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About Rooster89

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    Upstate New York

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  1. Gun Room.

    Whoa....if thats someone's personal collection, they're welcome to shoot with me anytime. -Rooster
  2. OFF screenshots

    Heres two from me. The second one I made using Widowmaker's method of taking a picture of clouds and chopping planes out of OFF screenies. This one was made to resemble the artwork on the cover of RBII. -Rooster
  3. Top 5 aircraft for next OFF installment

    Hmmm...I'd like more early war aircraft myself. Especially 2-seaters. Like Dej said, I think it'd be pretty neat if the devs could rig up a rifle in the backseat instead of a machinegun for the really early birds. Albatros C series Voisins Fokker D.II Avro 504K Morane Parasol -Rooster
  4. Amigas "Wings" Diary

    I never played Wings before and after reading some of the diary, I really wanted to give it a try. So I found Winuae Amiga emulator online and downloaded it and tried to set it up, only to find you need to buy the kickstart ROMs to even use the thing. I only wanted to try playing Wings so I gave up, saying "guess I'll never play that one." But then I remembered seeing a game called Wings (that had a screenshot almost exactly the same as the one Jarhead posted) available for the Gameboy Advance. So I downloaded a Gameboy Advance emulator and Wings. Im not sure if its exactly the same as the Wings you fellas know, but it has to be really close. Give it a try if you want. Gameboy Advance emulator- http://www.emulator-zone.com/doc.php/gba/vboyadvance.html Wings- http://www.coolrom.com/roms/gba/14337/Wings.php Just place the Wings files into the VisualBoyAdvance folder and then start the emulator. Go to file/open, then select wings. have fun, -Rooster
  5. OT: Back into modeling 2

    I've never really heard of painting busts before, but they look pretty cool. All of them look really good. Is it just me or does Iti's last pic look a bit like Clint Eastwood? -Rooster
  6. No way! Im with Flyby on this one. Harriet Quimby gets my vote hands down. Did you guys even see her??? -Rooster
  7. OT: Red Baron (the original)

    Ahh good memories with that old game. It was my first ever game. I remember the day I got it. And a red and black logitech joystick. That game is the sole reason why I got interested in WW1 aviation. Just hearing the intro music brings a tear to my eye from all the good times I had with her. One of my favorite parts was that as you earned medals you got to see them shimmering on your pilots chest. -Rooster
  8. I think you can get Blazing Angels for Xbox 360. I have it for the Nintendo Wii. Im not very fond of it though. Its more of an arcade shoot em up with WWII planes than a simulation. -Rooster
  9. Whoa, I really like what you did with that screenie Stary. Looks like it could be a real photo. -Rooster
  10. OT....Important Questions

    Or...instead of having the seats turn into floatation devices, why doesnt the plane just turn into a boat? -Rooster
  11. Another Read for this Winter

    Sorry Lou, I looked for the thread which you had that list in to see if this book was already on there, but I couldnt find it. Thanks again for the link to the zip file. -Rooster
  12. Thinking of...

    Ok. I gotcha now Siggi. Sounds good to me. -Rooster
  13. Just stumbled across this tonight, thought I'd share it. Its another Online book called "An Aviators Field Book". Its the field reports and notes of Boelcke. http://www.archive.org/texts/flipbook/flippy.php?id=aviatorsfieldboo00blrich Happy reading, -Rooster
  14. OT: Modeling in...aluminum?

    When I read the title to this thread I thought it was gonna be about the way I learned to make aluminum models........out of beer cans But that stuff's mind blowing. The detail is amazing. -Rooster

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