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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. My campaign just CTD, first mission, a CAS mission flying F-4D LORAN 1978, the game crashed when I was about to shoot a Sparrow to a Su-7.
  2. Also, IIRC didn't you made a silver metal SeaHawk for the USAF some time ago? Or I dreamt about it?
  3. Not tried it yet Cent, I'm still downloading everything, will tell you once I try it.
  4. A Hawker Seahawk. And as Geary it took me a while to figure what plane it is. Very well done Spinners mate!!
  5. FC is right, we can do that with TK permission. I agree too in signing an agreement to mod the files. Should we start?
  6. I'm a COIN player, and the Dragonfly will fit tons of scenarios on several maps, from Vietnam to Cenepa or Central America. Looking forward to the release Cent. Thanks for all the hard work.
  7. Not available yet AFAIK, I'm also looking forward to it, it's a great aircraft, hope Cent can release a beta so we all can fly it.
  8. I agree with PFunk too, the ODS mod is just amazing and at the moment is at the top of SF development. But adding a working A-G radar can enhance the experience a lot, specially for planes like the Hornet or the Strike Eagle, does not have to be more complicated than the current A-A radar, but that and CCRP will improve the game a lot and will let the player play until nowadays planes. Can you imagine flying a argie Super Etendard in bad weather over South Atlantic and searchig for a radar eco for your Exocet without knowing If you will hit a british carrier or not... Or searching for SCUDS in the open desert at night using the radar to hit'em hard with a GBU... The same goes for NVG, are those that really hard to add? Not need to be the lighted circle of real life NVG but a simple filter that let you see outside and that can be activated and deactivated trough player in game input. I agree about A-A refuelling as being useless cause maps are not to scale, but not about some guys saying is too hard and does not match SF. Anyone remember the Falcon 4 refuelling options? there is one that let you do all the approach and once you're close to the boom it takes control of the plane until is fully refuelled. Air to Air refuelling are part of every air campaign in the last 50 years, not having them is a lost to the sim. So many options...
  9. I like this colour even more than the cammo one. Maybe a red nose and striped tail will look even cooler, but anyway great job mate!
  10. The problem I see with your reasoning Zoltan is that TK assures that coding is really time consuming so he's not interested anymore in adding new code. As you I will like to see some new features in the code, the ejector seats, A-G radar, etc. But I'm pretty sure is not going to happen.
  11. The first to create a FC3 level Phantom or even a F-16C for DCS will get covered in gold...
  12. More than a match for Egyptian Spits and Macchis, isn't it?
  13. Cheking now! Thanks for the tip!
  14. Yes guys, I'm still trying it, too ashamed to post the results at the moment.
  15. Enhance the toughness of some aircrafts a bit.
  16. Let's see your cars!

    Not mine car as I don't have any pic, but mine it looks exactly the same. Nissan Qashqai + 2, 135Hp.
  17. Ok in case I will like to make a plane more resistant to gun shells and missiles what I need to do?
  18. A most needed strike fighter addition to the Soviet Union carrier forces.
  19. Love the cammo! The ww2 Luftwaffe never operated 262's on the Northern front?
  20. India to import 36 Rafales for the IAF

    Great choice I think, is a great jet for sure. Congratulations to India for the purchase.

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