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Files posted by Olham

  1. Faint Tactical Display without numbers

    Go to the following folder...
    OBD Software > OBDWW1 Over Flanders Fields > aircraft > shared
    ...and backup or zip the file...
    ...then put this file into that same folder.
    The TAC screen is fainter, and the number are removed.


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  2. RAF BE.2c 1916 Belgian Skin

    On request by Bucksnort, I have added a BE.2c for the Belgian air service, for the use in the "New DiD Campaign".
    I have only painted the upper surfaces green, and added Belgian roundels.
    The original skin is from the huge skins department in WOFF and was created by the OBD Skinners (OvS, Paarma, Sandbagger, RABU and Makai).
    I would like to thank them all for their wonderful, rich works.


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  3. Olham's Belgian Skin Pack 1

    My first skins for the "DiD Campaign" Belgian aircraft contain the Nieuport 16, the Nieuport 23, and two Sopwith Strutter skins.
    The original skins were all made by the OBD skinners (OvS, Sandbagger, Paarma, Makai and Rabu);
    I have only changed the upper surface greens, and the Belgian roundels. Thank you guys for your great works!


       (1 review)



  4. Pilot Caps for Brit & Hun 1916 - 1917

    This file will make your pilot wear a face mask and better goggles.
    It does distort a bit strangely in parts, but it works okay.
    You need to unzip it and put the two files from the folder here:
    (your sim folder) > aircraft > shared
    Best is to save the original files "PilotcapBrit1916-17.dds" and
    "PilotcapHun1916-17.dds" first.


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  5. Albatros D.V (later) Basic Skin for Jasta 2

    After a lot of experimentation with plywood textures, I have come up with this version
    of a Jasta 2 skin for an Albatros D.V (uprated).
    It is meant to be a factory-new D.V, but with the hood and wheel covers painted in the
    Jasta's dark green already. The white tail section was the Jasta's hallmark.
    The wings even carry the line "Nicht auftreten!" (No step!)
    I wanted to provide a skin with no special, personal markings, so that everyone can
    attach their own designs, without building a totally new skin.
    The underlying basic design I worked from is the work from our OBD skinners; and
    without their great work I would have been lost.


       (0 reviews)



  6. Albatros D.III 153 OeFFAG from Flik 55J

    The last of 5 new Albatros skins for the "Italian Front" user-built missions
    is a dark-green OeFFAG Albatros D.III 153 from Flik 55J.
    The skin file must be unzipped. Then it goes here:
    OBD Software > CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields > campaigns > CampaignData > skins
    Thanks to all OBD skinners for their over 3.400 skins - your works inspired me!


       (0 reviews)



  7. Albatros D.III 153 OeFFAG from Flik 41J with star & crescent

    The fourth of 5 new Albatros skins for the "Italian Front" user-built missions
    is another OeFFAG Albatros D.III 153 from Flik 41J.
    The skin file must be unzipped. Then it goes here:
    OBD Software > CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields > campaigns > CampaignData > skins
    Thanks to all OBD skinners for their over 3.400 skins - your works inspired me!


       (0 reviews)



  8. Albatros D.III 153 OeFFAG from Flik 41J

    The third of 5 new Albatros skins for the "Italian Front" user-built missions
    is an OeFFAG Albatros D.III 153 with handpainted curl camouflage ocre on dark green.
    The craft from Flik 41J (Fliegerkompanie 41 Jäger) was flown by Godwin Brumowski.
    The skin file must be unzipped. Then it goes here:
    OBD Software > CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields > campaigns > CampaignData > skins
    Thanks to all OBD skinners for their over 3.400 skins - your works inspired me!


       (0 reviews)



  9. Albatros D.III 153 OeFFAG with Backhausen & Söhne fabric

    The second of 5 new Albatros skins for the "Italian Front" user-built missions
    is an OeFFAG Albatros D.III 153 with the Backhausen & Söhne screenprinted
    swirl-camouflage fabric.
    The fabric was made by RAF_Louvert for this purpose - thanks a lot for this
    skillful job, Lou - must have been nervewrecking to join the parts!
    The skin file must be unzipped. Then it goes here:
    OBD Software > CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields > campaigns > CampaignData > skins
    Thanks to all OBD skinners for their over 3.400 skins - your works inspired me!


       (0 reviews)



  10. Albatros D.III OeFFAG without camouflage

    The first of 5 new Albatros skins for the "Italian Front" user-built missions
    is a plain OeFFAG Albatros D.III 153.
    The skin file must be unzipped. Then it goes here:
    OBD Software > CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields > campaigns > CampaignData > skins
    Thanks to all OBD skinners for their over 3.400 skins - your works inspired me!


       (0 reviews)



  11. Albatros D.V "Windrose"

    Albatros D.V "Windrose"
    Inspired by the 3. Albatros D.Va built by THE VINTAGE AVIATOR, I made this skin.
    The plywood of the TVA craft was varnished with a clear laquer with a warm redbrownish tone added.
    It looks like a darker honey, or amber.
    Together with the mauve and green upper wing camo, it goes very nicely.
    The skin file has to be unzipped, and goes into this folder:
    OBD Software > CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields > campaigns > CampaignData > skins
    If you want to use it on an Albatros D.V early (the "hunchback one", you only need to delete the word "later_" with one subline.
    The skin uploaded here has no capital "H" on the wing; I thought you'd like to use your own pilot's first letters.
    Thanks again, OBD skinners, as I was inspired your your over 3.400 skins, and worked after them.


       (0 reviews)



  12. Albatros D.V (early) Skin for Jasta 10

    For this Albatros I have made a new Mauve-Green camo. JFM wrote to me, that the darker tone
    on the B+W photos was most likely the green; so I used Fokker's dark green here.
    Then I made a slightly lighter Mauve after the tone used in the Lozenge patterns.
    Wether it is historically correct or not - I liked what I had got.
    I used it on an early Albatros D.V - that is the originally delivered version with the headrest.
    This was later mostly removed by the Jastas for better vision, and finally given up by Albatros.
    But I wanted to fly one of these with an own skin, and here it is for all to use now.
    Jasta 10 was one of the four Jasta of "Richthofen's flying Circus" (Jasta 4, Jasta 6, Jasta 10
    and Jasta 11) - they were always in the thick of it. When they had the D.V they were in northern
    Flanders. So, if you want a lot of action, this skin could be the right one to use. Enjoy!
    Many thanks to the OBD Skinners, who created the immense output of over 3.400 skins for OFF.
    I work from their original works and would have been lost without that.


       (0 reviews)



  13. SPAD XIII Esc 48 1918 Olham

    This is a SPAD XIII skin I did long time ago, but forgot to load up here somehow.
    Now nbryant asked me in the "Screenshots" thread, why I don't make "Allied" skins -
    well, here is one for you.
    The very most of the skin is of course the fine detailed work by one of the OBD skinners.
    Thank you guys for your incredible amount of wonderful skins!
    I have made the SPAD rather very clean, like an almost new craft, with all emblems
    painted on freshly. So, this may not be for the fans of weathering really.
    I have made the colours of the camo a bit more dynamic, and the emblems really
    juicy - one could say, it's over the top, but hey, it's fun. Enjoy!
    NOTE: Unzip the skin into this directory:
    CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields > campaigns > CampaignData > skins


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  14. Albatros D.II "Bavaria"

    This is my first Albatros D.II skin, I think.
    Since Baldric and Hauksbee asked for an older Bavarian design, which I had erased
    unfortunately, I quickly built another again.
    I made a Bavarian flag pattern for the tail section. I didn't go so far to make the pattern
    on sides and top match correctly - that is a nervewrecking try-and-error work I didn't have
    the time for. I think it works okay as it is.
    The skin is based on much of the original OFF-Skinner's work - thank you, OBD-Skinners!


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  15. Albatros D.V Skin for Jastas 12, 16, 17 or 32

    ThisAlbatros D.V would have flown in 1917.
    It's black tail marking would fit with the Jastas 12, 16, 17 or 32.
    I have left off my personal black and white "M" marking, so that you can add your own
    emblem, sign or letter here.
    The skin is based on the original Albatros D.V skin file from OBD, and I would like to
    thank all OBD skinners for their inspiring great works. Thanks also to elephant, who
    helped me with many details and photos.
    Extract the file to your desktop. Then change "Jasta X" to the desired Jasta number; like "Jasta 12".
    You can also change "MySkin" into your own name.
    Then put the file into the skins folder in your sim:
    CFSWW1 Over Flanders fields > campaigns > CampaignData > skins


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  16. Reims to Colmar - Part 4

    This map was made after an American WW2 map.
    The railways were pretty much the same, and the map works fine for OFF.
    I have added many airfields.
    The map consists of 4 parts, which can be used as single letter sized prints,
    as well as glued together to one bigger map.


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  17. Reims to Colmar - Part 3

    This map was made after an American WW2 map.
    The railways were pretty much the same, and the map works fine for OFF.
    I have added many airfields.
    The map consists of 4 parts, which can be used as single letter sized prints,
    as well as glued together to one bigger map.


       (0 reviews)



  18. Reims to Colmar - Part 2

    This map was made after an American WW2 map.
    The railways were pretty much the same, and the map works fine for OFF.
    I have added many airfields.
    The map consists of 4 parts, which can be used as single letter sized prints,
    as well as glued together to one bigger map.


       (0 reviews)



  19. OFF Reims to Colmar - Part 1

    This map was made after an American WW2 map.
    The railways were pretty much the same, and the map works fine for OFF.
    I have added many airfields.
    The map consists of 4 parts, which can be used as single letter sized prints,
    as well as glued together to one bigger map.


       (0 reviews)



  20. OFF Map Lao - Reims

    This map is mostly useful for German flyers.
    It shows the area from St.Quentin (top left corner), to Reims in the bottom right half.
    Some German airfields in this map, and some of the Jastas there (among others):
    Boncourt: 14, 21, 50
    Chambry: 2, 26, 27, 36
    La Selve: 13, 15
    Marchais: 14
    Puisieux Ferme: 4, 6, 10, 11
    Sissone: 1, 9, 21, 50
    The roads are the yellow lines.
    More useful for navigating in OFF are the railroad lines (black). Enjoy!


       (0 reviews)



  21. Softer Label colours & smaller TAC

    My modded ViewUI.xml presents a smaller "TAC" screen;
    and also softer, less loud colours of the "Labels" - they merge more with the sky and landscape.
    The file has to be placed here:
    [your computer name] > AppData > Roaming > Microsoft > CFSWW1 Over Flanders fields
    You don't need to back up the original file, because there is a
    "MasterCopy of ViewUI.xml", which you can always activate by deleting the "MasterCopy of".


       (0 reviews)



  22. Albatros D.Va OAW-built 1917 and 1918

    ALBATROS D.V and D.Va Factory-new Johannisthal & OAW Skins / 1917 and 1918
    Since several OFF-flyers had asked for generic skin templates which they could paint their
    own emblems or decorations on to, I have made four such templates for the Albatros D.Va.
    All four present the facory-new Albatros D.Va, freshly delivered.
    I know that many of you are into weathering effects. Well, such effects can much easier be
    added to a new plane, than to be removed. So please feel free to add as much weathering
    and battle-wearing as you like.
    While the D.V was only built by Albatros-Werke Johannisthal, the D.Va was also produced
    at "Ostdeutsche Albatros-Werke" (OAW). I got a lot of help (see below) about the details of
    these builds; the guys told me several differences between the two production lines.
    Many may regard these as minor ones, and perhaps call us "nitpickers", but we wanted to
    get it pretty close.
    The differences I regarded here are these:
    1. Albatros Johannisthal used salmon ribtape on the wings; OAW used light blue tape.
    2. Crosses on fuselage sides were further back on Johannisthal planes than on OAW built ones.
    3. The weight tables were different
    4. Factory placards were placed under cockpit for OAW; on the nose onJohannisthal built ones.
    5. Albatros-Logo looking in flight direction on the Johannisthal-, and rearwards on OAW-built ones.
    Finally, there is proof that rudders were covered with upper dark Lozenge as well as light underside fabric. I didn't find any evidence so far for the OAW using the light, and Johannis- thal the dark fabric, but I wanted to present both versions and so I did it that way.
    Although the work on these skins took me quite a long time, there surely are still many bits and details, which could be more correct, but I ask all nitpickers to overlook those, and still
    enjoy the bird. These skins are made for your pleasure - and for your own paint shemes.
    The helping hands, brains & eyes on this project were from:
    elephant - nitpicking corrections and detail
    Jim "JFM" Miller - help with detail pictures and some facts

    Dave "Blowhard" Douglas - metal parts and wheel
    Without your help I wouldn't have got so far - thank you guys!
    I also wish to thank the OBD skinners for the countless skins with all
    the historical details - you guys lured me into this hobby with your work.
    Unzip the file(s) and move them into this folder:
    [your sim] > campaigns > CampaignData > skins
    You may change the Jasta number, but you must not - if you leave No. 1,
    you would always find the skin faster in the briefing screen, where you
    select a personal skin. Scroll below the historical ace skins, and mine
    will be among the first skins.
    You can, for your identification, change the names "Johannisthal" or "OAW"
    into something personal, but keep the ending .dds - otherwise it won't work.


       (0 reviews)



  23. Albatros D.Va Johannisthal-built 1917 and 1918

    ALBATROS D.V and D.Va Factory-new Johannisthal & OAW Skins / 1917 and 1918
    Since several OFF-flyers had asked for generic skin templates which they could paint their
    own emblems or decorations on to, I have made four such templates for the Albatros D.Va.
    All four present the facory-new Albatros D.Va, freshly delivered.
    I know that many of you are into weathering effects. Well, such effects can much easier be
    added to a new plane, than to be removed. So please feel free to add as much weathering
    and battle-wearing as you like.
    While the D.V was only built by Albatros-Werke Johannisthal, the D.Va was also produced
    at "Ostdeutsche Albatros-Werke" (OAW). I got a lot of help (see below) about the details of
    these builds; the guys told me several differences between the two production lines.
    Many may regard these as minor ones, and perhaps call us "nitpickers", but we wanted to
    get it pretty close.
    The differences I regarded here are these:
    1. Albatros Johannisthal used salmon ribtape on the wings; OAW used light blue tape.
    2. Crosses on fuselage sides were further back on Johannisthal planes than on OAW built ones.
    3. The weight tables were different
    4. Factory placards were placed under cockpit for OAW; on the nose onJohannisthal built ones.
    5. Albatros-Logo looking in flight direction on the Johannisthal-, and rearwards on OAW-built ones.
    Finally, there is proof that rudders were covered with upper dark Lozenge as well as light underside fabric. I didn't find any evidence so far for the OAW using the light, and Johannis- thal the dark fabric, but I wanted to present both versions and so I did it that way.
    Although the work on these skins took me quite a long time, there surely are still many bits and details, which could be more correct, but I ask all nitpickers to overlook those, and still
    enjoy the bird. These skins are made for your pleasure - and for your own paint shemes.
    The helping hands, brains & eyes on this project were from:
    elephant - nitpicking corrections and detail
    Jim "JFM" Miller - help with detail pictures and some facts
    Dave "Blowhard" Douglas - metal parts and wheel
    Without your help I wouldn't have got so far - thank you guys!
    I also wish to thank the OBD skinners for the countless skins with all
    the historical details - you guys lured me into this hobby with your work.
    Unzip the file(s) and move them into this folder:
    [your sim] > campaigns > CampaignData > skins
    You may change the Jasta number, but you must not - if you leave No. 1,
    you would always find the skin faster in the briefing screen, where you
    select a personal skin. Scroll below the historical ace skins, and mine
    will be among the first skins.
    You can, for your identification, change the names "Johannisthal" or "OAW"
    into something personal, but keep the ending .dds - otherwise it won't work.


       (0 reviews)



  24. Albatros DVa Jasta 9 "White Bird"

    Skin created from original OFF skins made by OvS/James Romano and Paarma/Arto Karttunen.
    All our skins presented here need to be unpacked by rightclick - unpack to:
    gamefolder > campaigns > campaign data > skins
    After that you can "fly" them ingame, when you choose that aircraft type in QC,
    or you enter a Jasta with that craft in campaign.


       (0 reviews)



  25. off_Alb_DV_later_t_Seefrosta 1 1917 Haifisch

    Admins - please delete this file.
    It was double-posted back then, but I only saw that now. Sorry!


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