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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. The F-35 will be easily adapted to work from those decks, right?
  2. Nice info Happy308! It sounds state of the art for me too, after all it was pretty special item for the time.
  3. Ok, I send a PM to Cent asking to status of this mod and the possibilty of sending the tiles or WIP project in order to complete the map at least. Lets keep our fingers crossed. BTW, do we have in SF2 standards all the needed planes?
  4. Then, is not good news. Shame as those choppers sure look cool.
  5. Really beautiful Kevin! Any idea If we can have a crop duster too?
  6. Ready to pound Japan in Operation Olympic? Nicely done!
  7. Looking forward to it!! It's a really beautiful version!
  8. Ge-31 Bora ?

    Let me be esceptic about this.
  9. Wondering If is there any way to revive those Centurion mods. This will be a nice addition to our campaigns, but we need to know the current status and If Cent is interested in sharing his work to be completed, at least in Beta Form.
  10. Your IRST works only as a frontal camera or can lock to a enemy? Mandatory screenshot:
  11. A recon RF-5A will be ana amazing addition. Very useful for Iran-Iraq war, as IRIAF used them on tons of missions over Iraq and the Gulf.
  12. Can be a problem of YAP being oriented to WOV? I mean there were problems moving the models to SF2, so maybe can be that... or not. Just an idea. In fact those chopper packs look cool, but I'm not sure that will work on SF2 without flaws.
  13. The Iraqi EQ version will come with a Irani skin? That would be nice for Darius operation.
  14. I like the DC-10 a lot more than the Jumbo. So one for me If possible please.
  15. Great backstory. And my favourite is the Euro 1. Well done.
  16. Wondering If is any interest in reviving something like this. I missed it last time and think it will be nice to have another round.
  17. The fires are working, and can be killed as well. Got the watereffect from Spillone too, but now I need to learn how to add it to a proper tanker.
  18. img00004

    From the album Stratos

  19. Kevin the link is just amazing! So many different tankers! Will really love one of those twin engined onew, the Tracker, the P61 or the Tigercat will be just amazing. The terrain looks really beautiful, cannot wait. And I got the fire working, thanks to Gepard. No idea of why but I can only see a fire at the moment. Will be better If one can find several fires at a certain location.
  20. img00002

    From the album Stratos

  21. img00003

    From the album Stratos


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