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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Maybe money? a turboprop is far cheaper to operate and mantain.
  2. Have been reading about Eldorado Canyon operation, and tought that can be fun to fly on it. But do ee have it?
  3. I edited tons of inis, but planes only until now, so don't worry I will succed. Thanks for posting!
  4. Solved the problem with the water, now is time to search for Tomcat low-vis 1986 skins.
  5. Maybe an idea to avoid getting planes exploding is to diminish the damage of the weapons so when you hit a enemy plane is damaged and try to get back to base, but not enough damage to explode in mid air or crash into the ground. Just an idea.
  6. I installed the terrain, and the fixes, but I'm getting this strange line over the sea. Any idea? Once I solve that will search for aproppiate Tomcat skins for the era and will fly against all those Lybians Migs and Mirages.
  7. img00029

    From the album Stratos

  8. Looking forward to this one!!
  9. Sound like a good start. Mind to share those inis?
  10. I'm currently reading Viper Pilot by Dan Hampton and in the first Gulf War mission they are on a SEAD strike on Mosul Air defenses. The thing that calls my attention is that the 4 plane flight is two pairs of mixed composition, 1 F-4G and 1 F-16. I know the Hampton squadron was a mixed one back then, but why mixing both planes on a flight? Is the F-4G more capable as a SEAD aircraft? Thanks.
  11. Mixed formation F-4G and F-16?

    I tried the HTS pod in F4 BMS, no one knows the degree of realism that sim has but it gives the pilot a clear picture of what is around.
  12. Exercise REVITA 2014

    Great pics! Thanks for sharing.
  13. Mixed formation F-4G and F-16?

    Well in fact the author was training as Viper Wild Weasel pilot already in 1989 in a mixed squadron together with F-4G at SP. On the mission both kind of planes are using HARM against SA-2 and SA-3, and any mobile SAM they encounter. Is nice how he uses one HARM as a quick reaction weapon in order to make the SAM operators turn off the radar. I'm still reading it. Great book!! BTW I also think the F4G should be a better SEAD platform, at least as a leader/hunter role, the dedicated guy on the backseat and the specific equipment carried should make the G Phantom a SEAD AC to be feared. Wish Osprey launch a book about those guys.
  14. Salvadorean Magisters? Will like to see more of them.
  15. Pretty cool. I'm curious, is stealth implemented in game? Will I be able to sneak over SAM country with this beauty and remain undetected.
  16. F-15Cs on BAP

    Cool pic!!
  17. Just had a flight on Vietnam install and have same problem. LAst patch, all the others installs are Ok. Pretty strange!
  18. My New Lithograph

    Yeah! Looks cool! Can you imagine a B52 for DCS?

    Are we there yet?

    Which was your scariest moment??

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