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Everything posted by Stingray72

  1. Hi! I downloaded some helicopters to try out and had another quick question. In SF1 there were certain patches that went with specific types of a/c, like such and such for props, this other one for running helo's, etc... Is it the same in SF2 or can I just run em? ~Stingray
  2. Maybe. I would believe 2lbs a round, they're 20mm. Is there a scale somewhere that someone can reference with the weight and see how it stacks up for the F-100? It had 20mm cannons, so did the F-8, so if we knew how many rounds each carried then we would know if it's a glitch or if it's weight. ~Rob
  3. Pk, I have started fartin' around with SF2. I like the graphics and such but do not really understand modding so much. I understand the "mods folder" idea, but am still kinda lost, so..... 1) I thought I installed the Sea King helo correctly, but NOPE! Everything comes up fine, cockpit, loading screen, everything....except the helo lol. There is no dang helo in external view, and I don't know how to start it either. 2) This helo thing made me wonder about adding other planes, and then the folders. What folders SHOULD I have for "mods". I know that some I have to make up, so can one of the experts please just tell me what to name all of the folders and I will go and do it? 3) Pilot skins, how do I do them? 4) If I want to change a plane for a campaign squadron, or put a squadron in a campaign (like VF-114, you know they were there!!) how do I do this? There will be more in the future, just need some help getting started!! Thank you all for the help in advance. ~Rob
  4. I don't know where to look for the .lod file or where it goes when I get it. I certainly don't know what DAT is. MigBuster - I wouldn't have asked if I didn't have issues lol. I can get the planes in but they are missing things like sounds and cockpits, even on the self installer for the F-4G. I'll check out the knowledge base again, but I did look at the post about how there is no real mods folder. That's also why I was asking about which folders exactly are needed!! Then I will have this licked again. It's not so different form SF1, just dealing with the folders now. As soon as I knw which ones I need I will be good I should think. MiG - the pilot skins, I meant installing repaints people have made. I kinda stink at self skinning, so I am a download guy :) thanks again all!
  5. Unfortunately I do not speak Italian. Can someone please explain to me what happened? Thank you! ~Rob
  6. I'm not sure if this works for the Thrustmaster or TW games, but I found with my X-52 that if I had the throttle FWD and then tried to set it by selecting it then pulling the throttle off it would make it backwards, like up was 0% and back was 100%. It took me a bit to figure out what was going on. Not sure if the rudders would be the same though, nor the stick. That's all I know that might help. ~Rob
  7. Hi all!! I am back onto SF2, hoping to get into it. I read the topic about the mods folder, and I think I get it. The only confusing thing was that it said to put mods into the "mods" folders, but then in the last paragraph it says put them into your sf2 folders? Can someone clear this up for me? I would like to start little, skins and such, and am just a little confused. Thank you for the help! Stingray
  8. Tried it and got it to work, thank you very much!!! ~Stingray
  9. Sikorsky HH-60T Jayhawk

    Almost mate :) I am in the USCG; I drive Motor Lifeboats and we work with helo crews twice a week conducting training. The helmets the wear are blue with retro-reflective tape, and they wear orange dry suits with horse collar style inflatable life vests. On a more nit picky note, the Jayhawk carries both of its external fuel tanks on the port side of the a/c, leaving the hoist cable free of snag hazards. Other than these minor gripes it looks pretty sweet!! ~Stingray
  10. Enlisting in the USAF

    Veltro, you got picked up to work on one of the finest aircraft in the world, it happened because you were smarter than most, and then yo complain about moving to CO where the air is actually clean and the are for real good looking ski bunnies to go with real powder to ski in? WTF lol, I woulda picked that over guarding the gate anywhere in TX. It sucks not getting your own way eh? I would never pick security either, but here it is Viggen, the most important piece of advise, in my own humble opinion, and this is the first time I have ever given advise on here, and I will only do it again in the same circumstance.... Keep an open mind. I don't know where you are from or what you like to do, but don't turn your nose up at anything because it does not sound appealing at first glance. When I first came in the Coast Guard 15 years ago they had dream sheets, and there was a block that said "least desired district", and the USCG wold try hard to send you everywhere else but there. Mine was 17, Alaska. In 2002 I was up for transfer and really wanted a buoy tender out of District 7 (Florida, Caribbean, etc...). My detailer said "Yo! You got a buoy boat, but it's in Alaska!!" I was devastated, had been in for 5 years, all of it underway, top priority due to my sea time, and this happens to me??? Let me tell you, the three years I spent in Alaska was the greatest tour of my career. I did and saw a lot, met a wonderful woman, learned how to work on engines with a friend, shot guns, shot animals, killed beers, blah blah blah. I had no idea when I got my orders for AK that I would be saying all of the nice things about the place I wanted to go least of all in the entire Coast Guard. This is what I mean by keep an open mind. Sometimes the places you want least are the greatest, and most times where you want to go most are your worst times, least that's how it seems to the sailors I talk to. Good luck!! ~Rob ps, if you end up at Dover AFB lemme know, next time I am home on the eastern shore of Maryland I'll head out there and we'll have a beer. It's like 40 minutes from my mom's house.
  11. Home Burglarized-UberNXt cougar stolen!

    If you listed it in your plan then it will be covered in your renter's insurance.
  12. Epic Trolling!

    I thought this was funny for a different reason. Muslims, being ultra respectful even when raising hell. They are cutting loose but still making something better, ie washing this train.
  13. Things that make you go hmmmmmm...

    Gallagher: "Why do we drive on parkways and park in driveways?" I go downtown I see these buildings. they're called 'apartments'. So why do they build them so damn close together?"
  14. holding pickle button

    If it doesn't work then maybe try another button that will let you perform a hold down function. ~Stingray
  15. Gone West

    I did not know Dan, but just from reading what you all have wrote I feel a little bit of a loss myself, not for myself, but for the community and his family. I read a story once about a pilot who flew to airplane heaven. I wonder if Dan is there now? Skies up and grass down Dan, you can stop watching your 6 now, God's got it. ~Rob
  16. Sure is a nice looking bird for sure!!!! I do miss the Tomcat, but this plane makes Felix look nice too.
  17. Do you mean not seen from inside the cockpit or not seen from external views?
  18. The planes have landing gear indicators, and for flaps and boards I'll tap the buttons to make sure. If you're going fast enough then the flaps won't be a problem anyways since there on limits as to when you can deploy them speed wise. Having the messages off sure makes for better immersion, you have to pay attention to the radio calls now lol. Love it!!
  19. WOE Advice...

    Nice!! A super comprehensive list, Boelke would be proud!!! Nice!! A super comprehensive list, Boelke would be proud!!!
  20. That would be cool, you could use real call signs from Vietnam then, like Pine, Oak, etc, from the Korat F-105 squadron. "Oak, taxi, two of the Finest", it's a quote I read form one of Ed Rasimus's first missions. I would be interested in this too.
  21. Ed Rasimus's "Bat Bird" for SF2V

    I read Rasimus's book, I don't recall the nose art being visible for only two weeks. I know it was not the crew chief that painted it either, it was a younger sorta break-in crew chief. If I remember correctly Karl Richter was killed on his 199th mission flying this plane also.
  22. I was sitting around thinking about SF2 series and what Mig had told me about it being a better game, easier to mod, more for W7 and all, and decided to look into it again. I went back to the beginning of this forum and found a post started by Sakai. You sold me on it man lol. I am downloading WOV2 right now. Wish me luck!! Thanks for everyone who has said good things about SF2. I probably would have been happy running my modded to heck WOE until the end of time (which might not be so far off lol) ~Stingray
  23. How cool is this?

    That was pretty cool indeed!!
  24. Yeah lol, you don't watch it you'll get promoted so you stop breaking planes too. ~Rob

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