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Everything posted by Gunrunner

  1. Identify this Aircraft

    Damned, foiled again !
  2. Identify this Aircraft

    Fine then... I hope it's not too easy
  3. Identify this Aircraft

    Nah, the Me-109Z had the other canopy faired (maybe adding a fuel tank, can't remember), here it's absent, and the engine are protruding a lot more than on other Me-109, besides, the canopy is wrong, looks a lot like an Il-2... Some kind of obscure captured russian prototype re-engined with german engines ??
  4. Identify this Aircraft

    That's weird... I could have sworn it was an italian design (Savoia-Marchetti 9? can't remember which) but I see it sports german markings... Now I'm confused.
  5. Reminds me, didn't we have someone working on a Convai Kingfish ?
  6. Did anyone see a flotilla lately?

    Well, because you know, while you may call the Israelis butchers and murderers, you know you risk very little with your flotilla stunt... do that with the Syrians and well... either something bad happens before you reach the shore, or nothing happens and you know even worse lies ahead, propaganda stunts are one thing, but putting your life on the line for a cause is another entirely.
  7. The plane itself is a DAT production, and the skin is not released (yet ?).
  8. Identify this Aircraft

    That's one ugly toad from that angle... dare I say it's a Kalinin K-11 ? (not 100% sure on the number, but the one with the ridiculous orange/yellow feathers paint scheme)
  9. Cocas, you may underestimate how painful it is to obtain permission for mods, especially when the original author is no longer active; it's very well for a few select groups, but not as a default licence. Having a TMF style licence by default would mean that large mods like NF5 would take even more time to release, much of the additional time consisting in clearing authorization or building around restrictions because the author wouldn't or couldn't give an express authorization.
  10. So far the real problem seems only to be with newcomers either repackaging recent stuff with their minor tweaks or really old stuff (some of which should not be redistributed here, but usually that's filtered). A way to solve that would be not to allow members to upload mods before they either reached a certain level of activity on the boards (and we can hope, have learnt how we do things here) or have been explicitly tagged as modders by either a moderator or other known modders (that one is my favorite option as it forces newcomers to engage in conversation with old timers and limits the spam inherent to tying anything to board activity).
  11. Erik, well, for SF I have scripts to put INI values in a DB, scripts to validate the various INIs, detect redundancies and dependencies, scripts to remove unused files, scripts to update or unify FM across multiple aircrafts, including when they use different LODs, and I'm working on scripts to automatically merge a mod archive into a specific SF install and only add new (or newer files), etc... It's all very rough and inefficient because it's only for my own use (and I'm constantly rewriting them, meaning half of the time they don't even work as intended) but with a lot more work and some more scripts I'll have the whole set of tools for a modern mod management for SF2. At the moment I'm mostly in the cataloging, planning and prototyping stage, I don't expect to ever reach the final coding stage (lack of time and focus), but I hope to end up with a "RFC" that clears the way for those willing to do the actual work but with no time or will to do the preliminary work. My current problem is making sure I can integrate mods into the system without having to force modders into too rigid a scheme, and given the various ways of organizing the archives and the changes in SF file structures, it's not entirely satisfying yet. Don't get your hopes up though, it originates from my weapons DB, at least half a decade ago and I'm still sitting on a dozen half-finished projects.
  12. Erik, is there a possibility to have our download statistics and history somewhere in our profiles, to help non-subscribers to track how many files they already downloaded and subscribers to keep track of whether or not they already downloaded the latest version and when (and also keep track of how much of a burden they are).
  13. Chrome myself (and probably one of the biggest bandwidth consumer but I'm working on something, maybe, if I can not make it a chore for modders). The IE share is not astonishing and as shocking as it was, the latest IE is surprisingly good on many levels, in fact, in many respects I found it superior to Firefox (well, Firefox has lost it's way starting with 3.x). What surprises me is that Sleipnir even register, that some people are still using an AOL branded browser and that so many use Opera, the little browser without glaring defects but no soul or personality.
  14. F 35 vs CF 105.... !

    Now that's a clever trick to make F-35 acquisition sound like a reasonable proposition.
  15. Dave Slavens, Gallic Chieftain ? Is there anything the man can't be ?
  16. Identify this Aircraft

    Well, since there's no other taker for Slarti's bird, it was a Westland Pterodactyl I Fates, maybe a dedicated cartography/artillery spotting plane prototype, mid 30's to early 40's, no idea concerning the country of origin though...
  17. Prince Harry in Afghanistan :)

    Fine, next on the list is William... and about 5.874 people and I'm next in line, muwahahahahahaha. Damn, now I want to see Kind Hearts and Coronets...
  18. And the SFP1 version was from... the other side, and it was not really that good to begin with, taking from all versions and not representing any one of them accurately (plus some weird mapping decisions).
  19. Well, didn't we already offer to crowdfund him and agree on a precise technical goals to reach (so he doesn't have to meet moving goal posts set by hundreds of funders) and he entirely evaded answering the proposal ?
  20. No trouble, take your time, we all know your standards...
  21. Yes ! Do you have plans to update the original Block 1 to 15 (1, 10 BAF, 10 NDC, 15 BAF, 15 NDC, 15 OCU, 15 ADF), I know NF5 has some of them pretty well updated, but others are missing, and I'd rather not do the ini work for myself if something better is in the pipeline anyway (yeah, I'm a lazy bastard).
  22. Nobody really left yet... but many are on hiatus... And seriously, Thirdwire's main demographic is on Facebook now ? We're doomed... what do these... people (I think that using a very lax definition of the term they do qualify) know of... well, anything really.
  23. The True Story about Mars.....

    If we destroyed it, those foolish humans would realize something's wrong or send more, we just need to convince them there's nothing to see here, it's all boring red dirt, maybe they'll go away.
  24. And then this happened

    From where I stand he looks utterly sad and pathetic, a desperate man clutching at straw, ready to do anything, even the most ridiculous stunt to conserve enough power base to fight the rise of russian civil society. His opposition to oligarchy might have been beneficial, but accompanied by a will to keep Russia from fully entering the post-Soviet era, it's actually starting to hurt Russia, IMHO.
  25. That's a puzzling one... unless there is legacy code involved and at first pass there is no limit (or a high limit) on the amount of decals treated and then on the pass treating spec/glos/ref there's a hard limit on the number of decals treated and everything beyond that number is culled. That would be an interesting bug to report if TW's new policy wasn't "you're not really supposed to mod things you know, here take a look at our android game". Or if the solution wouldn't end up as everything being fixed to the lowest number of decals.

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