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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. The contract with IAI for the Kfirs 10 Block 60 were almost signed, but finally they decided to wait for the new government. The new president Macri already stated they will tighten ties with Israel so I think is still very likely for Argentina to get those lion cubs. About the F-16, it seems the USAF ofered several F-16C block 30 form AMARG. No idea If the offer includes guided ammo and BVR missiles.
  2. Thanks for sharing the pics! Now is Kfir time (and maybe some F-16 from the US)
  3. Yellow warnings are missiles aimed to your flight. Red Warnings for missiles aimed at you. Deploy chaff and flare and try to break as soon as possible. Avoiding an AMRAAM is not easy.
  4. img00001

    Formosa Straits
  5. img00001

    From the album Stratos

  6. Following my experiences with straight wing jets in Korean era, I discovered that PLAAF pilots fell more often into slow speed traps where they are easy meat for the F84G of the ROCAF. Maybe they're lower quality? BTW, do we have a proper ROCAF mod or skin for the F84G? I miss all those colorful schemes with stripes on tail, squadron marks...
  7. A fun plane, and really interesting avionics for such a early bird.
  8. France 05/1940 BR693 Maintenance between two missions

    The car on the background is amazing!!
  9. Where one can get those two seater Skyraiders? Look pretty cool!!
  10. This bird is far more advanced than I ever expected! Shame we cannot replicate those features in game. TK should rethink his relation with the series.
  11. Does it have some kind of electro optical sensor on the nose?
  12. Can someone tell me how can I open this template files? I tried with Gimp and PSP 7 without luck, and will love to skin the Texan. Thanks. http://combatace.com/files/file/676-at-6d-texan-skin-template/
  13. Any background story for this one? I liked it, maybe some RAF vamps on lend-lease if war soldiered until 1946?? I can see it flying against Kikkas and Karyus over Manchuria.
  14. You think IDF jets will enter Syrian air space to shoot down IRIAF planes? Sounds very unlikely.
  15. The Mirage III fares better against anyone than it does the IAI Nesher, after 1971 is my favourite mount so I got used to it's paces. Against the MiG-21 the Mirage is almost perfectly matched, it's a matter of the pilot more than anything else, the key I think is to keep your speed up as the AI planes seem to keep their energy a lot more easily than the player.
  16. F16B 1982 End of mission

  17. Aircraft Composite 2

    Wish we can see both mods! Good work mate!
  18. Aircraft Composite 2

    The Cr.32 and the Hind are not more realted to East African campaign? Anyway amazing models
  19. I love Korean War mod, the "problem" I see with it is than apart of the F86 you're outclassed or outclassing the A-A opposition, wish one of our What If Masters can create something for Banshee and Panther fighter joks to fight against. Here, some pics:
  20. img00009

    From the album Stratos


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