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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Always tought you are from Italy Veltro.
  2. It's ok, the two terrains will be a great addition If we can get them finished!
  3. Anyone know of a list that details missile hits/kills? I know such lists exist cause I saw it one once, my interest is to know the % of missile hit versus missile kills. Thanks!
  4. I'm waiting for Cent answer to my PM guys, maps is more or less completed, it need some refinements on tiles on the coastal parts, but apart from that is more or less completed.
  5. Amazing pics Stary, is that a new terrain? Ecuador outpost on Cenepa.
  6. img00004

    From the album Stratos

  7. To get the red plane info on lower right corner?
  8. List of missile hits/kills?

    Mostly Brazil, Venezuela and Saudi Arabia. Not NATO countries, so I asume a lot of P variants before getting L's and M's late in the 80's? Pakistan used "P" Sidewinders to kill soviet planes near Afghan border, IIRC.
  9. List of missile hits/kills?

    Found it! I made the same post on BMs forums and here it is: http://www.mediafire.com/download/grlx9uyt34yimge/AAM-stats.zip Enjoy it! BTW, a question for experts, which mark of AIM-9 would have been in use in allied air forces during the late 70's to early 90's? the P??
  10. I have been flying that for years now in SF2, unless you mean another thing.
  11. List of missile hits/kills?

    I think USAF records all the missile launches and hits/kills, and then make studies of each missile mark, at least I have seen such a doc.
  12. No IFF on 99% of SF2 planes. AFAIK only the Eagle and the Tomcat have them on our game, what you can do totally unrealistically is use map mode to see where the friendly and enemy planes are, or do what they did back then, get close fo visual ID.
  13. Wondering what determines (if anything) the type of damage a plane suffers or a weapon deal. For example, light caliber AAA get your plane full of holes, sometimes destroying control surfaces but rarely making your plane explode on a ball of fire, while A-A missiles almost always make your plane explode in huge and bright balls of fire.
  14. A Ogaden campaign will be a frest place to start using Sophocles new F-5A in a campaign!
  15. Love the Eagle tail marking on the blue skin. Very well done!!
  16. Back to base after an uneventful patrol over the Nile delta.
  17. img00002

    From the album Stratos

  18. No MiG-15 soviet campaign on this one, right?
  19. Spinners If you need an idea, what about a silver ANG skin?
  20. Adelaide class with aussie flags?
  21. I got an old tileset (can be the vanilla one in SF2'Europe?) with black tiles, but still get the CTD as soon as I approach the frontline.

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