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Posts posted by pvince

  1. I take the point. With what we have released, you should not have this result, so my first immediate feedback is that you have a conflict with former files that are not compatible with the 4.0 release. Try that first please, re-download if needed, and make sure to overwrite all files (after backup if you want to keep the previous versions for reference) and check again.

  2. Color is defined by 'Color=R,G,B' entry, each RGB component as a positive number between 0 and 1. For example  Color=0.88,0.25,0.25 (red).

    If you have a picture with the color you want, you can measure the color components with Gimp 'Color Picker tool' (for example). Select the measure in RGB % then. You will get the components directly (with 1=100% of course).

    For 'LightSrcOffset=', I am not sure but it seems to be an offset (in X,Y,Z coordinates and meters) to the  'Position=' entry (also in X,Y,Z AC model coordinates and meters). I don't know why there is this offset instead of only the position value and I am interested to know if someone can say  :smile:

    • Like 1

  3. Sorry there was a typo in my post. maybe that. 

    The full section as I would write it then:


    With that it should work. I am not sure for the ParentComponentName but I will keep it as it is the usual case, and make sure that the parameter in this entry "Fuselage" is a real section in data.ini ([Fuselage] in data.ini, not a node in the LOD).

  4. I have to correct: "RAF" for Nation, but "UK" code for AttachmentType is correct. Sorry for confusing.

    For your problem, if the couple (aircraft,weapon) works without SpecificStationCode, it will work again if you apply the same SpecificStationCode in both. If not, make sure you have it on the right weapon_station (for example test with a "StationGroup" that has only this one in, and disable the loadout.ini, so that no doubt), or no typo.

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  5. 9 hours ago, Menrva said:

    AI makes use of guided bombs, while in the old days they wouldn't and dumb versions were required

    I just tried on a stock install with F-4E and LGB and my wingman could use successfully GBU-12, on a target that I assigned, not the mission target. I have also tried with the super-etendard mod, atlis +LGB, also ok. What is the problem with the LGB and AI ?


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