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Everything posted by Gunrunner

  1. Best band on the planet

    Ok, I had to google it to learn who they were, I guess I'm officially old (and damn glad of it). Oh, and what does that tell about me that I find that MUCH better than the real, auto-tuned one ? Since when are boys bands back in style ? Is that what male escorts turn to when Craigslist closed adult services listings close ?
  2. Never Again!

    The majority of european jews were as poor, intelligent and normal looking as the average german, there are however multiple reasons why anti-semitism in the early 20th century had profound roots and managed to convince people, part of it are because of specific characteristics of what it was to be part of the jewish community at the time but most of it was simply the consequence of Jews making the best of anti-semitic policies throughout Europe, starting from the Middle Ages. Anti-semitism appealed to some Christians because Jews were the God-killers, and not only did they kill God in the person of his son, but also they failed to recognize the errors of their way for for 19 centuries, to some Christians that made Jews unsavable and an abomination unto God (believers, of any faith, never were the sharpest ones). It was also true that at the time, much of banking was in the hands of members of the jewish community for a simple reason, from the Middle Ages and until fairly recently (in the history of the jewish community in Europe), it was forbidden, or at least considered a disgrace to be lending money, since in the same time periods jews were often forbidden to practice a large number of professions (remember how Nazis love to wax poetic on how the jews never worked the land ? Guess what, in many countries they had been forbidden to do so for centuries), jews became money lenders and some became very good at it, leading to their near domination of the sector at the start of the 20th century. The same was true for many professions seen as being "dominated" by jews, the truth is that in most instances anti-semitic policies forced them into that spot (or prevented non jews to compete), and instead of shrivel and die, they worked hard, thrived and were resented for it. In the early 20th century, most low-middle-class and lower-classes jews were still living in ghettos (whether historical and litteral, or of their own chosing), part of it originates once again from the Middle Ages, but many jews also lacked the money to get out of the ghetto (provided they found someone willing to sell, rent to a jew), plus having been persecuted for the better part of a millenia, they favored the tight knit community of the ghetto as a form of protection (plus it made following religious prescriptions easier). However that played against them, because it felt to the masses to confirm the fact that the Jews felt to be different, better, that they didn't even deign frequenting the rest of the world, that they were shadowy secretive people... of course that was a load of balls, but still it worked, especially when they were associated with the Freemasons (the Judeo-Masonic plot). It is also true that there was (it's less true nowadays) a specifically jewish intellectual approach which made some of them more inquisitive, more forward thinking than most of their christian contemporaries (and somewhat close to the Freemasons, hence the link probably) which in turn separated them from the rest of the population and made them better suited to some posts, leading to their "over-representation" once again "justifying" the anti-semitic theories. They were no more or no less corrupt than any other European, they didn't suffer less from the Depression, they weren't, as a people, wealthier, healthier, more intelligent, they just had been scapegoats for centuries and despite our best efforts, we never got rid of them, they took the discriminations, the restrictions, the expulsions and they survived or even prospered... and it made us even angrier... until some nutjobs decided that to get rid on them, there only was one final solution... Nazi anti-semitism and the Holocaust are not accidents of history born ex nihilo, they were the culmination of more than a thousand years of discriminations and persecutions. It's a sad tale of jealousy, ignorance and stupidity...
  3. Cast of Star Wars 7 announced

    Oh wait, written and directed by J.J. Abrams ? Damn, that's gonna be a piece of crap, I'm not even going to watch this train wreck...
  4. Cast of Star Wars 7 announced

    Can't end up worse than the prequels...
  5. Never Again!

    Because even with material proof there's enough people denying the scale and reality of deportation, forced labor and holocaust, so imagine what it would be if there were no evidence left. The camps are what made the West grow into the modern era, it's what made us finally realize that war and genocide were not desirable, it was a defining moment, it's were the European ideal was born, it's where western Europe nationalisms died. It is the second most transforming moment for western Europe in the 20th century. So yes, we need something to remind us where we've been and where we never want to go again.
  6. E.T. Video Game Landfill apparently found

    It costs money to store things you have no chance of getting rid of, or move them to the distribution channel when there's little chance of selling, plus there might have been contractual gotchas due to licensing and destroying units was the way to avoid paying higher licence costs for an unsalable product, so it might make sense in a twisted way.
  7. Historic air show in Iran

    Nah, it's just the Q-313 activated it's top secret optical stealth.
  8. My name is Jean-Marie Balestre

    Yeah, riiiiiight.... *walks away slowly*
  9. Russian Fighter Jet Buzzed U.S. Ship: Officials

    I think the problem with Europe is that we worked hard to make it a gigantic consumer and financial market, but have done nothing to make it a political and defense entity, we all had budget cuts to our defense, but had we worked a european defense scheme we wouldn't all have to pay redundant things and end up with a stronger, credible, more efficient military, of course that means a stronger political union to wield that power, but no, we just abandoned the European dream because local politicians never wanted to compromise "sovereignty" (translation : I want to keep as much as my power as I can, regardless of what is best for my country and its citizens).
  10. Maybe I'm just an old git

    Let me guess he sued for potential brain damage but the preliminary investigation concluded that his condition was pre-existing ?
  11. Russian Fighter Jet Buzzed U.S. Ship: Officials

    Strangely this whole international situation puts me in the mood for some Yes Minister, figures : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IX_d_vMKswE
  12. Russian Fighter Jet Buzzed U.S. Ship: Officials

    Not only NATO allies, but the Baltic states are both part of the Eurozone (currency-wise) and full members of the European Union, they are from a political point of view an entirely different thing from Ukraine (which is just a neighbour with aspirations). If Putin does even look funny at any of the Baltic states and the EU does nothing, it would sign the death of the European Union and Euro.
  13. Russian Fighter Jet Buzzed U.S. Ship: Officials

    I think we should remind the Turks and Muslims (or hell, even Italians and Greeks) that Crimea was once theirs, BEFORE it ever became Russian and for longer than it ever was Russian, maybe they would feel the right to "liberate" it as well... So please, when you try to justify Russia's move in Ukraine, don't invoke History, we all know it's bullshit. If once having been in possession of a country is enough to justify taking over it again and again, what should France do, or Germany, or Spain, or Hungary, Austria, Turkey, Egypt, Italy... Europe is a continent of Empires, most major European nations have owned at least a fourth of it at some point in it's history.
  14. Russian Fighter Jet Buzzed U.S. Ship: Officials

    Dast, sure, draw the same map for Russia and make sure to remember that Ukraine, Georgia etc... are not Russia and we can talk like reasonable people or else it's the usual "Imperialism is when it's done by someone else".
  15. And here kids, is how you make friend with the natives.
  16. No, but yes there are rails on the flat surface behind the canopy emergency instructions, ala Crusader/Corsair II (it's a Vought design after all), it's a rework of this plane.
  17. Funny, since last week end I had a similar idea for an AMI plane (and because I came to despise the F-104) and started working on a F-118E variant (a what-if plane from Cocas based on Vought submission to the LWF), my Alternate Universe story is that Vought having lost the LWF decided to associate with Hawker and Aeritalia anyway to try to win the European competition (and fulfill Britain's need for a replacement for the oldest Lightnings, the type never really satisfying the RAF, as well as replace Italy's F-104 in both the air and strike roles, later making the AMX never happen). However since I also have some degree of Real-Life and am getting distracted by many things (including TSR2 and Arrow variants), it's nowhere near ready (especially since I've decided to rework most of the panel/rivet lines and am still unsatisfied with the exhaust nozzle) but it's a damn sexy plane.
  18. Slow mover interceptor?

    How that's so cute, thinking of Homeland Security and giving them the opportunity to have their own "combat" jets.
  19. Is there any chance you'd share your templates for the Arrow and the TRS2 ? I have quite a few liveries in mind and I could do with a template, and yes, I could start from scratch, but if it goes as my other efforts, I'd be finished in 2020 and it would still be inferior to your work.
  20. Sorry to raise that thread from the dead, but any news on the update for previous owners ? How do I get it ?
  21. Am I the only one having a problem with The Catalina Affair ? By the 3rd or 4th mission my squadron gets relocated and the sides are switched entirely, the Soviet are in Sweden and vice-versa...
  22. I'd rather say it's like that... I can't remember if six o clock messages still work with no one else around. Imminent threat to you, from God (as they happen, in single place planes, with no other friendly around, in the air or the ground). Information to you or someone in your flight, from someone in your flight, red crown or the control tower. Information about a friendly flight, from a friendly flight, red crown or the control tower.
  23. California Jaws!

    Damn, I read California Jews, I thought it was about the nefarious conspiracy to rob Russia of it's legitimate claim over Crimea...
  24. CombatACE New Theme Music

    So that's what Jaws was doing in his free time when not trying to kill James Bond ?

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