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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. New Galicia Terrain - WIP

    Excellent news! Thanks for creating this mods!
  2. I will get the C-101 as is the trainer for my countries Air Force and because it maybe can lead to a flyable DCS level Mirage F.1. That would make me really happy. But I agree with you guys that we need a serious fast multi-role being the Viper of the Hornet, the problem is that ED AFAIK does not have the A-G radar avionics that those planes need. And I will love to see a F-16 in DCS even at FC level, but I think ain't gonna happen. Regarding maps, no one is daring to create a Afghanistan map? Not very big cities, not a lot of roads or railways to do, and If done properly you can represent the Soviet invasion of the 80's and the Enduring Freedom op. Well, will keep dreaming.
  3. And I have been using to bomb Caucasian terrorists during all this time. You can release If you want, is a great skin and I think it deserves to be shared.
  4. Tejas on delievery

    I think it will be a great addition to "medium" funded air forces. Would love one for DCS, that's for sure!
  5. Released the UN Su-25A? It's a great one!
  6. IIRC you need to edit the files manually or use TK campaign editor. But I'm not an expert and maybe other will be able to help more. I wish you good luck, I also like the small escort carriers.
  7. Looks pretty cool, the modder is even adding palm trees and new Vietnam textures to Georgia. http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=136984&page=2 Now, we need to add a USAF Rhino skin for the Su-27 so we can start moving mud in the north and being rescued by human piloted Hueys and Sandys.
  8. Now this one look outstanding, one of your bests! but how hard would have been to land a Vodoo on a carrier?
  9. Long ago someone discovered the real life location TK used to create PAran/Dhimar original terrain for SF. IIRC it was somewhere around Asia but turned certain number of degrees. Anyone remember the original place, the degrees used to turn it and the scale TK used to reduce it?? Thanks.
  10. AAAH Got it! Tought it was somewhere near the Red Sea. Thanks a lot!!
  11. Christmas holidays always slow down any development, soon more news.
  12. You're in Javelin mood isn't it? Anyway the Gloster masterpiece look pretty cool in Swedish clothes.
  13. Oh yes!! Now you should add something for the Argies too, maybe a Mirage F.1?
  14. Some very good news

    Good news indeed! Merry Christmas mate!
  15. Thanks mate! So many things are needed for this theatre! Fortunately we can scratch one now.
  16. So one more question similar to the first one. I want to use SA-7 on the terrain I'm working on, but will this cause anomalies? Better I stick with the AAA and SAMS posted by the game?

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