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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Looks great, will be possible to use the Stary Germany terrain so we can use his crop fields?
  2. Beuatiful mate! Really beautiful!!
  3. But the ENEMY airbase can be "ENEMY" only in the name If we don't place any AAA or SAM there, right? We will still be able to land and take off there. Or we can build a tiny strip for smugglers flights. lol for missions, we can STRIKE those crops and make CAS on those fires threatening the wild life and our valiant firefighter brigade. Right?
  4. Looking forward to try that terrain. As a enemy aircraft, what If we use a civilian drone went rogue? We can shoot it down with water. About Enemy area, maybe is a freaking idea, but why not to create a area of damncommie evil CROPS. Yes, CROPS. Some tiny enemy targets (maybe a really small 3d box) hidden in the TOD crops, maize or wheat. A target that can be killed (without resulting smoke) by a cluster bomb like a crop dusting plane, this way we will have the enemy area AND we will be able to add another Civilian aircraft mission. Crop Dusting. In Stary Germany the crops are there, but we will need to add some kind of 3d plant to hide the enemy target and make the crop dusting more realistic.
  5. img00009

    From the album Stratos

  6. And de-militarized!! Cool. Wrench can we see some pics of the terrain please? You know what will be cool? A couple of hospitals with helipad for MedEvac, some small forest cabins for landing in small "runways", maybe a police car model...
  7. Nice screen Kevin! I'm finishing my night shift in a couple of days. Then I will work on this at full pace.

    From the album Stratos

  9. So, no need help with the terrain? The Catalina looks cool.. Spillone told me he will search for the water spray effect, and I got the fire enemy working too.
  10. The Interim Growlers... During the Op.Southern Watch in Iraq the USMC aircrafts had several close calls with SAMs placed in the vicinity of the No Fly zone, as the EA-18 Growler was still not active, the USMC decided to make a small movement with its twin seaters F/A-18's. Using ALQ-99 EW pods and specially two birds Hunter-Killer teams the USMC started to hunt down the Iraqi SAMS that dared to start their radars. The program was a total exit with no planes lost or any more SAM fired to fighter aircraft while the SAM killers were in the air, but the program was discontinued as soon as the first real Growlers started to arrive several years later. Thanks to EricJ and a huge thanks to Logan by the help with this one. Without his expertise in the iniverse this plane wouldn't have been possible.
  11. img00020

    From the album Stratos

  12. img00019

    From the album Stratos

  13. I think I can give it a go. Just upload the map and send me a PM.
  14. Never tried the original "Fighter Bowl" terrain, so no idea how big it is. If you can upload it with proper tileset I will try to open it in the editor and see If I can work on it, it will require changing all the tiles one by one?. If I can, we will have the terrain, as I will tile it. I still have to test the fire effect, Gepard sent some help, but was not able to try his instructions yet. Anyway we will need some firefighter planes.
  15. It's not easier to simply use the SF2 terrains? They are not that bad.
  16. I don't get a CTD (using SF2 Europes EXP 2 as a base, clean game), but my plane explodes on runway and the terrain is daaaark grey.
  17. I made clean SF2 + Exp 2 install and dropped all the proper files there. The terrain is vanilla Europe, not the Civilian Vogesen one from Gepard FE mod. I cannot make that work, my planes explode on runway and terrain is all dark grey (I have no idea of where to get the proper CAT either). I sent a PM to Spillone, waiting for his answer on his water spray "weapon". But the fires are not visible, no idea of why.
  18. Currently trying in a SF2 clean install. The VW of the fire services is there, but the fire is not appearing. Will keep trying.
  19. Cannot find the firefighintg mod in First Eagles part of the downloads. It was never released? I want to to try If the destroyuable fires and the water effect still work on SF2.
  20. Pretty cool video Wrench! Would love to fly a firefighter Tigercat!! And nice pics Malibu! We should try If the fire and water effects work on SF2, and select a proper terrain for making a proper trial. Anyone have ideas? We need rivers and or lakes.
  21. Cause engine is capable of doing, and it can be real fun. Also you expressed a good deal of enthusiasm on the original post, no idea why this negativism now. Think we should use a SF2 terrain. The "fire" tanks and the water effect is stil available? And a SF2 version of the Zlin? It was capable of crop dusting? Will try to contact Spillone for that water "rocket" too.

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