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About RCAF_Dudley

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    In the great woods and pristine mountain lakes rumoured to encircle downtown Toronto

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  1. Map the Scroll-Lock function to a convenient button on your joystick. Normally, I would use the Hat switch in Snap mode, but when you need Pan view, click and release your mapped joystick button to toggle to Panning mode. You can then Pan smoothly with the Hat switch and the view stays in position. To quickly get back to front & centre view, again click your mapped joystick button to toggle into Snap mode. Now quickly flip and release the Hat switch (in any direction) and the view Snaps back to front. Important Tip! The Pan mode is a bit too slow for combat. You can smooth Pan more quickly by editing the VIEWUI.XML file. At the top of this file under <ViewUI> the second item is RotationRate="1.2". (1.2 is my current value; the default value is much lower). Try 1.2 or a small incremental change and Save. You will now be much happier with the speed of smooth Hat switch panning. I am, however, a certified TrackIR addict. (Try to take it away and I'll go Charlie Sheen on you). I'm using an old TrackIR 3 with the Vector Expansion and the latest drivers. If you can score an older model 3 or 4 they are well worth it! Regards, Dudley
  2. No 10 Naval Squadron Campaign

    Sounds like a load of Tripe!!! (and that's a good thing!) Greetings Gents, I'll try to join in on your next Saturday session. I wanted to join the first one, but RL shot me down. I've loaded up the proper aircraft and will have to try a test connection soon. Regards, Dudley
  3. 24Sqd Campaign Results

    Wow! I'm thrilled to win the tankard and I'm really honoured to fly with this group. There were some tough flights and many times we didn't make it back! Many thanks to Vasco and all who made these sessions such great fun. Regards,
  4. Thanks for bringing this up. Signed!!! (I'm from Birkenhead)
  5. Get rid of Shrek

    To my ear, Pol's startup commands do sound Lancashire, but certainly not Scouse (Liverpool) and no trace of Scots. I'm from Birkenhead (across the Mersey from Liverpool), but transplanted to Canada at an early age. I've a lot of relatives still in Liddiepool and I can still do a "Ringo" that's gear. Canadians are lucky as we get mixed exposure to both U.S. and British media. It sometimes gives an interesting perspective.
  6. Enhaced reality settings

    In Firefox, right-click on the link and select Save Link As...
  7. 24 Sqn RFC Online Campaign

    OK, I'll go for Full Realism, but it's going to be pretty dodgy with the enemy AI having much better eyesight. The TAC display compensates for that a bit and, as mentioned, allows for selecting targets, too. I've got my maps ready and I'll clean down my monitor. It's a neat challenge and I don't want the Off-liners thinking we have it easy.
  8. TIR3 and 5.1 software

    I too am using an old TrackIR-3 Pro with the Vector Expansion (for 6DoF) and the Hat-Clip. I'm fairly satisfied with the operation (maybe I don't know any better!), so I'm not sure if the upgrade would be worth while. It would cost me $179 Cdn, then $50 for the Track-Clip, plus Tax (15%) and shipping.
  9. The Prize for Vasco's next campaign.

    I'll sign-up for some aerial abuse! I've just upgraded my CPU from Intel E6400 (2.13GHz) to an E8600 (3.33 GHz). I'll perhaps look into OverClocking; the E8600 is supposed to take 4.0 GHz fairly easily.
  10. Fuzzy HUD Gauges

    My HUD Gauges have recently lost resolution and now look fuzzy. The rest of the display is fine, but they remain grainy. Changing them or turning the gauges off and on doesn't fix it and I don't think it's my alcohol consumption. Does anyone have suggestions as to what files need to be replaced or checked to correct this? BTW: Merry Christmas All!
  11. Thanks to the OFF Dev Team!!! I think they give tremendous value. An excellent product!
  12. mp question

    Hi Gents! I'd like to join in too. I have "Hat in the Ring" installed, but it's been almost a month since I've joined an OFF MP session, and I need to verify my files and config.
  13. Hi, Due to circumstances, I haven't been able to join Vasco's Sunday Campaign for a few weeks. However, I'm trying to join, but can't connect to the game or to TS. Have the IPs changed? Please advise.
  14. Just bought it and have received the download code by email!!! Dudley

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