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Posts posted by daddyairplanes

  1. i dont know the exact numbers involved but being listed as a new member you will have a low download limit. the more you post the higher your rank in the community will be and the more you can download. another route is to get a subscription if you can afford that i think its only 6 or 7 USD. i notice that youve been with us since 2004 but only have 11 posts. if thats not right you might wanna get with the admins to fix it. hope this help you out.

  2. thanks everyone and @nesher iraq one time afghanistan one time and kuwait in the summer 2 times (rather warm that time of year). nothing against your nieghborhood havent visited there yet

  3. hey all that real life thing is a beast. shot home on emergency leave last week due to some bad ju ju on the home front. getting it worked on its better than it was two weeks ago. but with my unit due back in the very beginning of the year this means i am done with the middle east. dont expect to be on much over next few weeks while i help mama get better but whatever the circumstances it does feel good to be home.

  4. yes terrians work fine in 2nd gen sims. with a little tweaking you can make it act just like a stock terrain. remember to put it into a terrain file in your Mods folder (savedgames/thirdwire/strikefighters2/terrains). in your xxx.ini (snowynorway.ini for Snowy Norway example) make sure the line about catfile points to the cat file for the stock terrian of whatever sim you are running (desert, vietnam, GermanyCE) or the runways will not show up when you fly.

  5. last one before bed...... i knew training was being cut with the shrinking budgets but thats ridiculous!rofl.gif

    gee and most of our humor here is takin away the guys clothes and towel while he;s in the shower or laughin at the guy who hits the bunker for OUTGOING fire. great pics guys.

  6. is it the SoCal terrian? if so there is russian hardware all over the american southwest. had my base defended by zues23's and hawks and got lit up by an ADA 113 with vulcan 10 miles from homeplate. nice terrian but the hardware assignments and intensity of it are just crazy. and i downloaded it just to fly outta NAS Miramar!(i know what the marines call it now it'll always be Fightertown USA thank you!)

  7. i'm waiting for campaigns til i get home and load NF4+ on my wifes HP touchscreen which is a lil more capable than my compaq laptop(hehehehehe) but flying single mission i have noticed that most of the add on birds are VERY twitchy on yaw. the jaguar and migs love to swing side to side after the slightest control inputs. also all birds start cutting to the left on takeoff causing me to correct until around 100 kts airspeed. thought it might be the controller at first but tried it on autopilot and same effect.



  8. damn hell of a end for a show.


    i've seen two scenes of blackadder now(the first was in iraq, the scene where rowan atkinson explains the procedure for stepping on a mine) how long has this show run? where can i find it besides youtube? streaming video moves kinda slow in this part of the world. and finally please excuse my ignorance but what is today?

  9. first welcome to combat ace. as to playing to finish a campaign(theres 3 of them stock) you select how long you want. short normal or hard. you can select the same level of difficulty for the game model(flight model weapon and radar usage) and the enemy skill as well. the F-16 can be found in the downloads section for SF1/WOV/WOE/WOI. not being a Viper pilot im not as sure as to its accuracy but it looks right to me! many of your questions about the stock game can be found by reading the manual in the main game files. also in the forum section of Combat Ace is a Knowledge Base. many of your questions as a beginner can be answered there

    again welcome to Combat Ace

  10. latest i heard is that he was a shrink at Walter Reed last 6 years. pcs'd to Hood and was about to deploy. was a muslim and disagreed with the wars over here. buncha folks upset over here know lotta folks outta Hood round here.


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