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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Don't understand what you mean with "income", but I agree in the team part, I think we have enough serious developers here to form a team of top notch modders and create a text with our intentions and with proper SF job curriculum of each member. Of course it will be needed to sign a "don't leak" agreement too. Mue already expressed his intention to help, but we need more guys, Wrench, FastCargo, Stary, paulopanz or you Gerwin just to name a few I think will be excellent candidates.
  2. Direct mails is the way we have to try I think. BUT we should act as a one, opening a proper post where everyone interested can show his/her interest in the request.
  3. Thanks for the effort, it really looks great!
  4. I will give it a go myself, but I'm not the best dogfighter out there, that's why I make the request here too.
  5. Guys can I request a small series of MiG-21bis vs F-5E please? Guns and IR missiles and both sides If possible. Want to know how those two planes compare against each other.
  6. Now that's a big step forward. Guys, is there any way to record our signatures and send a proper mail to TK?
  7. gerwin thanks for the link and the explanation, question is, even with the source code, do we have anyone capable and with the interest to add some feautres to the sim? If yes we can try ask for the source code with a non disclosure agreement.
  8. Wondering If ayone here ever spend enough time playing the old Microprose Fleet Defender so it can say how it compares to our SF2:NA in terms of realism and gameplay. Evrything I read about this is how realistic is, but of course it was released in 1994 IIRC and things changed quite a bit. So If is there any Fleet Defender jockey please explain a bit your opinion comparing both games. Thanks!
  9. Thanks guys! That was useful, never imagined that such and old title will mimic the avionics so properly, but instead fail in the FM department. I have the Gold pack in the big box, but it not works on my PC so I maybe try to get the Steam version sometime in the future. Again, thanks a lot for your time!
  10. 5 missions at the moment, and the fifth was so close to be the last one... I really need to remember in the Iron Hand missions, never attack a AAA with guns!
  11. In several files I found, for example the Indian Ouragans, or the Indian Hunters, I need parts that readme says can be found on the "Indo-Pak" mod, but cannot find such mod here in CA. It was erased somehow? What about the missing parts for those planes? Or is just I cannot find water in the ocean?
  12. Got evrything working on my install! Thanks guys!!
  13. Maybe we can ask, but seeing how he ask for thousands of dollars to add simple features I fear he will ask for a huge amount of money for such development. What we can try maybe is a Team Daidalos arrangement, as said before, but I doubt he will agree. Also Team Daidalos has coders cause they added features not included before like taxiing to the runway, new code for bombs, etc. Do we have something like this? We will need a vocal to ask that.
  14. There will be airfields on Morroca and Algeria? BTW, You will need to add some ships wrecks in the coast of Mauritania ;)
  15. And they shoot down a C viper as well IIRC. Will check the book. Wondering did the Air force put any resistance?
  16. Interesting, will like to read about the Tomcats over Serbia. Wondering what kind of combat envinroment the old Yugoslavia had, it was filled with modern SAMS and AAA or more like free hunter grounds for the NATO?
  17. Of course, but AFAIK those guys have avves to the code, and we don't. So our only chance (as we already asked for the code and got no answer) is to hack the exe ourselves. If we have someone capble of doing will be great, If not we can try to find someone that can do that kind of work.
  18. I agree, but doubt It will happen. TK doesn't care If we work on the exes If we don't share his content (have the written permission for that, from TK himself). So wecan and should create patches that worth nothing without the legally purchased games but that can add new features If you own the games, this way we can add things without breaking TK will.
  19. Thanks to Hans I found alternatives to the Ouragans and found myself Indian Hunters. Thanks guys I think everything is complete except by the Gnat.
  20. Yes, found those, and also the 1965 campaign, the problem is in some planes like the Hunter and the Ouragans, where the lod files are required.
  21. I really like the Desert Storm skin. Well done mate!
  22. Of course I do. With PC games development stopped, I think is already time to start thinking in use this way.
  23. Can we start hacking the exe now?
  24. Maybe he will see this post? Will ask trough Pm.

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