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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. My new SA-8, (SA2F variant) or how to have a SA-2F deployable trough mission editor. :D
  2. img00004

    From the album Stratos

  3. img00003

    From the album Stratos

  4. img00002

    From the album Stratos

  5. img00001

    From the album Stratos

  6. American Sniper

    Have and read his book, the book is good for understanding sniper ops in modern wars. I don't liked his comments about other countries, but no ones perfect.
  7. What a beast!! Mate, very nicely done!!
  8. Best Naval Combat \ Submarine Sims

    The best naval simulator ever, no doubt. http://www.matrixgames.com/products/483/details/Command:.Modern.Air.Naval.Operations
  9. I also love the game, but everything can be improved, right? I just flown a mission in ODS, using Mavericks, it was fun, but would have been more fun If I had to search for the damn AAA, a lot more fun and exciting. Why Tk dumbed the game that much?
  10. Well, both the Texan II and the Super Tucano are capable of carrying PGM. No heavy lifting that's true, and as there are no friendly troops on the ground it does not need to loiter for long. Go in, bomb, go out.
  11. Hi Soul, is this a entire new 3d model?
  12. My friend is currently working on a personal not paid project for me where he had to decompile a program, learn how it worked an then rebuild it for me adding different habilities, so I'm sure he can do what we need. Of course he's not interested in SF, so he will not do it unless someone pay for it.
  13. Sorry for not being able to pay more than what I did guys, but I'm not even sure If I will keep my job next month. So my little contribution is yours.
  14. I have such a man, he's a freelance professional with experience in programming games. But of course one doesn't spend months working on such a project without being paid. BTW Il2 code was leaked IIRC or am I wrong?
  15. Shouldn't we try? We lose nothing but a couple minutes replying a post saying, I want that code!
  16. Original post by Wags here: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=2172667#post2172667 Looks nice, but I fail to see why we need another what if conflict area to play. And the only "enemy" air force present in the map is vastly underepresented in terms of planes, both flyable and AI. DCS: STRAIT OF HORMUZ MAP COMING IN WINTER 2014 DUXFORD, UK, September 11th, 2014 – DCS: Strait of Hormuz map coming in winter 2014. The Fighter Collection and Eagle Dynamics are pleased to announce that DCS: Strait of Hormuz map will be coming to DCS World in the winter of 2014. This will be the first, new combat theatre maps for DCS World 2! The DCS: Strait of Hormuz map is the strategic choke point between the oil-rich Persian Gulf and the rest of the world. Flanked by Iran to the North and western-supported UAE and Oman to the south, this has been one of the world’s most potentially dangerous flash points for decades. The region also includes the vast Arabian Sea that is well-suited to combat aircraft carrier operations. Be it from land bases in Iran, UAE and Oman, or from the deck of an aircraft carrier, the DCS: Strait of Hormuz map will offer a wide array combat mission scenarios to prove your metal. Key Features of the DCS: Strait of Hormuz Map: • 390 x 390 km highly detailed map area that centers on the Strait of Hormuz. • As part of DCS World 2, it will support highly detailed terrain, textures, and buildings. • Numerous, accurately rendered airbases in Iran, the UAE and Oman. • Detailed cities such as Dubai and Bandar Abbas with unique buildings. • “Strong Hold” islands such as Abu Musa and Greater Tunb. • Iran, the UAE and Oman will be added to the list of DCS World nations. DCS: Strait of Hormuz map will be released as a separate module that will be available for sale from the DCS e-shop in the winter of 2014. Please note that all included images are work in progress images from our land viewer tool and not within DCS World 2.
  17. Ravenclaw, can we get this guy in soviet Style gear please?
  18. Sorry, first versions of the F carried 2 guns with 30 rounds each. Then one gun was removed but the 60 rounds were kept.
  19. I think he will need something more MiGish If you know what I mean, but I'm just speculating.

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