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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Can we copy TODS from one terrain to another? Thinking in adding cars and trucks from Germany CE to other terrains.
  2. Yeah Kevin, I know that, but how you guys standarize the road addition to the tile? You paint it over the tile, from a template or every terrain you build you create new roads?
  3. I mean for not flat areas, painting the roads...
  4. So you use some kind of road templates that you paste over the terrain tiles?
  5. Gepard, what do you think is the easiest way to add roads to a map?
  6. I really suck at drawing NEW things, I can copy and paste pretty good for my own use, but creating new content is hard for me. Sorry, will keep searching.
  7. My profiles available on "Libyan Air Wars" series show the Jags used in Chad as sporting the yellow bordered roundel.
  8. The cherry on top would be the Armée de l'Air roundel with the yellow border in a good res. Anyone?
  9. Thanks a lot guys! Got the colors right, really apreciatted!
  10. Understood, maybe TK should start dong some FC3 level birds for DCS, lol.
  11. I would love a version with guys in the back, so we can splash them, either with a 30mm cannon or a GBU from high alt.

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