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General PB

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Everything posted by General PB

  1. looking forward to your next update ^^,
  2. i love the idea and i was considering doing some updates to the burning sands campaign myself as i was practicing for the Indochina war mod. what i would really like to see is something like the Korean war early campaign as i love the f86 and earlier jets and props (i don't like wart hunter all that much) with an expanded ground war strategic nodes to add more places to fight over, including the mountains in the west if we can get some light vehicles and infantry in. (maybe the guys from ww2 can supply some of it?) as for material, a lot of nations exported their old stuff out to various nations that would buy them, so the remnants of the soviet union/early Russia would be a prime seller for that - giving the Parani a bunch of old and more modern equipment from the surplus stores, plus we also have china as a major new exporter, the Iranians is a possibility as well that should not be overlooked... so there is plenty of stuff to draw on for the OPFOR though most would be in limited quantities but should be sufficient to supply a fighter squadron or tank regiment here and there. as for the nodes and map themselves, there is plenty of room to expand even without doing much, simply adding some FOB nodes with a couple of tents, AA and artillery at the entry points to the cities and having them fight over that to add some colour to it, fx where the nodes usually go from city A to city B, instead they would go from City A to city A (direction like North or South as an example) FOB to the City B FOB and then to City B, in essence adding two nodes to each citys preexisting node system and the out lying bases can then be connected to have the possibility of getting some surrounded units (the engine dosn't handle that all that well iirc) that we could also start using more of the mountainous western side of the map to do some Afghanistan and Vietnam style missions there. also the intensity of the conflicts can be adjusted up and down into separate campaigns, one with limited NATO and WARSAW support and others with full on ww3
  3. basically, in order for a mission to be a called a success, you have to kill a certain number of enemy units, if it is an air to air mission it is the primary enemy flight you have to shoot down and if you don't get any of them the mission will be called a failure regardless of how many other aircraft you shoot down, same goes for air to ground missions but with the added fun part that whomever controls the land at the end of the mission on the ground gets the strategic node and gets to either keep or advance into that area... so in order for you to not lose that piece of ground you have to cause more losses to either completely remove all enemy ground units (tanks) if your side loses all theirs, or cause enough losses to break their morale and make your side outnumber the enemy (which for most missions is either killing every one of their tanks or lose the ground)
  4. The Corona Virus Thread

    well my personal experience with corona has been rather on the mild side compared to two other brothers of mine with the third brother, mother and father so far not encountering or being asymptomatic. father is already struggling with severe health issues so if he encounters it, he will be dead without a doubt. Denmark, time and place of infection 11th of march 13.45 local time, local grosser, expedient was coughing mildly and looked like sweating a little when we(roomie and i) started to deposit our goods, looked seriously worse after we payed for them so either rapid onset of symptoms or light differences made all the difference. we where wearing gloves, we cleaned every goods we bought when we came home so most likely airborne. symptoms started next morning at 0900 when we(roomie and i) got up, fatigue coughing, sweating, muscle pains - like having taken a light run and forgot to stretch, slight fever at 37.2 celcius which was also the highest temperature we recorded during our symptomatic period (lowest at 35.8) and the feeling of having a much severe fever than that for the first three days. Hard to breathe after 7 days which still persist, had indigestion after 9 days which took almost a week to resolve and i still get annoyances from it now with either loose or hard belly. started getting some slight chest pains with the indigestion (which needs to get checked first opportunity but since the docs are closed to anything but the most severe it is going to be a long while) which certainly supports the case of some serious long term damage... coughing and hardness to breathe continues to today, mostly when there is dust or dry air, still get an occasional chest pain so most likely permanent damage to heart or heart region, fatigue is still present and seems to remain, likely o2 uptake could be down but i cannot detect it with any means i have at my disposal now - did see some lack of responsiveness around day 12 to 14. older brother, his wife and two kids was hit much more severely by fever and cough, but is on the mend and on his way back to work. younger brother just had a baby so they are "safe" in the hospital care. earliest symptoms in the first few days would not have been something i would have bothered with prior to this virus and would probably had gone on working from home, but it keeps sucking energy from you, slowly hitting you with every guerilla virus attack, draining you and not letting you recover or really rest so you feel drained all the time, tired when you get up, tired after taking a nap, make you feel like you just had a short run and forgot to stretch all the time and never recovered from the last run either. so i would not want to get hit by this any harder or again.
  5. thanks mates, yes stay away from the virus, it is pretty nasty (and no, it is not "just a flu")
  6. well, after being hit with the corona i am back up to speed, mostly working on my skills in the campaign setup and it feels to be going decently now. so hows the map coming along? what are the maps north/south and east/west boundaries?
  7. yep those are the same maps as the texas edu ones :) the Vietminh forces only had two trainers in 1945, they once belonged to the emperor but their first operational flight was only in 49, first real air units was the 919 Transport Regiment with Yak-18 trainers on 1 May 1959 and only in 1964 did the Vietminh get access to combat aircraft
  8. https://maquettes-missiles.blogspot.com/2011/03/le-breguet-br-1050-alize.html and i think this is the correct squadron emblem for the SBD's there on arrowmanche http://www.netmarine.net/aero/unites/4f/index.htm if you need more, don't hesitate to say, my french is horriblé but i can make do for some google fu
  9. and another with more insignias http://www.traditions-air.fr/index.htm
  10. just a hunch, but your install path may be write protected in one form or another, try starting two campaigns and see if you can still see the first (after you have flown a mission or two in the first) if you can see the campaign while still in the game but not after a restart your game exe probably do not have the write permission
  11. http://gaubs.free.fr/ might be of some help for squadrons but not all of them have graphics and not all of them have live links
  12. http://www.frenchwings.net/indochina/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=22 it may help, though in french only (English version of the site is not working)
  13. https://www.dropbox.com/s/mzli6is4wrhc9vv/Ax01199.jpg?dl=0 that is the best map i found for garrisons at 1946 start with this one showing the major transportation routes; https://www.dropbox.com/s/ejq0e51qqchwrja/txu-oclc-1092889-78334-8-70.jpg?dl=0 and this one for air bases though it is much later in 1970 iirc; https://www.dropbox.com/s/c3jdmjyxbl3gj2q/txu-oclc-1092889-78335-8-70.jpg?dl=0 I also do have a 1:100.000 map of all of Indochina with airports which you can also get from here; https://legacy.lib.utexas.edu/maps/ams/indochina_and_thailand/ and just saying, it is awesome that you are redoing the map, i very much look forward to seeing it and flying over it ^^, i have plenty of things i can do in the mean time and fixing the strat nodes position is fortunately easy to "redo"
  14. well, small progress, I have had a lot of fails... or First Attempts In Learning Stuff... i think i got strategic node edits down in a separate mod, which showed me that i need to work with front lines, land and sea routes but the basic mod structure stuff is mostly down now, so have started to rework on the strategic nodes in Indochina after which the more intensive work on the other stuff can slowly begin after that...
  15. depending on your windows it changes for windows 10 it is: C:\Users\YOUR USER NAME\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 YOUR MOD or whatever\PilotData you need to find it directly in the root as win10 does not show this in the documents folder
  16. the reason i need to use the terrain editor is to be able to get reliable coordinates for strategic node/ points that are not already in the game(or in the cities list). Basically, the engine was designed for conventional warfare, Indochina and Vietnam where both heavily guerrilla and asymmetrical and to best emulate that i think we will need a lot of nodes and a lot of small units from battalion size and upwards to be spread out over the map. This will help dilute french and Vietminh strength so that the ground conflict and ground interactions from all units can be intensified (in comparison to WOV where units are basically static) so that the campaign also wont just be the same few areas over and over again that are interacted with as that could lead to a very boring campaign. my experience so far with terrain editing and everything else is very limited as I am very new to modding sf2 so your and everyone else's advice is very very much appreciated in essence, i wanted the nodes to correlate to a map like this one: or something like this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ejq0e51qqchwrja/txu-oclc-1092889-78334-8-70.jpg?dl=0 which have a lot of roads and trails which units can follow and a lot of cities to fight over
  17. well, so far no joy on finding a good OOB for the Vietminh forces, have some maps that detail their control from 46 on wards so that is at least a somewhat good start... so if any one of you have access to any form of OOB for the vietminh forces i would appreciate that quite a lot, if not, i will just have to apply a bit of fancy magic and creativity to it ^^,
  18. https://discord.gg/59GDmHG made a discord group if anyone is interested in joining the mod making... ^^, my plan for the next little while is to get the main campaign up and running, that being the 46 to 56(ish) campaign and maybe do a quick little 45-46 Operation Masterdom with mockup units from the base game(p-51s and t-34s) to test out how the strategic nodes work
  19. The COIN War

    looks very very awesome! looking forward to trying this ^^,
  20. just a few questions if anyone knows them? Recon, APC and artillery... never seen them in the files as independent units, i guess they are not used for missions? should they be part of the ground units?
  21. took a look at the terrain editor for sf2, couldn't make it work so if the map needs more work, i will need to figure it out or have some of you guys with more experience help or do it. as for the strategic nodes, they need a lot of work and still trying to figure out how they work and how the coordinate system works - there will need to be a lot of them and considering how the campaigns work (iirc) there may have to be more than one viet minh factions as they are very spread out all over the map. https://www.dropbox.com/s/mzli6is4wrhc9vv/Ax01199.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/6fvdptdn3rhdx8e/vietnam.jpg?dl=0 so for the basic 46/full campaign, the French Base should be Hanoi and the campaign ends when it is captured, cambodia, laos and Annam(south vietnam) could be french allies to begin with - with a setup much like that found in the woi
  22. so still working on the basics, here is my dropbox for some of it, mostly pictures for now, have not shared my work-in-progress campaign and units just yet https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zn4maatjiu7qtfp/AADttCZVeA1p4pva_riV0TIDa?dl=0
  23. well, i found an oob for the french on another forum, still doing some other basic research: Corps Expéditionnaire Français en Extrême-Orient, CEFEO tirailleur = Light Infantry French Union forces in Indochina. Airborne Colonial Parachute Commando Demi-Brigade (SAS) 1st Parachute Demi-Brigade (SAS) 1st Parachute Chasseurs Regiment 2nd Colonial Parachute Commando Demi-Brigade 1st Colonial Parachute Battalion 2nd Colonial Parachute Battalion 3rd Colonial Parachute Battalion 5th Colonial Parachute Battalion 6th Colonial Parachute Battalion 7th Colonial Parachute Battalion 8th Colonial (Shock) Parachute Battalion 10th Dismounted Parachute Chasseurs Battalion 1st Foreign Legion Parachute Battalion 2nd Foreign Legion Parachute Battalion Armor/Armored Cavalry 1st Armored Cavalry Regiment 4th Dragoon Regiment 5th Armored Cavalry Regiment 9th Dragoon Marche Regiment 8th Algerian Spahis Regiment 2nd Moroccan Spahis Regiment 5th Moroccan Spahis Regiment 6th Moroccan Spahis Regiment Far East Spahis Marche Regiment Far East Colonial Armored Regiment 1st Foreign Legion Cavalry Regiment 4th Dragoon Battalion 7th Squadron, 1st Moroccan Spahis Marche Regiment 1st Far East Independent Reconnaissance Squadron 2nd Far East Independent Reconnaissance Squadron 3rd Far East Independent Reconnaissance Squadron 4th Far East Independent Reconnaissance Squadron 5th Far East Independent Reconnaissance Squadron Artillery 2nd Artillery Regiment 4th Colonial Artillery Regiment 10th Colonial Artillery Regiment 41st Colonial Artillery Regiment 69th African Artillery Regiment Moroccan Colonial Artillery Regiment Marche Battalion, 64th Artillery Regiment Marche Battalion, 66th Artillery Regiment 1st Battalion, Far East Colonial Antiaircraft Regiment 1st Group, 35th Parachute Regiment (Light Artillery) 21st Aerial Observation Battalion 22nd Aerial Observation Battalion 23rd Aerial Observation Battalion 24th Aerial Observation Battalion 261st Antiaircraft Battalion French East African Colonial Artillery Battalion Levant Colonial Mountain Artillery Battalion 1st Central Annam Artillery Battalion 2nd Central Annam Artillery Battalion Engineers 17th Engineer Battalion 22nd Engineer Battalion 26th Engineer Battalion 28th Legion Engineer Battalion 31st Engineer Battalion 61st Engineer Battalion 62nd Engineer Battalion 71st Engineer Battalion 72nd Engineer Battalion 73rd Engineer Battalion 75th Engineer Battalion (61st Colonial Engineer Battalion 71st Colonial Engineer Battalion 72nd Colonial Engineer Battalion 73rd Colonial Engineer Battalion) 74th Colonial Engineer Battalion 76th Legion Engineer Battalion Support 532nd Medical Transportation Company Far Eastern Provisional Brigade's Colonial Service and Transportation Company 71st Traffic Control Company 73rd Traffic Control Company 503rd Transportation Battalion 515th Transportation Battalion 516th Transportation Battalion 519th Transportation Battalion 163eme Colonial Battalion of Transmissions Infantry Korea Regiment 1st Marche Battalion, 1st Colonial Infantry Regiment 1st Marche Battalion, 2nd Colonial Infantry Regiment Marche Battalion, 5th Colonial Infantry Regiment 6th Colonial Infantry Regiment 9th Colonial Infantry Regiment 11th Colonial Infantry Regiment Marche Battalion, 16th Colonial Infantry Regiment Marche Battalion, 19th Colonial Infantry Regiment 21st Colonial Infantry Regiment 22nd Colonial Infantry Regiment 23rd Colonial Infantry Regiment 43rd Colonial Infantry Regiment Marche Battalion, 35th Infantry Regiment Marche Battalion, 36th Infantry Regiment 1st Marche Battalion, 49th Infantry Regiment Marche Battalion, 110th Infantry Regiment Marche Battalion, 151st Infantry Regiment 13th Foreign Legion Demi-Brigade 2nd Foreign Legion Infantry Regiment 3rd Foreign Legion Infantry Regiment 5th Foreign Legion Infantry Regiment Marche Battalion, 1st Foreign Legion Infantry Regiment 5th Battalion, 4th Foreign Legion Infantry Regiment 3rd Battalion, 6th Foreign Legion Infantry Regiment Algerians/Tunisians 1st Algerian Rifle (Tirailleurs) Regiment 2nd Algerian Rifle (Tirailleurs) Regiment 3rd Algerian Rifle (Tirailleurs) Regiment 7th Algerian Rifle (Tirailleurs) Regiment 22nd Algerian Rifle (Tirailleurs) Regiment 1st Marche Battalion, 6th Algerian Rifle Regiment 21st Algerian Rifle Battalion 22nd Algerian Rifle Battalion 23rd Algerian Rifle Battalion 25th Algerian Rifle Battalion 27th Algerian Rifle Battalion 205th Algerian Rifle Battalion 217th Algerian Rifle Battalion 4th Tunisian Rifle Regiment 1st African Light Infantry Battalion Moroccans Moroccan Colonial Rifle Regiment 1st Moroccan Rifle Regiment 2nd Moroccan Rifle Regiment 3rd Moroccan Rifle Regiment 4th Moroccan Rifle Regiment 5th Moroccan Rifle Regiment 6th Moroccan Rifle Regiment 8th Moroccan Rifle Regiment Marche Battalion, 7th Moroccan Rifle Regiment 1st Marche Battalion, 8th Moroccan Rifle Regiment 1st Marche Battalion, 201st North African Pioneer Infantry Regiment 1st Moroccan Tabor Battalion 2nd Moroccan Tabor Battalion 3rd Moroccan Tabor Battalion 5th Moroccan Tabor Battalion 8th Moroccan Tabor Battalion 9th Moroccan Tabor Battalion 10th Moroccan Tabor Battalion 11th Moroccan Tabor Battalion 17th Moroccan Tabor Battalion 207th Moroccan Far East Rifle Marche Battalion 214th Moroccan Far East Battalion Senegalese/Central Africans Marche Battalion, 13th Senegalese Rifle Regiment 24th Senegalese Rifle Marche Regiment 26th Senegalese Rifle Marche Battalion 27th Senegalese Rifle Marche Battalion 28th Senegalese Rifle Marche Battalion 29th Senegalese Rifle Marche Battalion 30th Senegalese Rifle Marche Battalion 31st Senegalese Rifle Marche Battalion 32nd Senegalese Rifle Marche Battalion 104th Senegalese Battalion 4th Battalion, Chad Marche Regiment 1st French East African Marche Battalion (West?) 2nd French Central African Marche Battalion 3rd French East African Marche Battalion (West?) Indochinese 1st Tonkin Rifle Regiment Cambodian Composite Battalion Marche Battalion, 4th Tonkin Rifle Regiment Annam Battalion Saigon-Cholon Garrison Battalion 1st Far East Marche Battalion 2nd Far East Marche Battalion 3rd Far East Marche Battalion 4th Far East Marche Battalion 5th Far East Marche Battalion 6th Far East Marche Battalion 7th Far East Marche Battalion 1st Indochina Marche Battalion 2nd Indochina Marche Battalion 3rd Indochina Marche Battalion Muongs 1st Muong Battalion 2nd Muong Battalion Thais 1st Thai Battalion 2nd Thai Battalion 3rd Thai Battalion Laotians 1st Laotian Chasseurs Battalion 2nd Laotian Chasseurs Battalion 3rd Laotian Chasseurs Battalion 4th Laotian Chasseurs Battalion 5th Laotian Chasseurs Battalion 6th Laotian Chasseurs Battalion 7th Laotian Chasseurs Battalion 8th Laotian Chasseurs Battalion Phnom Penh Garrison Battalion Groupes Mobiles GM 1 (N African) GM 2 (N African/Paras) GM 3 (N African/Senegalese) GM 4 (BMI/FFL) GM 5 GM 6 (Fought at DBP) GM 7 (Vietnamese) GM 8 GM 9 (Fought at DBP) GM 10 (N African) GM 11 (Vietnamese) GM 14 GM 21 (Vietnamese) GM 32 (Vietnamese) GM 42 (Montagnard) GM 51 (N African) GM 100 (Korea Regiment) The Groupes Mobiles are not an addition to the CEFEO TO&E. They are just regimental teams created out of the battalions listed above. The french combined different units into different GMs as the war went on. The Groupes Mobiles had 3 infantry battalions assigned; one Colonial infantry, the other two were N African/ Central African/Vietnamese. Unit was motorized with usually a squadron of armor. Also a battalion of artillery. The pure Vietnamese AVN units are noted. Vehicles Jeep Coventry Mk.I armored car Panhard EBR Panhard 178B M5A1 Stuart M24 Chaffee Chenillette Renault UE Hotchkiss H35 Light Tank AMX-12T prototype light tank AMX-13 light tank Batignolles-Chatillon Char 25T Medium tank Lorraine 40t Medium tank ARL-44 Heavy tank AMX-50 Heavy tank Prototype M36B2 Jackson LVT-4 Independence-class light aircraft carrier

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