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Everything posted by carrick58

  1. Tweaking CFS 3 for OFF

    Thanks Uncle Al I will give it a shot tonight.
  2. Hey Widowmaker: I would like to learn how todo a repair of windows with XP Could ya point me where I can learn more ? Thanks Carrick58 I have the Google Virus on the Old Computer, but I dont want to loose the info on the Hard Drive.
  3. Nbryant got it. But I wonder how the guy sitting on the Globe Master Got up there ?
  4. Tweaking CFS 3 for OFF

    Thanks Guys, I got it running on the wives Rig. Dont know about the fps yet ? My PC Wizard is on the other rig. Funny, I cant tell if there's any difference in the Vid Cards of the 2 machines, The dual core 2.0 with 2 Gigs Ram and a Nvida G force 256 mb Card and this Pentium 4 Signal Core 2 Gigs Ram 3.0 GHz Machine with a Nivida 7300 LE 512 Mb. The Pic so far looks the same. I should thankful that it runs Hun?
  5. Re installing

    Thanks, for the advice. The wifes Old cumputer is a 3.0 GHZ, single core. Running an XP Operating system with 2 GB memory . The Vid card is a Nvida 7300 ? 512Mb. Althought its an Old computer, I think it will work for playing Off and Slient hunter.
  6. I had the Google Virus on the old computer . It got in thru the browser. I was using MSN or Yahoo.and Like others have said a real Bear. I have heard that reformatting the Hard Drive works of course, You lose all information. The real pain is reloading all the games, ad ons, downloads and patches, Plus searching out the sites where they came from. Not to mention the Drivers. One curious thing I found was that Theres is a fast reformat and a slow reformat. You can recover information at a later date with the Fast re format. The slow reformat everything is Gone forever period. I did not have to re install the Operating system, XP Pro, on the fast re format. Found a helpful site for small computer problems ( auto run , settings, ect) Its an XP, Win 7, Vista, 98 ect, Disscussion forum good reading but dont down load because of the Browser Bug, its Called: Annoyances.org You could search there for Registry re construction Tips or settings or applications. Good Luck.
  7. Re installing

    The wives get the Cake. Once upon a time their was a miner going through the Big D, He stated afterwards that she got the Diamond and He got the Shaft Thanks all.
  8. 800px-Commonsnipe67.jpg Snips.jpg

    From the album other pics

  9. In Cockpit Pilots

    Ditto for me. mmmmmmmmmm splash of Red and a full death ride( the crash0
  10. Holy freaking crap!

    According to the report the pilot survived the Crash. T he accident was the result of power loss upon take off. Von Buar: According to The Vintage Aviator : Even the Air Board of 1917 agreed that the RE 8 could not be made as safe as a BE 2 Machine and that it had been a mistake to give up the BE machine. There are reports of even Training Units had to replace the tail of the production machine with tails from a BE machine. This was due to the aircraft's Swinging Tail as manufactured which resulted in many accidents. However, Experienced Pilots could handle the machine. So the real Question, How many Experienced RE 8 aircrew were there in 1917 ?
  11. As I was watched this clip, I was almost transported back to those days of old.
  12. Holy freaking crap!

    This is a statement by a Squadron Commander to Crews of RE 8 s about aircraft Accidents. (found it on the Wikipedia Net ) Observers must be cautioned that when an aeroplane is gliding down from work over the lines they must not stand up in order to look over the pilot's shoulder for the fun of the thing, as the EXTRA HEAD RESISTANCE caused may lead to the aeroplane falling below its critical gliding speed, and so bring about an accident." The pilots name it the "Harry Tate". They really Fell out of the Sky.!
  13. R/C Albatross Movie

    Bravo, Right On. Aircraft Noise Please. ( except for movie themes 633 Sqn, Battle of Britain, Blue Max ect.)
  14. Holy freaking crap!

    For Sure, accidents claimed a lot of pilots besides doing dumb things. Take off claimed some as well as the airplane falling apart in the air. Although I dont remember where, I read of Gas Leaks while airborne and Engine Rods being blown while diving in those old crates. Another thing I remember hearing or reading was a person falling out of the airplane. The early years of flight were indeed Dangerous.
  15. R/C Albatross Movie

    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Sorry, Olham. I didn't Know or failed to realize what was happening Someone else mentioned U Tube and Music copyrights ? I will see what I can find out ? On this side of the pond, there are a few videos that you can watch but no music. ( personally I can do without the noise) Maybe theres a different method to by pass the Music people. One Idea is to post to you Tube then copy ( cam corder) then post to forum. I dont know if that will work but ?
  16. It's gone so quiet here...

    I suggest we use the OFF Attack Wagon and the Special Stealth Wear to gain access to the Developers Files. See Top Secret U Tube File on Vehicle and Attire to wear. as in the following Example. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2H0QOYD9TAM
  17. Although this incident did happen (staged ?) , I cant believe she did it.
  18. Shrike Hawk: Take your wife to see Salt or Resident Evil ( the new one in 3D ) The women in both films are Bad to the Bone. Herr Olham: I agree, in those bad times Miss Ingle and the 13 Cats were doing Airshows so it proabaly was for the Money. Still, I would not have done it.
  19. # sigh # If Only

    I had a feeling that a Snipe would get into this.
  20. This is a little off subject but eye opening to the hazards of landing a 2 Wing Aircraft
  21. Worst 2 Winger landing

    Clicked on the news paper account of the Tiger Moth. #$@% They are falling like fly's.

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