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Everything posted by daddyairplanes

  1. did i ever tell you the story of the little tugboat that could?
  2. California Dreamin.... I'll get to The Other Woman tomorrow...
  3. looks good, and i figured it was only a matter of time until we had a Dhimari Duck is this a DAT bird?
  4. did they paint those the deep blue? if so would that make it a ..... dark wing Duck?
  5. Viper Pit

    well i can dig that although... some of those folks just dont want to be liberated. and tend to shoot back. so you gots to keep some agility about you. cause 9.5G limit drops down to 2 or 3 when your lugging enough explosives to drop the Hoover Dam they didnt want to get liberated. didnt leave a plane on the ground. sent them all to blow up in the air thays the way they wants it thats the way they gets it and i dont like it any more than you do ok
  6. i havent checked the A or R but yes, the E goes into a deep stall if it manuevers too agressively and AI just doesnt recover. player flying i have to drop flaps to landing and firewall it to hope to recover. and yes, this photo was about 300 ft to impact. three three shots at having her as a wingman to a Viper. given the mentioned problems it didnt work well so i said fu..... it and snapped that shot.
  7. Viper Pit

    ^ you and your propensity for hanging the biggest missile possible.... with snow on the ground lets hope he doesnt have to bring it back see this? modified Deny Flight CAP loadout (Snakes instead of regular MK82s)
  8. done with the Guard, on to teh Reserves btw whos good with FMs?
  9. Viper Pit

    just another deny flight sortie, checking ABs
  10. excuse me sir, but only three clowns ejected from that, clearly identifying it as a Douglas A3D not a Prowler (if you dont get teh joke, just wait on other Kevin to chime in) mandatory screenie, or just another pretty pic over Italy
  11. what if i told you SFMC was SF3? at least as far as anyone here in this reality will experience it. unless...
  12. what he said is the most likely reason. i get it often if i fly a mission outside the time limits of the few enemy planes in my test install
  13. JAT81500 facebook account.

    as a shot in the dark, you could try the YAP-RW, Strike Fighters 2 and Air Combat Patrol groups. theres alot of the CA community hanging out between the three, so might be there or someone might be in touch
  14. (must not ask for convoys of civilian cars, must not ask for of civilian cars)
  15. cant hear it are we beating the right horse? the graphics are off pretty sure were supposed to be beating a Clydesdale, not a retired Lippenzzaner (just teasin ya bro. thanks to ODS you probably have the closest to TKs experience of the modders)
  16. well who's to say how European aircraft developemnt would go in such a scenario? The engineers and designers of the Mirages would be working for Messerschmitt rather than Dassault. Take some time to change the names of various weapons and aircraft and boom, Wunderwaffe 1961. Works for traditional aircraft reimagined (Spinners is a master at doing that) or the what if's
  17. is this the new metric to complain by? have rivets become last century? and why do the birds chirp in mp3 rather than wav in Iceland?!?!?!?
  18. oh yeah. this is a typical stic-er-ous prol-if-i-cuss project too done up nice then shot in the dark
  19. just a reminder from the weekend warriors; NKAWTG
  20. was it you that said, how long? how long? to the point, of know return
  21. and the originally works just fine on around 99% of said systems hell, he probably coulda made a good chunk of change making pits for the non player flyables. especially if he released the way he did for all the other DLCs....... (cough cough A-6)
  22. not saying your wrong there.... if were me, would put a statement in the EULA that im not responsible for any effects my release has on any third party content. screenshot and post as the reply anytime someone complained. hell, that statement might be in there. only reason anyone might read the EULA is to dispute a post like this
  23. my friend...... you dont remember 2012-2013 in TW land TK would release patches. lets say at noon on a monday by 8pm, CA would be full o posts breaking down whats in the new patch and singing songs of praise. by 8am the next morning those songs of praise would turn to screams of anguish as somebody discovered that this mod was porked. or that feature disappeared. or something that was ridicously hard was now ridicously easy. and so on my recurring joke is funny because its true. we've seen us do it...........

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