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  1. File Name: Fictional Romanian F-5E File Submitter: ctb File Submitted: 11 February 2017 File Category: What If Hangar This is my first mod, so excuse the mistakes! Works in SF1&SF2 if you have the stock Mirage Factory F-5E installed, skins updated after Paulopanz Austrian skins. The aircraft is a What if... plane, supposedly the USA agreed to the Romanian request to sell F-5E Tiger II to SRR (Socialist Republic of Romania, the official name then) back in 1974-1975. At the time relations between Soviet Union and Romania were cold, the soviets were suspecting that SSR might jump in the PRC lap or even worse, defect to the USA sphere of influence. This ”what if” is based on an official Romanian request made in June 1975, after the exposing of the F-5E in the hands of the soviets due to the fall of South Vietnam. North Vietnam captured more than 50 such aircraft and 4 or 5 were shipped immediately to Soviet Union, the rest were used by VPAF. This give the arguments to the Romanian delegation to request the aircraft, motivating that the plane is now no longer a secret to the communist world. In the real life USA said no ... Click here to download this file
  2. Version 1.0


    This is my first mod, so excuse the mistakes! Works in SF1&SF2 if you have the stock Mirage Factory F-5E installed, skins updated after Paulopanz Austrian skins. The aircraft is a What if... plane, supposedly the USA agreed to the Romanian request to sell F-5E Tiger II to SRR (Socialist Republic of Romania, the official name then) back in 1974-1975. At the time relations between Soviet Union and Romania were cold, the soviets were suspecting that SSR might jump in the PRC lap or even worse, defect to the USA sphere of influence. This ”what if” is based on an official Romanian request made in June 1975, after the exposing of the F-5E in the hands of the soviets due to the fall of South Vietnam. North Vietnam captured more than 50 such aircraft and 4 or 5 were shipped immediately to Soviet Union, the rest were used by VPAF. This give the arguments to the Romanian delegation to request the aircraft, motivating that the plane is now no longer a secret to the communist world. In the real life USA said no ...
  3. Yak-23 "Flora"

    Due to the fact that I am an aviation historian, a Romanian and an SF2 enthusiast allow me to have some additions to the story of the USAF Yak-23 as detailed in the USAF folder. First of all the name of the pilot is Mihail Diaconu, a lieutenant in the Romanian Air Force (FARPR), he was not a defector but his oxigen mask had a malfunction, he blacked out and when he recovered saw an airport and landed mistaking the airfield as his own. It proved to be an Yugoslavian one. After two years of bitter arguing he was released from Yugoslav custody in an exchange of prisoners and returned home. When the aircraft was returned to the Romanian Air Force the fuel pump was new (it had a F-86 Sabre label on it) and the tires were new again, bearing the name GoodYear. That promptly proven that the aircraft was inspected by the USA and the Romanian authority informed the Soviet Union about the whole episode. The plane was considered obsolete at the time due to the fact that MiG-15 was available and its performance was far better, this episode determined the soviet block to withdraw Yak-23 earlier than scheduled.

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