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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Pretty interesting map mate. Will be cool to see those modern PLAAF fighters flying around that area.
  2. A-4 Skyhawks get upgraded

    Good to see the old good Scooter still flying and providing good service.
  3. Is not a river, is the Suez Canal so it had to have straight banks. Beautiful Kevin! Looking forward to see what you can do in Lebanon area including Litani and the Bekaa.
  4. I think that's an error, never seen a Mirage III in Iranian markings and can find a credible story that can justify such a thing.
  5. Found a pic on a book with a polish navy MiG-21PFM carrying 4 Atoll missiles using dual launchers, also we all know the dual launchers for the R-60 as seen in the MiG-21Bis. But on my flyable MiG's I don't have such a loadout, it is already done or is not available? The polish navy PFM: And the 21Bis dual R60 launcher.
  6. I'm not at home right now, so I will ask here before trying it. Is the Crazyhorse PFM Monsun the rack I'm searching for or better wait for Logan to complete his?
  7. Take your time, I'm sure the effort will worth the wait.
  8. Great job Logan! Will post the final version here once ready? Maybe is even possible to add it to the new weapon pack in the works.
  9. Kevin I don't have problems with the Aphids, I can load them without problem in dual rail, but Crazyhorse is right, the Atolls don't fit. It seems we need a new rack for them.
  10. How can I know the name of the Atoll dual rack?
  11. Svetlin are you sure you can load 2 Atolls per rail? If yes can you please post the data of your MiG-21PFM please?
  12. Adding the entry 2IR on the weapon station on the proper plane I can get to load 4 Aphids, the Atolls are a no go, I can load single missile per rail but no 2 per rail, and no idea of why. I'm on SF2 Europe fully merged install with all titles and expansions, the data files were modified when I installed the proper cockpits to make the MiG's flyable. Thanks guys for trying to help me, apreciatted!
  13. I installed it, but It does not appear to selection on my Fishbeds. No idea of what I'm doing wrong.
  14. Do you remember wich pack has the third part launchers?
  15. Anyone know how to change the options so in map only appears my plane and the waypoints? Also Is possible to be able to padlock the enemy planes without getting info about his speed, altitude, etc?
  16. Mue any update in the edition capable version of this baby?
  17. mig21 6910 001

    From the album Stratos

  18. APU 60 2

    From the album Stratos

  19. Nice update! And Yes, I think it nees more trees.
  20. With the new Flogger cockpits I have been thinking in getting more "modern" pilots for those planes, and wondering If anyone know the name of this helmet: And If we have this model for SF. Thanks.

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