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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Love the Avenger! And If you treat it gently is a joy to fly!! HARM, Dorito style! Aproaching carrier On the deck.
  2. img00039

    From the album Stratos

  3. img00038

    From the album Stratos

  4. img00037

    From the album Stratos

  5. Just like the WW2 40mm armed Hurricanes! Well done mate!
  6. I'm asking about which maps do we have that can use the Jungle tileset as seen in TK Vietnam, Only Vietnam and Cuba?
  7. Thanks Blaze. For the rest of offended members, don't worry, will not post any more questions.
  8. The only way I know of discovering if a terrain is Jungle compatible is to download the terrain, open it and check if the tiles are called Vietnam_something. That will waste a lot of CombatAce bandwith, shouldn't be easier If someone knows the apropiatte jungle compatible terrains to list them here??
  9. Mini DCS Su-33 Flanker Review by Eric J

    Thanks!! I'm also waiting the Hornet impatiently. After all it will be the closer plane to our F/A-18A MLU.
  10. Love those Brazilian Tigers!! Man I would really like a Generic jungle map, full of trees, with wide muddy rivers, and small dirt strips for narco operations in the jungle!! We can use it for anywhere jungleable, South America (Perú, Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Venezuela), the dark Africa... Mandatory pic: Clansmen in the ODS, always enjoyed this cool scheme, the A-7 looks like business!!
  11. img00040

    From the album Stratos

  12. Dennis, will you share this ones please?? Look fantastic! Mandatory pic:
  13. img00001

    From the album Stratos

  14. Mini DCS Su-33 Flanker Review by Eric J

    Is that doable in DCS? I think we cannot use any kind og PGM in DCS no matter what.
  15. From basic to advanced? I mean start with something basic and then keep advancing to something more complex. Examples are usually a good thing to have in order to understand things.
  16. F-8 pilot has a bad day

    Amazing, really amazing read!! Thanks for sharing this aviation histories MigBuster!!
  17. A Long Day Comic Strip

    Great comic, hope to see a new one with updated mods one day.
  18. Advanced airplanes require advanced support, better to have Su-25, 27 and 33 flying than stealth style planes in the ground.
  19. Thanks, just finished it again, it seems I use a really similar way of doing things, except I like bigger (longer range) rockets that let me avoid the M2 gun. With bombs we work more or less the same, but of course we cannot expect any wonderful result doing CAS with the Su's... Thanks for posting!
  20. You're right guys looks pretty cool.
  21. Is a request? I like it (the plane I mean) but what is the value of it for SF?
  22. So carrier capable eh? Maybe available for Suez crisis en 1956??
  23. Is the same scheme used during Desert Storm? Or at least is how I remember those back then.

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