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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. I like this markings more than the ones in the Meteor! Well done mate!
  2. I think it will take more than a year to complete this, I vote for mid to late 2016, and I hope it come with a BIIIIIG manual that we can print somewhere and put on our shelves like the old good times.
  3. img00070

    From the album Stratos

  4. Looks really cool mate! Congratulations!!
  5. IIRC there was a post with a Phantom with the RIO cockpit covered with paint so it became a single seater, cannot find it the post again, but I'm thinking in something similar for a two seater and need to know how it can be done. If it can be done at all. Thanks.
  6. img00071

    From the album Stratos

  7. img00069

    From the album Stratos

  8. I'm pretty sure it was a repainted one. Shame that does not work anymore.
  9. I missed this one somehow, and is a cool one. Wondering If the IAF was able to use their Fishbed for nuclear bomb deployment.
  10. It was a great mid, played with it back to the old times.
  11. Is a great what if, I always imagined a Hawker Sea Hawk in Korean war colours, but the Hunter looks rpetty cool too.
  12. Mue's tool can be used to know where to "attach" decals? Sorry if is a stupid question but never deal properly with decals and is already time.
  13. It seems no one here knows how to hack exes. I think this has already happened several times.
  14. Vietnam '65-Matrix Games style

    Looks like it will be a nice casual game, will keep an eye on it.
  15. Then and now, or how I met an 'old friend' today!

    Good to see you enjoyed the visit. Try to met Derk, he's a real interesting guy!

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