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Posts posted by pvince

  1. On 31/03/2022 at 11:13 AM, mue said:

    Yes, this workaround is required because the author of the LODViewer was to lazy to implement this feature into the tool. Maybe he will find some time (and motivation) in the future :biggrin:.

    Not needed, we have to way to check without running the game, which is the purpose of your great tool.

    But if you really want to go back on it :rolleyes:, I have more needed suggestions: add pilots and seats (position adjustment) and moreover weapons (same, attachment adjustment) :drinks:

    For the last one, for example, it could be according to a 'debug' [LODviewer] section in the loadout.ini !

  2. :ty:thank you, but to be honest I am not the "inventor" of this, I have learned it from another modder in a former post, but I do not remember from who and when. So the credits go to the one who discovered this first, I am just repeating here, but I'm happy if it helps.

    On 18/01/2022 at 6:54 PM, EricJ said:

    I think you need SF2: NA for that to work.

    Very probably yes, I confirm I have SF2:NA and I am quite sure it will not work without.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  3. This is a very common entry for Radar Altitude text in avionics.ini, for many aircraft, stock or mods:

    TextFormat=%.0f R
    MaxValue=1500      <<<<<<<<

    I have just noticed that MaxValue seems inoperative: above 1500 ft, no change, the text is still displayed the same, as altitude above ground. I tested on many aircraft. Despite this line seems useless, it is always used.

    Do you know what is the function of this line ?

  4. Mirage F1C_73 update is on its way for the release.

     We have slightly changed the French F1C mods versions split.

    This first variant is still the F1C as they were at the very beginning, when initially delivered to the French "Armée de l'Air". They had not yet the "BF" RWR and the Cyrano IV radar was the "early" version (scope and radar modes).

    Those aircraft were never retrofitted with BF, but the radar was, later, maybe progressively, upgraded to the new version (new scope, new modes).

    The mod is presented with the historical accurate numbers of the aircraft at their very first delivery in the squadrons:

    • EC 2/30 30-Mx
    • EC 3/30 30-Fx
    • EC 1/5   5-Nx
    • EC 2/5   5-Ox

    We have also added EC 1/12 12-Yx aircraft, but they were not from first delivery, they came from some of the squadrons above (themselves receiving the new F1C-200) and were reassigned to 1/12 quite early.

    The period covered by this mod is 1973 to 1981, so that we can have in the mod the initial external profile without BF, "early" squadrons decals, and "early" scope in the cockpit, all together.

    Another mod will present the same aircraft in the 1982 to 2003 period: "late" decals and new scope (F1C_82, to be released)

     The next 13 F1C that were delivered to "Armée de l'Air" had the BF RWR. After that they also had the refueling probe and those last ones were called F1C-200.

    The  "F1C_RWR" mod (to be released) will present those aircraft (with BF but no AAR), for the full period (1975 to 2003). To be 100% accurate we should also split: early scope as initially delivered and later retrofit with upgraded Cyrano IV. We've not done it. Maybe a later introduction ! For now they are all in "upgraded" Cyrano version.

    The Mirage F1 team

    • Like 2
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  5. On 07/09/2020 at 8:40 PM, ludo.m54 said:

    V2.0 of the Mirage F-1C_81 is uploaded and waiting for approval.

    We added a new Martin Baker MK4 ejection seat (Thanks to russouk2004).

    If you want to add this seat to the other Mirage F-1, change the lines below in the data.ini file :



    MinExtentPosition=-0.25, 3.60,-0.10
    MaxExtentPosition= 0.25, 4.30, 0.80

    And a little preview by Coupi.





    Thank you for the wonderful work.

    I have a question : the new release 2.0 now uses the "early" cockpit, with the "old" radar display.

    In previous releases, the "old radar" was on F1C_73 only (v1.3), F1C_81 (v1.2) was with new radar, and for me, therefore new display as well, same as F1C_80 (v1.3), only the RWR removed.

    Does it make sense ? Is it confirmed that the version without RWR, but new radar, had the old display (first F1-C retrofitted with new radar) ?



  6. 1 hour ago, Wrench said:

    never had ANY problems adjusting pilot hit boxes. Weapons? Why would that even be necessary?

    For adjusting attachment position and angles in data.ini, for example, for external stations but also internal (interferences or weapons seen outside of the closed bay).


    1 hour ago, guuruu said:

    Because some weapons have non-standart 3d files, made for specific plane (for example including racks) and it could be cool to see weapon position in LODviewer.

    Also some weapons have many versions, so again you can choose the best looking one ;-)

    Finally it can be good addon for setting weapon stations and loadouts.



    39 minutes ago, yakarov79 said:

    this could be a very useful tool. For setting positions, angles of weapons, pilots fake pilots, etc.... but in that case, lodviewer should read data ini file ? for coordinates?




    of course, no sweat...we can do this old way...

    LODviewer does already read data.ini (hitboxes, collisionpoints, component names and maybe other things I forget).

  7. On 17/06/2019 at 7:51 PM, pvince said:

    No the option does not help but yes they are 4k, however, in 0.52 the same with 4k textures is not slow (only loading is longer).

    Another remark from later use, version 0.6x is case sensitive for node names. If case is not exactly the same in the .LOD and in the data.ini, hitboxes and CollisionPoints will not show up when node is selected.

    0.62 fixed both, just checked, and limit texture resolution even not needed. That's great. Thanks.

  8. 9 hours ago, mue said:

    Will be fixed in the next version.

    That means the "Use Vertex buffer objects" option doesn't help? Does the slowdown happen also with stock objects? Do you use 4K textures?

    No the option does not help but yes they are 4k, however, in 0.52 the same with 4k textures is not slow (only loading is longer).

    Another remark from later use, version 0.6x is case sensitive for node names. If case is not exactly the same in the .LOD and in the data.ini, hitboxes and CollisionPoints will not show up when node is selected.

    • Thanks 2

  9. The new version (0.6x) is not compatible with ANSI code (version 0.52 has not the issue). It is probably the combination ANSI + some special characters in the file. Typical problems then:

    - data file not loaded

    - numbers.lst : numbers not shown in individual markings dropdown list (detected because of  '°' in the text file)

    - textures.ini : texture not loaded (suspected character is 'é' in 'Aéronavale' )

    And for your info, unfortunately still very slow for me also with 0.61. Sometimes it improves after some time after the model is loaded.


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