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Everything posted by Gunrunner

  1. CombatACE New Theme Music

    So that's what Jaws was doing in his free time when not trying to kill James Bond ?
  2. What I feel we've lost is not in features, it's respect for each other... I feel it's TK who, for financial reasons, started ignoring the community, but the community's response was, frankly, disproportionnate, reinforcing TK's impression that to make ends meet, he had to ignore us and belittle, if not us, at least our concerns with where he was going and how he was doing it. With that respect and trust broken, TK had only one reliable benchmark to see if his actions were working... sales, and unfortunately it seems it didn't work out, and we've all lost.
  3. 35 years in prison and wants to be a woman!

    Yep, so what ? Sure, he's no hero, he is a confused idiot who thought that entering service without a proper understanding of what it entailed would help him put his life in order and when that failed let himself be manipulated by an egomaniac, it doesn't change the fact he did what he thought was right, for "pure" motives and faces the consequences somewhat gracefully. Maybe if US society did not bully people with Manning's problem (yes, yes, I'm aware, it's still better than in most of Europe where we simply seem to ignore the issue entirely), they wouldn't feel the need to change or find/prove themselves by enrolling and ending up in a position to be manipulated by egomaniac douchebags with an agenda...
  4. I guess it's because we're a shy lot... or very few of us feel having the competence/time/motivation required to effectively do the job and thus don't set themselves up to fail CA... that would be my guess.
  5. Misrepresented

    What is a mystery to me is that anyone still deals with the little c***... He may have been fairly important, if not instrumental, in the very early days of SF modding (even though he was already a p****), but he has long since stopped being anything else than a source of strife and insanity among the community, it would be in everyone's best interest to shun the little v***** and let him die alone in his so precious toybox (and here I gain a warning and ensure the thread's swift lockup). Don't get me wrong, I totally understand his need for control and respect that out of other modders, but Capun also has very poor standards, quality control and is globally a complete a****** if you do not lick his b****, he may have even more ego problems than yours truly, which is mind-boggling. Disclaimer : Evidently, I don't like Capun, but I have an excuse, I never liked him, even before all the craziness.
  6. Good job Erik, thanks for your dedication. I saw my Thunderflashes were missing, I took the liberty of reuploading them and adding the missing screenschots, I hope it won't interfere with the work on the last few hundred files.
  7. Arming the Syrian Rebels

    Trouble is, "the people" do not want inaction, they want their government to do something about these crisis, at the same time "the people" doesn't want to see its sons and daughters slain in a far away war for benefits to themselves unclear and often perceived as neo-colonialists and even if they don't object (because they have no son or daughter), they do object to the cost of that war. Therefore there is only one solution satisfying the will of "the people" for action at little cost, and that giving/selling weapons to the side currently painted/perceived as the good guys, which in turn helps the profits of weapon dealers/makers... politicians don't give a fuck about the long term consequences, they won't be in office anymore when it will blow up in our collective faces, and "the people" has a very short memory and is adept at shifting blame and being unaccountable for what it forces/allows politicians to do. Abolish the People I say !
  8. @ Spinners

    I think another point that made it lose it was that the distributed radar scheme (its nose section was too small for a radar of the power/range chosen, so the LERX were supposed to house secondary antennas to compensate, the wing pods apparently were supposed to house rearward facing antenna as well) was deemed a technological uncertainty and when added to compromised RCS except in select quadrants, it sealed the fate of GD's proposal.
  9. FX Files

    I used to, but I had to cull some non essential files for lack of available spares and apparently some of my oldest TW archives didn't make the cut (or at least they're not indexed any more).
  10. FX Files

    Damn, thanks, I don't even think I have that old a version left in storage. -_-
  11. One thing cocas, could you try to make a version with a more rounded nose ? The current one is nice as a day point defense interceptor or day attack aircraft, but it can't believably host any AA radar until very late.
  12. FX Files

    Anyone remember from which patch level cloud altitude and max object viewing distance started to be hard coded ? I'm curious to see if mixing DLL from different patch levels might work.
  13. With an install on the HDD, you'll still end up with the mod folded on the SSD if you have left your user profile there.
  14. Not during install, it is however possible, either by having your whole user folder on the HDD (can't remember how, but I guess it's in user management, something about profile path), or by moving only the SF2 mod folder and using a junction (use Link Shell Extension if you are unsure on how to do it).
  15. My my, is Jul planning to ever release this toy (I'd take that skin too, even though in my dystopia, the F-3 ended up being a F-23, produced in collaboration with the Royal Dhimari Aircraft Manufacture) ? He produces such nice shiny ones...
  16. Sounds absolutely great but... will it be available on CA when done (and downloads are back up) or only on SimHQ to those with at least 100 posts ?
  17. Switched back to 07/13 engine to test, no such problem on stock, I'll check with mods. An idea though, have you applied the hotfix or not ? It would explain the lack of effect if there's a bug in the hotfix, it wouldn't explain the lack of crater though.
  18. In my opinion, the Skyraiders were worth it, if only for the pit, but we have an even better one, and we have fairly good A-1H/J and thus AD-4 (just have to delete a few nodes and adjust INIs), the A-1E and AD-4N are still interesting but the lack of static propeller is a problem. The Intruders were nice but I must admit I now prefer the other ones available, and while the pit is fairly good, we have other alternatives too. The Electric Intruders are still worth it if only for the EA-6A, for which we have to my knowledge, no alternative. Unfortunately they are mostly skin, rather than decal, based so there's not much decal work to salvage for use on other models. So, even though they are less relevant than they once were, there's still value in Razbam planes, and depending on the price and your means, they might bring you something depending on where your interest lies. Yep, and that's a pity he's taking the route of destroying sources rather than releasing them as abandonware, however, given he might not appreciate to have these used as a basis to compete with his products on the sims he keep working on, I understand the decision. Maybe Dave may talk him into giving the CA modding community a limited licence to these sources so that they can keep improving them, provided they are not disseminated beyond the SF community, are not used on other sims than the SF series and are not used in a commercial product.
  19. And how can those of us who bought the models with buggy shadows update ?
  20. Putting them "on-map" may help making their spawn point predictable, however in Iceland there seems to be a method to TK's placement of off-map bases, I think it's used to determine range/endurance and map entry vectors for the campaign engine. It's interesting that for locating bases south or west of the map, you have no other choice than putting them, technically, on the map (last time I tried negative coordinates resulted in a freeze).
  21. I took a quick look at Iceland, given the declared map size is 1000000 in each direction and we have off-base maps with coordinates such as 1745942.5,708235.1, it can safely be assumed that coordinates are well beyond the wall. It does not seem that some of these coordinates are approximation of the coordinates off-map bases would have if they were on-map (if only because most of them would have to use negative coordinates then), they might correspond to imaginary refueling points.
  22. Erik, it seems that you changed your IP filtering settings a few weeks ago and I haven't been able to access the site from my usual IP since then, DNS resolve, but packets are ultimately dropped, which would be consistent with an IP range being filtered (proxies and my other IPs work well). I'm using a fixed IP ISP also using that IP range (109.190.84.x) for his hosting services and the whole block apparently once belonged to a russian ISP associated with spam, which would explain why my range might end up in not up to date blacklists (and why some sites occasionnally default to russian as a language). Any chance you can spare a few minutes investigating it ?
  23. Thanks Erik, fixed, however my IP (and from what I know, the part of the range use for ISP duties) is not in any RBL and supposedly have not been for quite some time.

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