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Posts posted by daddyairplanes

  1. First the question: i remember there being a mixed rocket pod/fuel tank for one of the Mirages. if im not crazy, what was it? was it stock or modded? and biggest question, what weapons category would it be?






    the reason for my question; as you know its hard to have mixed aircraft flights as the different aircraft can only use whatever weapons are availble to the originally selected aircraft. this defineatly precludes most fuel tanks.

    i've got somewhat of a work around. at least for the USAF fighter jets in the late 80s



    img00085.thumb.JPG.adab5985a1527d5c79c7f9dd18956d73.JPGyou normally wouldnt see these on this flight

    in the F-4G loadout screen



    currently i have this as a gunpod(minus rounds), but if i can get the info on the rocket/fuel pod that would be preferable. without any actual rockets of course


    i figure it would be a nice little touch of realism for missions like hunter killer SEAD, rather than not being able to have any tanks on.


    thank you all in advance for any assistance

  2. 13 hours ago, Wrench said:

    The body and paint guys are NOT gonna be happy with me! OTH, the new damage tgas work just fine!!


    you know, show me a prop with that many holes and its all good. show me 95% of the jets out there with that many holes still flying and well, i gotta say




    meanwhile back to the screenies



    wingman even getting some this time around


    • Like 4

  3. Not what if, but what almost was


    in 1992, in the shuffling of units, aircraft and missions, the 192nd TRS of the Nevada Air National Guard was tapped to take over F-4G Wild Weasel assests being retired by the 3rd Fighter Wing and 35th Fighter Wing. the plan far enough along to have an aircraft painted up in preliminary High Rollers markings.


    instead the aircraft were assigned to teh 190th Fighter Squadron, Idaho ANG and the High Rollers traded their Photo Phantoms in for C-130s a couple of years later


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  4. one thing on the SAMs gents is the Rules of Engagement often kept the SAM crews safer than teh fighter crews. at least until 1972 by which time the defense were built up pretty thick

    Desert Storm, gloves were off, if it radiated it was eating a HARM (to include the occasional BUFF tail gun!) it was more a DEAD fight than SEAD (destruction vs suppression)

    go back to Allied Force and a strict ROE once again. while only 2 aircraft were downed over Serbia, sites werent allowed to be prosecuted unless they were absolutely sure that it was a SAM or AAA and that there would be no civilian casualties. but Allied tactics and tech did keep the Serb SAM crews on their toes and shut down most of the time so suppression did work

    • Like 4

  5. 40 minutes ago, madvad said:

    But thank you for the clarification, noble sir.

    with so many folks gone period, or that disappear for long periods of time, its usually best to check when someone was last on site before a necrobump.

    and i thought emails were for PMs, not simple posts on topics. i know its how mine is set up and thought thats how they all were. something else to consider


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