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Everything posted by Creaghorn

  1. Creaghorns Homebrew

    thank you OvS. getting credit of one of the dev's honors me really deeply.
  2. Creaghorns Homebrew

    thank you for the explanation. since there is no connection between rev and rof (yet), the best way is to use average figures. if you have some moments with 6 rps, or up t 8 rps then with 4 rof etc, depending on prop revs, then for me 6 seems to feel best as an average figure. default is 9,..., which IMO is definitely too high.
  3. Creaghorns Homebrew

    the cool thing is that everyone can adjust what he wants to hear in WS. the fact that your guns are only some inches in front of your face i can't imagine you wouldn't hear it as loud as the engine. you would hear less enemy MG, though in literature is often mentioned how they heard the enemies clack clack clack too. i don't know exactly how my settings are in WS, but i would take a look and post. i can hear the engine loud, my own mg i can hear good, but nonetheless softer than the engine. other mg's i can hear on a normal formation flight, but it's easy to overhear it when busy. for me this setting seems to fit best.
  4. Over Flanders Fields - Between Heaven and Hell

    die mods sind jetzt alle verfübar als gesamtpaket im download-bereich fom OFF forum. in diesem hauptordner sind die einzelnen mods als unterordner drin mit entsprechender readme-datei. einfach herauspicken was gefällt und in die entsprechenden OFF ordner (beschrieben in den readmes) reinwerfen. viel spass Creaghorn
  5. Creaghorns Homebrew

    there was a thread some weeks ago about the right rate of fire in this forum with the question if the two spandaus did have a real advantage because the rate was much slower then with the vickers. my feeling was always that 9.777 was too fast by the way, but didn't know how much i would reduce it. somebody posted a link of a discussion about rof on the aerodrome forum. and there were lot of experts calculating the correct rate of fire of the spandaus when shooting through the propellor. the rate was also dependent from the rev of the prop. the faster the rev, the better the rate and vice versa. conclusion was that it must have been around 6 per second. so my info is from aerodrome forum. by the way, in blue max when stachel claims willie's two kills for himself, otto says that 40 rounds are two bursts of 3 seconds each, wich also confirms this calcualtion pretty good.
  6. Creaghorns Homebrew

    see this thread, olham. http://forum.combatace.com/topic/52020-alternative-shellmusic/ must have slipped through your eagle eyes lol. everything is explained there. in this compilation now however, there is no need to convert it from mp3 to wav anymore. just simply drop it in
  7. Problem with maintaining throttle

    i think the lever on your joystick is broken. i had a similar problem years ago. everytime im maxed throttle it jumped back. maybe if you try to deactivate throttlecontrol in the joystick settings (ingame - esc - control settings) to check. if, then you have to use the numbers on your keyboard instead.
  8. Version


    for anybody who wants to try the various mods and tweaks i made for my homebrew
  9. thanks for posting jxeboy, most things are already known and are written "somewhere". but it's fine to see some kind of compilation of the things wich might help the best.
  10. Discussion on Flak

    that's true. they shot only with bursts as long as were no friendlies near. the germans even developed a method to warn the friendly if he was unaware of apporaching enemies, by shooting some bursts in front of the german to gain their attention, then they started shooting at the enemies. during a furball at least ack ack stopped as long as i know.
  11. that has overhead no togetherhanging das hat überhaupt keinen zusammenhang...
  12. Discussion on Flak

    historical stats say that it needed in average 10500 shells for one direct hit. so normal seems fine imo, considering how many bursts you can see in the distance when seeing specks. also the higher you are, the lesser the chance to get hit. most hits in BHAH are from mid to low altitude. i got shot down only once by flak yet, and my mission altitude is set to high. near balloons flak should be hell, because they know exactly the altitude of their balloon and because there is a rim around it, so the attacking aircraft has to fly sooner or later through the shells. that's why balloonbusting was an artform which not everybody was good enough to do, and that's why there were developed various tactics to attack it. especially because a balloon shouldn't go down after the first pass but needed to be punctured several times mostly.
  13. WW1 Recreation

    absolutely amazing. thanks for sharing . especially how they showed AC from the trenches POV. that showed how the sight for the trenchsoldier must have been. from 3:14 several seconds on looked so familiar to me. like looking around with trackir. that also shows when you look at the ground, how detailed and realistic looking the secenerie in BHAH is, with the different colors of the fields, trenches etc. that real footage didn't look too different than in BHAH.
  14. that's why you have to circle several times after takeoff around your airfield, for gaining height, before starting towards the lines. if you warp through this sequence, your AC will circle quickly by itself and gain height.
  15. Over Flanders Fields - Between Heaven and Hell

    ich habe ein nvidia gtx 260 und einen quad mit 2.2 GHZ und 4 GB RAM wobei nur 3,5 erkannt werden da ich es noch auf xp sp3 32 bit drauf habe. das cpu-control würde ich gerne mal versuchen um das eine oder andere FPS herauszukitzeln. meine FPS sind zwischen 25-60 je nach gegend. wobei ich auch mit low density spiele. was die cores angeht. auf meiner tastatur hab ich ein kleines display, bei welcher ich mir immer die prozessorleistung anzeigt. und ein prozessor springt eben immer hoch, je nachdem, aber die anderen drei bewegen sich auch zwischendurch ein wenig. daher frag ich mich ob es denn wirklich sinn macht alles über einen kern laufen zu lassen. wo ist da der vorteil? ich werde die nächsten tage mal all meine mods in die downloadsection vom OFF forum hochladen. bisher hab ich die nur im forum gepostet und irgendwann verschwanden die einfach im nirvana mit der zeit. sind alles nur mehr oder weniger kleine mods, die aber meiner meinung nach den realismus und die schwierigkeit erhöhen und demnach näher an die wirklichkeit heranbringen. paar andere mods sind einfach um den spielspass zu erhöhen. - zeitungsarktikel mit echten berichten aus dem original heeresbericht die zur richtigen zeit erschienen sind mit entsprechenden bildern. zuvor waren es etwa 20-30 berichte pro kriegsjahr. jetzt sind es um die 100 pro jahr. - die deutschen KI nachnamen von etwa 100 auf etwa 1500 erhöht, damit sich namen mit der zeit nicht oft wiederholen. - die effekte soweit realistisch eingestellt, so dass du aus der distanz keine unrealistischen effekte siehst, die dir anzeigen dass du getroffen hast und es dir daher leicht machen aus über 100 metern entfernung zu treffen. (trefferwölkchen, fliegende partikel usw.) trefferwölkckchen gab es nicht. die einschusslöcher waren nur fingerdick durch holz oder stoff. und aus der distanz hast du nie wirklich gewusst ob du getroffen hast oder nicht, bis er in einzelteile zerfallen ist oder in brand geraten ist usw. wenn du ganz nahe heran bist, siehst du natürlich auch weiterhin einschusslöcher, zerfetzten stoff usw. aber nicht mehr aus der distanz. für mich ein ganz wichtiger mod, weil du gezwungen bist nahe heranzukommen, oder dich eben sinnlos zu verschiessen, so wie es eben ich echt war. - die gleiche effekte version wie oben beschrieben, nur zusätzlich ohne sichtbare geschosse. diese version nutze ich in 1916 bis etwa mitte 1917, bevor munition mit rauchspuren verwendet wurden. macht das treffen sehr schwierig. du musst wirklich sehr nahe heran. ab mitte 1917 verwende ich die rauchspurmunition und ab ende 1917, anfang 1918 benutze ich leuchtspurmunition. - die feuerrate der deutschen spandau mgs's von den kanpp 10 pro sekunde auf etwa 6 pro sekunde reduziert. das war erwiesenermassen die realistische feuerrate, da das unterbrechergetriebe im propeller nicht mehr zugelassen hat. dazu auch den entsprechenden sound der die feuerrate auch akustisch widerspiegelt. - diverse soundmods. echter albatrosmotor, fluggeräusche der anderen albatrosse mit dopplereffekt, - diverse soundmodifikationen im menü, bzw. im besprechungsraum. da erklärt dir ein offizier im typisch preussischen stil was zu tun ist. - ein mod bei welcher während der ladezeit eine musik läuft, und sobald du dich im cockpit siehst, hörst du im dich herum die anderen "anwerfen" rufen und den start ihrer motoren (dich selber hörst du dann auch, nachdem dir währned du im cockpit sitzt, der staffelführer erklärt was zu tun ist). den gleichen mod auch für englische kampagnen in englischer sprache. für mich ein cooles addon welches wirklich leben in den flugplatz einhaucht. mehr fällt mir so auf anhieb jetzt nicht ein. aber ich werde es eben die nächsten tage hochladen und dann kannst du diverses ja mal ausprobieren. grüsse daniel
  16. mine is still alive, but currently a trainer in johannisthal. jeez, how boring
  17. OFF or RoF? Help the n00b!

    i also loved wing commander, realizing by the way that i'm looking more and more like hobbs, if not getting a haircut soon . but i can't say it's a simulator. neither during a mission nor from the campaign. i compare it more to a modern space-version of amigas wings gamewise. but anyway, i loved it. very good story and characters etc. especially admiral tolwyn is the best.
  18. that's the point lou. i don't think it's much a FM problem but rather a thing of handling the AC. i think i was rather lucky with the spins because i'm flying 95% german campaigns and german AC have mostly a better platform and do not spin as easy as most allied rotaries. so i didn't experience such a deadly spin yet.
  19. others have mentioned often such spins in previous posts, though i haven't experienced one spin yet wich wasn't recoverable relatively easy. so it was more of an advice . in fact it's maybe even too easy to get out of a spin. but i might be wrong because my only comparison is to rb3d with greybeards FM, where a spin was more deadly than in BHAH.
  20. as long as i know you could with almost every WW1 aicraft get into a "unrecoverable" spin. actually often they weren't really unrecoverable, but lot of pilots did instinctively the wrong moves during a spin, and that made it worse instead of flaten it straight again. they died through sheer inexperience. e.g. if you fall into a lefthanded spin, one is instincitvely tempted panically to push the stick and aileron hard right to get out of the spin. the right thing to do was simply let the stick go (and say a little prayer meanwhile) and let the craft spin to the moment it catches some pressure from itself again. sometimes it even helped to bank into the spin. so maybe for anybody here who gets into unrecoverable spins. try the next time with just letting the stick go and waiting for it to catch itself again (and don't forget the prayer)
  21. Over Flanders Fields - Between Heaven and Hell

    vielen dank. werde ich mal mit meinen einstellungen vergleichen. was für eine grafikkarte hast du? und wieviel hertz dein prozessor? nur damit ich mal vergleichswert habe, weil meine FPS sind so zwischen 25 und 60. der allgemeine grafik-regler ist völlig irrelevant. entscheidend sind nur die regler darunter. ich würde dir empfehlen wolken auf 4 zu setzen. sie haben keinerlei negativen einfluss auf die geschwindigkeit, aber es sind mehr wolken und dunstschichten da und der KI gegner kann nicht durch wolken sehen, genausowenig wie du. erhöht den realismus.
  22. Second Lieutenant Hiroo Onoda

    from what he was talking his attitude is much like those from samurai. although samurai did not exist anymore, the spirit and devotion for duty etc. is a heir from those ancient days wich lasts a lot to this day. that's why japan always had great respect for germany till WW2 (i talked a lot and often with an old japanese doctor and he told me about that respect). germany was till then a militant country with a great devotion to duty, doing the job the best they can without complaining etc. having military academies etc. and that's what japanese admire most (this attitude also explains kamikaze pilots etc.). german people got castrated in every way after ww2. and turned into ultrapacifists. those attributes are not the least comparable to the german people of before. maybe that's the guilt they think they have to carry and still do, maybe because of the hippies or whatever. i can completely understand the attitude of onoda
  23. i'm not sure if your post is the answer to my post uncleal . actually there is no problem with my stick but it's how it's supposed to be . ff is very strong (at least on xp. on win7 with vista drivers very weak). i was just asking if other ff sticks are only vibrating and that's the reason it feels unrealistic during flight. because with my stick vibration is only when rolling on the ground or firing, but otherwise there is no vibration but response of other very smart made forces, strength depending on what's happening.
  24. sorry for hijacking, but as we talk about FF i have a question. some people here refuse to use FF because it's vibrating all the time during flight. something what a real flightstick doesn't do. i have a saitek evo force and mine doesn't vibrate at all during flight. only when on the runway or shooting it does. in the air it does not vibrate at all but has pressure on the stick, depending what's happening. buffeting, stalling, pushes the stick into appropriate directions with appropriate strength, and i have to hold it with counterpressure. sometimes in violent turns or breaking wings or something, the sudden strength almost forces it out of my hand and that seems realistic for me. i thought it is made this way on purpose with every ff stick to be like that, but obviously on some sticks it only vibrates or not without other nonvibrating strenghts. i remember when trying p2 with a normal ff gamepad it was vibrating all the time during flight. i thought that was fixed in BHAH, or ist it only a saitek strengh that it handles the force realistically?
  25. that's the way i do it when hostile aircraft are above me and i try to catch them. i go into a short dive to catch momentum and pull vertically hard to the moment i almost hang on the prop and then level out again and repeat it, though the higher you are the more difficult it is. this method is also mentioned in literature. MvR wrote that this manouver is a kind of invitation to the enemies to make them fight and not run away. mccudden wrote about seeing the albdII performing this manouver and the comical sight reminds him of a begging dog. so maybe this manouver was more commong among germans.

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