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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Great, El Salvador can use the AIM-9. any info on those cockpits? Were ever updated?
  2. A question about the real A-37. The variants still flying around got any kind of update program? I mean do they use modern HUDS, NVG and bombing computers or still a classic gunsight and Mk.I eyeball? There are still some of those puppies flying around and I got curious. the same question applies for AIM-9. Any user can mount Sidewinders on the little Cessna?
  3. Hello. I understand your rant, or at least I think I do. Do you feel SF is dying from lack of new content? If I understood you correctly, you propose to pay some money to 3d modders, so they get an incentive to their work, BUT, that means the payer will direct the modder work telling him what plane to do. Is that the plan? I think modders here are really scarce, and to make them work on a mod thay are not interested will need a good amount of money, far from one player can reunite, at least far from my wallet capability. Of course this is my opinion and I can be totally wrong. Regarding TK and the source code, If he needs 5 to 10.000 $ to build a model how many money he will need for the source code? And If we get it, who knows what to do with it? Sorry If I sound negative, but I feel SF is a DEAD game in the development part of it. We can get new planes, ships or objects, but thats it. It's done.
  4. Sorry but I'm not following your way of thinking here. Can you please develop?
  5. Not the first time this question arises. IIRC all the other times was related to hire a developer that can solve some game issues and add more content in form of avionics, A-A refueling, etc. Nothing came fro that, so I don't expect anything now.
  6. A A-10 in firefighter role is just amazing! Well done guys!
  7. And the proper FM takes forever to be released. I think I will get Nevada and will pass this ATM.
  8. I know I know, but that is a plane I really like, and it make me think in a 101 Vodoo on steroids. And yes, I will love a FJ-4, in fact Dave told me ther'e one as a WIP, but thats at least 4 years ago.
  9. I will like to have a A-4B (I like the B version short nose) with 4 underwing hardpoints, currently plane has only 2. Can someone please tell me how to add those pylons please? Also Is possible to add to the same plane the "exhaust extension" used on Israeli A4's? Is the part marked in orange, we have it on SF2:I 1973 Skyhawks. Thinking on a small project. Thanks.
  10. The Furies need those late variants. Thats for sure!
  11. I agree in the Stary list plus the one above!!!
  12. Nice Backstory, wondering how it will compare to the 1956 jets used during Mousquetaire.
  13. blaze, what's the bottleneck of your project? Maybe I can join your WIP and we can get this moving If you're interested.
  14. The map looks really cool! I think it will be a nice addition. Are you planning to add weapon ranges? Also you mentioned VTOL, can we see it?
  15. I wanted the Vietnam version. Thanks anyway.
  16. Can we see the planning map so we can make an idea of the area?

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