some foam packing that one of the workshops dont need any more and prep it to ship home. its secure in its box nothing the postal service can do to it should harm my baby right? i set it on the floor on my roommates side since he is on R and R leave and am gonna take it to the post office in the morning. well who shows up but my roommate. he drops his gear sees the box and not knowing what it is does his best Brett Micheals piledriver right into the box! MCAir prob never thought of that when designing. So i spend about nother 6 hours repairing. landing gear completely totaled so had to redo inflight. It's still "flying to this day in my living room but still not what i originally had in mind.
  23. Whatcha building right now?

    just finished hasegawa 1/48th F-4E before coming over here. The anniversary special bird but w/o the 30th Anniversary markings. unfortunately due to availble personal space here i had to cancel plans to work on some of my 20 phantom kits over the year. At least i Can still fly double uglies in NF1-4!
  24. i had just downloaded bunyaps wep pack and was trying out the nuclear falcon. gave both flights order to rtb after spotting squadron of Bears. set up and launched my nuke but knuckleheads all went after the bombers instead of going home. net result 20 kills and one hell of a friendly fire call.

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